Split Edges Demo
This demo shows how to use split ids to align edges outside with edges inside a group
nodes in RecursiveGroupLayout. In RecursiveGroupLayout the
routing for inter-edges is sometimes not satisfactory. Inter-edges are edges that connect
nodes outside of a group with nodes inside of this group. Since RecursiveGroupLayout
routes these edges after the rest of the graph is arranged, they sometimes don't fit into
the overall layout style.
In combination with HierarchicalLayout, inter-edges can be replaced with
two edges that are aligned at the group node. HierarchicalLayout provides
the option that an edge is routed directly from the border of a group nodes to a node
inside of this group node instead of leaving the group node first.
Things to Try
Change the graph and the split ids of the edges and see how the layout changes, too. Edges
with split ids are colored different than black.
Align edges that connect to the same group nodes from the outside and the inside. Select
two or more edges that are connected a group and choose 'Align Selected Edges' from the
context menu.
Unalign edges to delete the split ids. Select at least one edge with a split id and
choose 'Unalign Selected Edges' from the context menu.
Select an inter-edge and split it into several edges that connect to the formerly
crossed group using the context menu.
Select an aligned edge and join it with all edges that have the same split id using the
context menu.
- Split all inter-edges of a group node with the context menu of the group node.
Join edges at a group node that share a split id with the context menu of a group node.
- Normal nodes and edges do not provide a context menu.