Single Selection Demo
This demo shows how to configure GraphEditorInputMode for single selection
mode. In this mode, only one graph item can be selected at a time.
Things to Try
- Toggle single selection mode and examine the differences.
Select a single node and toggle its selection state by pressing Ctrl +
Space. This works in both single selection and regular mode due to a custom
command binding.
Move the node focus (indicated by a thin dashed line) by holding down
Ctrl and pressing an arrow key. Toggle the selection state of the focused
item by pressing Ctrl + Space.
- Take a look at the source code, especially method enableSingleSelection.
Features of Single Selection Mode
Marquee selection is disabled. Try to drag the mouse over a set of nodes to select them.
Click-selecting multiple nodes is disabled. Try to extend the selection by holding the
Ctrl key while clicking another node.
Select All is disabled. Try to select all nodes by pressing Ctrl +