Edge To Edge Demo
This demo shows edge-to-edge connections. The input mode of this demo is configured to
allow edges to connect not only to nodes but also to edges.
This application also demonstrates how to provide port candidates at edges to allow
interactive creation of edge-to-edge connections. Please take a look at the code behind to
observe some of the customization possibilities.
Things to Try
Create a connection between a node and an edge by pressing the left mouse button on an
unselected node and dragging the edge onto another edge.
Create a connection between two edges by dragging the mouse from an edge onto another
Hold down the Ctrl modifier when moving the endpoints of an edge across
another edge to create dynamic port candidates that best match the mouse location.
Start dragging the mouse from various positions on an edge to observe that the best
available port location is chosen for the source port.
Re-connect an existing edge by selecting it and dragging the source or target onto
another node or edge.
Try to re-connect an edge's source or target to itself or another edge that connects to
the edge that is being re-connected. There will be no port candidates since connecting
an edge to itself or creating a mutual dependency is forbidden in this demo.
Please note that the bend creation gesture has been customized in this demo. Press the
Shift key and drag the mouse on an unselected edge to create a bend.