Diagramming against COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic presents our World Community with challenges that prove harder to solve every day.
For us, this means taking responsibility in the field of our expertise: Graph visualizations and diagramming.
We want to support the fight against the coronavirus pandemic as much as we can.
Therefore, we offer our software and our consulting services for free.
You are working on a software project which is helping to fight Coronavirus or you are in Home Office and want to boost collaborative work?
Read more about what yFiles and Graphity for Confluence can do for you, here:

Diagramming SDK for free
Graph analysis and data visualizations can help answer some of these challenges, such as: visualizing the structure
of a virus, organize supplies and workflows or mapping out the current spread of infections, and estimating the
future spread. There are many such projects which aim to help with this current coronavirus crisis.
yWorks is the diagramming expert, and we want to help you to fight #COVID-19. Therefore, we have decided to make our diagramming library yFiles free for every project that is helping to fight the coronavirus! If your company,
institution, or research project is contributing to this important field, contact us at fightcorona@yworks.com
and we will provide you with a free license. Whether you are doing coronavirus research in an institute, visualizing
the spread of coronavirus or coordinating help for aiding people in need, tell us, what you want to accomplish and
we will help you to get the best solution for your project!
We will do everything in our power to provide licenses, support, and expertise to every endeavor that needs it!
Together, we can manage to ease the impact of this coronavirus.
Diagramming editor for free
The situation around the COVID-19 virus forces new ways onto our societies. We have to practice social distancing
and reduce contact with other humans to slow down the infection rates. We ourselves switched to home office a couple
of weeks ago and want to encourage other companies to do so as well.
Therefore, we offer Graphity for Confluence, our Diagram Editor, for free for companies, which switch to remote working.
We believe that visualizing ideas and thoughts collaboratively improves the quality of work and creative process.
If you want to use Graphity for Confluence for free for your now remote working company, contact us at fightcorona@yworks.com.