Zoom-invariant Label Style
This demo shows label styles that render the labels independent of the zoom level.
Zoom Modes
- Fit into label owner
Node labels are scaled to fit into their owner if they are bigger than their owner.
- Fixed below zoom threshold
Labels stop getting smaller in view coordinates if the zoom level is less than the zoom
- Fixed above zoom threshold
Labels stop getting larger in view coordinates if the zoom level is greater than the
zoom threshold.
- Zoom-invariant (Fixed when outside specified range)
Labels don't scale when the zoom level is below the zoom threshold or above the maximum
scale threshold.
- Default behaviour
This is the standard behaviour of a label. See how it compares to this custom label
style implementation.
Things to Try
Zoom in and out with the different policies to see how the labels change or keep their
Change the
Zoom Threshold
and see how it affects the
Fixed below zoom threshold
Select labels and see how their hit-testing and selection changes with the zoom
dependent rendering.