Selection Styling Demo
The Selection Styling demo shows customized selection painting of nodes, edges and labels
by decorating these items with a corresponding style.
Customizing the painting of the focus indicator and the highlighting is possible as well
but not shown in this demo.
Things to Try
Switch between the default visualization and the Custom Selection Decoration of
nodes, edges and labels with the toolbar buttons.
- Test the different Zoom Modes for the custom selection rendering.
Zoom Mode
Specifies how the zoom level affects the custom selecting painting.
- Zoom with graph
The visual is rendered in the world coordinate space and scales with the zoom level like
a regular graph item visualization, for example a node style.
- Always the same size
The visual is rendered in the view coordinate space and doesn't scale with the zoom
level, similar to the default node resize handles, for example.
- Mixed
Uses world coordinates for zoom level ≥ 1 and view coordinates for zoom level < 1.
- No downscaling
Uses world coordinates for zoom level ≥ 1 and view coordinates for zoom level < 1,
but in the latter case, the visual does not scale down below its initial size.