Company Ownership Chart Demo
This demo implements an interactive viewer for exploring company ownership hierarchies.
The diagram illustrates both the ownership (shareholders, investors, etc) and the
management relationships among business entities.
Nodes can be shown in two different ways: Either as different shapes and colors per type,
or as a table-like overview of the relevant properties.
The edges demonstrate either hierarchy/ownership (dark-gray edges) or a simple
relationship (orange edges).
Things to Try
Click on the port to hide and show the descendants of a node.
Hide Children by clicking on
Show Children by clicking on
. A node is considered to be visible
if at least one of its parents defined by a hierarchy edge (i.e., the dark-gray-colored
edges) is visible.
Switch style between
Click on a company or a relationship in the chart and show the
corresponding data in the Properties View.
Left-click on an edge or an edge label zooms to the source/target
location that is not in the viewport.
Hover over a company node to highlight its adjacent relationships.
Hover over a relationship to highlight its associated label.