Home Automation Demo
This demo simulates a tool for visually programming a home automation network. The nodes
represent various stages of data flow within the system. The graph features basic
validation: output ports can only be connected to input ports, no edges can be duplicated,
and nodes with required properties display an error indicator if some of those properties
are missing.
Things to Try
Pan the graph horizontally by pressing the Shift key and scrolling the mouse
wheel, or vertically by pressing the Ctrl key and scrolling the mouse
You can also pan the graph by clicking and holding the middle mouse button and
moving the mouse.
- Add nodes by dragging and dropping them from the node palette on the right.
Connect nodes. Note that the output port (right) of one node can only connect to the
input port (left) of another node.
- Reconnect existing edges to other nodes.
- Select a node to highlight all of its connected edges.
- Move connected nodes around to see how edges dynamically change their shape.
- Apply automatic Layout to arrange the graph hierarchically.
- Select a node to view and edit its properties in the right panel.
Enter a long label in the node properties to observe how the node size changes.
Note that some node properties are required. If not set, the corresponding node will
display an error indicator. Hover over a node to see a popup with more details about the
missing properties.
- Save/load the current graph using JSON.