Sequence Constraints Demo
Shows how to use sequence constraints to restrict the node sequencing in
The sequence is determined by the model data.
A weight property determines the position of the node. Higher weights will force
a placement more on the right. The weight is indicated by the number on the node and its
background color. A darker color indicates a low weight, a brighter color a high weight.
Red and green indicate that the node will be forced at the first or last position,
The weight can be changed using the buttons on each node.
A weighted property, controlled by the Constraints button, determines
whether the node should be constrained at all.
Things to Try
- Change the weight of the nodes using the buttons on the each node.
- Disable the sequence constraints for a node by unchecking the constraints button.
- Run a layout to see how the sequence constraints affect the layout.
- Create a new random graph with the New Graph button.
Clicking on
in the toolbar will
remove all constraints from the nodes, while clicking on
activates the constraints for each node.