Node Selection Resizing Demo
This demo shows how to implement resizing handles for a selection of nodes. When multiple
nodes are selected, dragging the reshape handles will resize the selection as a whole.
This demo supports two modes:
Resize Nodes: Scales the selected items uniformly by scaling both the locations
and the node sizes.
- Scale Locations: Scales the item locations while preserving node sizes.
Things to Try
- Select a single item to get the default move and resize behavior.
- Select multiple nodes and drag the handles to resize the selection.
Hold down the Shift key while resizing to preserve the aspect ratio. Hold
down the Ctrl key to resize around the center. You can do both at the same
- Switch between the two resize modes in the toolbar to see their effect.
Turn on orthogonal edge editing in the toolbar to see how it affects bend
Turn on snapping in the toolbar to let the selected nodes snap to other items
in the graph.
Make the selection rectangle very small or very large to see how resizing respects
size constraints.
This feature is implemented as custom IInputMode that can be added to a