yFiles for JavaFX Changelog

yFiles for JavaFX 3.6

yFiles for JavaFX 3.6

This release brings exciting new major features, and many other minor new features, improvements, and bugfixes to all parts of the library. As always, there are new and improved demos demonstrating these features and improvements.

If you are updating from an older version of yFiles for JavaFX, have a look at the list of incompatible changes.

Major new features

New styles for graph items

The RectangleNodeStyle class is a new node style that uses a rectangular shape whose corners are either rounded or cut diagonally. Its properties specify which corners get rounded, the corner radius, its fill, and its border stroke.

The new GroupNodeStyle class is a node style primarily designed for collapsed and expanded group nodes. It draws a (rounded) rectangle with an optional tab or ribbon, and offers extensive configuration options for an optional icon, its various fills, and paddings. The new GroupNodeLabelModel is tailored to place labels in the tab or tab background of a GroupNodeStyle.

The new ArrowNodeStyle class draws a node as an arrow shape. The arrow can point in one of the four compass directions, and the arrow head slope, the shaft thickness, the fill, and the border stroke can be configured.

Similarly, the new ArrowEdgeStyle class draws an edge as an arrow shape. This style always points from the source port to the target port, ignoring bends, and can be configured in the same way as the node style.

The DefaultLabelStyle class now supports different common background shapes.

The ShapeNodeStyle class now supports three additional shapes: HEXAGON2 (a six-sided polygon with tips at top and bottom), STAR5_UP (a five-pointed star with one tip pointing upwards), and PILL (a stadium shape with the shorter sides rounded).

Its new property KeepingIntrinsicAspectRatioEnabled defines whether to keep the intrinsic aspect ratio of the shape.

The new BridgeEdgeStyle class renders an edge as a 3-segment bridge with a given height between the edge's source and target port locations. This is especially useful to distinguish parallel multi-edges between the same pair of nodes.

Wrap text to shape

The text wrapping feature of DefaultLabelStyle now wraps the text inside a given shape instead of just the rectangular label bounds. The TextWrappingShape enum provides the predefined shapes, and includes for example pill, ellipse, and hexagon. The new DefaultLabelStyle.TextWrappingPadding property defines the padding between the chosen shape and the text.

If the predefined shapes don't fit your needs, you can override the DefaultLabelStyleRenderer.getTextWrappingOutline method to return any custom convex path as GeneralPath instead.

Compact disk layout

The new CompactDiskLayout class arranges a graph on a disk, packing the nodes as dense as possible. This layout is mostly suitable for graphs with small components whose loosely connected nodes should be grouped and packed in a small area.

The associated new class CompactDiskLayoutData allows to specify custom data considered during the layout calculation.

Cactus group layout

The new CactusGroupLayout class offers an alternative representation of hierarchically nested data. It places the children of a group along the groups circular border, resembling the structure of a cactus.

The associated new class CactusGroupLayoutData allows to specify custom data considered during the layout calculation.

New Features


  • The new class PortLocationModelParameterSerializer provides static helper methods which can convert the built-in IPortLocationModelParameter implementations into key-value pairs. It also supports creating IPortLocationModelParameter instances from these key-value pairs.
  • Added the new property AspectRatio to the GeneralPathNodeStyle which defines the aspect ratio of the path.
  • The new property CanvasControl#MouseWheelZoomEventRecognizer can be used to set the modifier for distinguishing between mouse wheel scrolling and zooming.
  • The new class LabelModelParameterSerializer provides static helper methods which can convert the built-in ILabelModelParameter implementations into key-value pairs. It also supports creating ILabelModelParameter instances from these key-value pairs.
  • The methods getNodesRevealedAfterExpand, getEdgesChangedAfterExpand, and getEdgesChangedAfterCollapse have been added to FoldingManager. They can be used to retrieve information about folding states that would be used when a specified group node would be expanded or collapsed.


  • Handles can now react to mouse clicks and touch tap events. The handleClick method has been added to the IHandle interface and is called when HandleInputMode#ClickedRecognizer or HandleInputMode#ClickedRecognizerTouch was triggered on a targeted handle. To customize the general handle click handling, the Clicked event can be listened to or the method HandleInputMode#handleClick can be overridden.

Hierarchic Layout

  • The HierarchicLayout class now supports so-called tabular group nodes. The children of such groups are arranged in a compact tabular fashion (i.e., like a single column table for layout orientation left-to-right). Property HierarchicLayoutData#TabularGroups allows to mark groups as "tabular" and property HierarchicLayoutData#TabularGroupChildComparators to specify a custom order for the children.

Organic Layout

  • The OrganicLayout class now offers the possibility to define a group substructure scope, see property GroupSubstructureScope. Group substructures that lie in the specified scope are treated as substructures in the layout process, i.e., the child nodes are arranged on a disk that is contained in the group node.
  • In addition, the new property ClusterAsGroupStructureAllowed allows to specify whether or not detected clusters (see property ClusteringPolicy) are taken into account as group substructures.
  • The OrganicLayout class now offers two new ChainSubstructureStyles called DISK and DISK_NESTED that lead to a compact disk-like layout for chains.
  • The OrganicLayout class now offers the possibility to define tree substructures (stars, chains, cycles and parallel structures are already supported). The OrganicLayout#TreeSubstructureStyle property specifies the style of tree substructures and the OrganicLayout#TreeSubstructureSize property specifies their minimum size (structures of smaller size are not handled as a tree substructure).

Balloon Layout

  • The BalloonLayout class now supports node types. The types influence the ordering of child nodes and the subtrees rooted at them such that nodes of the same type are preferably placed next to each other. Node types are weaker than a user-specified custom order defined via a comparison function. Types can be defined via the BalloonLayoutData#NodeTypes property.

Radial Layout

  • The RadialLayout now supports a new layering strategy that produces a circular dendrogram drawing.
  • The RadialLayout now supports two new edge routing styles, namely a radial polyline style and a curved style. The radial polyline style produces edge paths which consist of a series of straight and arc segments. The curved polyline style routes the edges as curved bezier paths. In the latter case, the edge paths can be also returned as control points that represent cubic bezier control points.
  • The RadialLayout now supports integrated node labeling i.e., the node labels are taken into consideration when determining the positions for the nodes of the graph and guarantees that labels will not overlap with other objects in the graph.

Circular Layout

  • The CircularLayout now supports integrated node labeling i.e., the node labels are taken into consideration when determining the positions for the nodes of the graph and guarantees that labels will not overlap with other objects in the graph.
  • The CircularLayout class now supports curved edge routing within and between circles.


  • Added the new RankAssignment analysis algorithm class that solves the rank assignment problem on an acyclic graph using the simplex method.
  • The new analysis class Intersections finds intersections and overlaps between graph items, featuring flexible configuration options to find only specific intersections. The respective com.yworks.yfiles.layout.Intersections class provides the functionality also for the LayoutGraph API, but offers less convenience.



  • The documentation about configuring the item visualization has been improved. All styles and their configuration options are now described in a Developer's Guide chapter.


  • GraphClipboard now respects the PasteDelta value when pasting items without owner (e.g. edges without selected source or target node).
  • ModelManager and its derived classes HighlightIndicatorManager, SelectionIndicatorManager, and FocusIndicatorManager now have install and uninstall methods for properly allocating and freeing resources when setting or removing a manager to a CanvasControl.
  • GraphModelManager: the properties NodeManager, EdgeManager, PortManager, EdgeLabelManager, NodeLabelManager, PortLabelManager, and ProvideUserObjectOnMainCanvasObject have been made public.


  • Pinch-zooming with two fingers now works a lot more reliably when the frame rate is low due to complex and large graphs.
  • Touch move events are now guaranteed to be raised up to the location where a touch up event happens.
  • The MoveViewportInputMode#uninstall method is now virtual and can be overridden in derived classes.
  • Input modes now listen for the Touch2DLostCapture event of the associated control, so that this event can be correctly detected in the 'recognizer' properties of an input mode.
  • The behavior of the inertia during touch inputs has been improved.
  • A SizeConstraintProvider property was added to NodeReshapeHandleProvider and NodeReshapeHandlerHandle that is queried during node resize gestures if no explicit MinimumSize, MaximumSize or MinimumEnclosedArea is set.
  • The input modes don't perform hit tests upon auto-repeated key down events for modifier keys anymore.
  • The new MoveViewportInputMode#SinglePointerMovementAllowed property can be used to disable moving the viewport with a single touch pointer. Disabling this property is especially useful for apps that allow editing since then, other gestures like moving items or creating edges can be configured to start without a long press.
  • Cursor property changes of active input modes are now immediately reflected in the application's mouse cursor. Previously, the application mouse cursor might have been updated only after the next mouse event.
  • The new MoveInputMode#ValidBeginCursor property offers the possibility to use different cursors for signaling a valid position for beginning a move operation and actually moving items.
  • The ResizeStripeInputMode class now offers the possibility to customize the cursors for signaling a valid position for beginning a resize operation as well as actually resizing columns or rows.
  • The ResizeStripeInputMode class now offers properties to set an invalid end cursor for column and row resize. The invalid end cursor is shown during resize operations if the column or row in question cannot be resized to the current mouse position.
  • The properties ValidBeginRecognizer and ValidBeginCursor have been added to LassoSelectionInputMode, MarqueeSelectionInputMode, and MoveViewportInputMode. The ValidBeginRecognizer can be used to indicate whether the selection respectively move viewport gesture may begin in which case the ValidBeginCursor is used.
  • The property MouseHoverInputMode#ValidHoverLocationCursor has been added that is used when the ValidHoverLocationHitTestable returns true for a location.
  • The property ContextMenuInputMode#ValidMenuLocationCursor has been added that is used when the ValidMenuLocationHitTestable returns true for a location.
  • IReparentNodeHandler#isValidParent is now also called with null as new parent during the drag gesture if no real parent node has been tested for the location.
  • Keyboard navigation with NavigationInputMode now always considers the current item to navigate from, regardless of the value of the NavigableItems property.
  • The GraphClipboard now raises the events ElementsCutting, ElementsCopying, ElementsPasting, and ElementsDuplicating at the very beginning of the cut, copy, paste, and duplicate methods.
  • GraphEditorInputMode now raises the GroupingSelection and GroupedSelection events at the start and end of the groupSelection method. Similarly, the UngroupingSelection and UngroupedSelection events are raised at the start and end of ungroupSelection method.
  • The new CreateEdgeInputMode#SourceNodeDraggingCursor property offers the possibility to customize the cursor that is shown while the mouse is still over the source node after starting the edge creation.
  • Changes to ItemHoverInputMode's HoverCursor property now take effect immediately if the mouse pointer is currently hovering over an item.
  • The TextEditorInputMode now releases the mutex before dispatching the TextEdited event.


  • The Pen#DashStyle property is now marked as @Nonnull, since several internal usages assumed that to be the case anyway. In addition, the documentation of the DashStyle#Dashes property now clarifies that both an empty collection and null result in a solid Pen.
  • Added a new property KeepingAspectRatioEnabled to ImageNodeStyle and MemoryImageNodeStyle to support keeping the image's aspect ratio during resizes.
  • Nodes rendered with the ShapeNodeStyle now respect their actual outline shape when selected with the LassoSelectionInputMode.


  • GraphBuilder now offers simplified access to a node/edge that has been created with a given ID or data item or accessing the data a node/edge has been created for via the new methods getNodeById, getNodeForItem, getDataItem(INode), getEdgeById, getEdgeForItem, and getDataItem(IEdge).
  • TreeBuilder and AdjacencyGraphBuilder now offer simplified access to a node that has been created with a given ID or data item or accessing the data a node/edge has been created for via the new methods getNodeById, getNodeForItem, getDataItem(INode), and getDataItem(IEdge).

Hierarchic Layout

  • The HierarchicLayout class now allows to combine the SimplexNodePlacer#StraightenEdges and SimplexNodePlacer#BarycenterMode properties. Previously, edge straightening was not supported in barycenter mode.
  • The HierarchicLayout class generates more compact results for some cases with edges between nodes of the same layer and integrated edge labeling where previously unnecessarily large distances to the label and edge were kept.
  • The HierarchicLayout class now places nodes without any edges as far left as possible without violating any constraints. That way they do not disturb the layout for the connected part of the graph.
  • For input graphs with a PartitionGrid structure, the HierarchicLayout class now correctly considers the layering produced by the FromScratchLayerer if it is already compatible with the specified grid structure. Previously, for such cases, the algorithm may have calculated an entirely different layer assignment.
  • The HierarchicLayout class now considers the flow direction to place the ports of port groups when combined with direct group content edges.
  • The HierarchicLayout class comes with an improved support for subcomponent layouts (see HierarchicLayoutData#Subcomponents). Defining subcomponents now works by assigning instances of the new SubcomponentDescriptor class to nodes so that nodes mapped to the same descriptor instance form a component. Components that have inter-edges only to a single non-component node are now integrated directly at that node when using the new placement policies SubcomponentPlacementPolicy#AlwaysIntegrated or SubcomponentPlacementPolicy#Automatic (and if the orientation of the sub-layout permits it). The overall results for such cases feature better edge routing quality and more compact drawings.
  • The HierarchicLayout class now also considers layering constraints between elements of different grouping hierarchies if the recursive group layering is enabled (property HierarchicLayout#RecursiveGroupLayering). Previously, such constraints were ignored in that case.
  • The HierarchicLayout class now uses a more compact layer placement for graphs with edge labels between layers.
  • The HierarchicLayout class now requires fewer bends for some inputs with grouped edges and port constraints or port candidates.

Organic Layout

  • The OrganicLayout class now produces stable results for inputs with node labels and in deterministic mode, where it previously could generate a slightly different arrangement when applied twice with the same parameters.
  • The OrganicLayout class now allows to specify custom node clusters by setting the ClusteringPolicy property to ClusteringPolicy#USER_DEFINED. The custom cluster IDs have to be specified by means of the OrganicLayoutData#ClusterIds property.

Circular Layout

  • The CircularLayout class now supports node types (see CircularLayoutData#NodeTypes) also for the layout of the cycle partitions. Previously, the types had an influence only on the layout of a partition itself. If all nodes of a partition are of the same type, then the partition gets that type as well, so that partitions of same type are preferably placed next to each other.
  • The CircularLayout class has received a faster algorithm for calculating edge bundles.

Tree Layout

  • Root Alignment in GenericTreeLayout can also factor in the port position to straighten out an edge.
  • The TreeLayout class now also supports integrated edge labeling for configurations that use a LayeredNodePlacer.

Edge Router

  • The EdgeRouter class now produces better results for some setups with monotonic path restrictions and edges with vertically/horizontally overlapping endpoints.
  • The EdgeRouter class now tries to avoid routes that cross fixed external ports of other edges as well as fixed internal ports at group nodes of other edges. The new property PenaltySettings#PortCrossingPenalty allows to specify the cost of such crossings.
  • The EdgeRouter class now supports buses that include self-loops (see class BusDescriptor). Previously, self-loops were ignored.

Generic Labeling

  • The generic labeling algorithm has an additional preset to avoid overlaps of labels and the partition grid.


  • Improved the initialization time and memory consumption of layout animations.
  • The TemporaryGroupNodeInsertionStage class now automatically marks inserted group nodes with an IDataProvider registered to the input graph with the key INSERTED_GROUP_NODE_DPKEY.
  • The TemporaryGroupNodeInsertionStage class now also supports specifying hierarchically nested temporary groups. Therefore, the new TemporaryGroupDescriptor class has been added.


  • The TraversalDirection enumeration used by the Neighborhood and Bfs algorithms has been extended. The enum value UNDIRECTED has been added that ignores the edge direction and corresponds semantically with the previous value BOTH. The semantic of BOTH has been adjusted to indeed return the union of the SUCCESSOR and the PREDECESSOR results. To keep the default behavior of the Neighborhood and Bfs algorithms, the default value of their TraversalDirection property has been changed from BOTH to UNDIRECTED.
  • The GraphStructureAnalyzer class now supports operating on a subset of the graph.
  • The new SubgraphNodes and SubgraphEdges properties on the Reachability class allow to define a subset of nodes/edges the algorithm should operate on.



  • Combining HierarchicNestingPolicy#GROUP_NODES, LabelLayerPolicy#AT_OWNER and undo no longer throws a NullPointerException.
  • Viewport animations no longer suddenly stop when the zoom level is near CanvasControl#MinimumZoom or MaximumZoom.
  • Holding down a scrollbar button no longer scrolls beyond the scrollable area indicated by this scrollbar.
  • Changing the ICanvasObject#Group property no longer triggers unnecessary recreation of the visuals anymore.
  • Fixed a bug in SelectionIndicatorManager that didn't call removeSelection when an item was deselected.
  • Changing the GraphControl#GraphModelManager property no longer leaks memory in certain situations.
  • A tooltip which is displayed at a given location by calling the MouseHoverInputMode#show method is no longer immediately hidden after each mouse move. It now respects the MouseHoverSize property.
  • Calling IFoldingView#collapse on a normal (i.e. non-group) node no longer creates an UndoUnit or a view state (which included an unexpected call to IFolderNodeConverter#initializeFolderNode even though the result would have never been used). Now calling IFoldingView#collapse on a normal node does nothing.
  • The automatic flipping behavior of labels now also works with projections that distort the labels.
  • ViewportAnimations now are properly cleaned up on cancel.
  • GroupNodeStyle's associated INodeInsetsProvider now correctly calculates insets for 'small' nodes, i.e. nodes whose height (or width) is less than the style's TabHeight property.
  • Inertia in MoveViewportInputMode no longer stops working randomly.


  • Fixed a bug in FilteredGraphWrapper's NodeRemoved event where the provided old parent might have been present in the wrapped graph but not in the filtered graph.
  • The FilteredGraphWrapper class now raises the correct events when filtering out port labels. Previously, the events contained incorrect owner information.
  • EdgePathLabelModel's findBestParameter method now creates correct parameters for locations close to bends.
  • NinePositionsEdgeLabelModel center placements above and below the edge have been improved when the angle wasn't close to one of the two coordinate axes and the distance was non-zero. Previously, labels could seem to jump around when the path changed and weren't always close to the center of the path.
  • GroupNodeLabelModel no longer stretches tab labels and tab background labels into the collapse/expand icon of the corresponding GroupNodeStyle.
  • NavigationInputMode#ExpandGroup, EnterGroup, and the EXPAND_GROUP and ENTER_GROUP commands do not create empty undo units anymore if nothing has changed.
  • NavigationInputMode#ExitGroup and the EXIT_GROUP command now create undo units if the bounds of the exited group node were adjusted.
  • GroupingSupport's methods enlargeGroupNode and enlargeAllGroupNodes do not create empty undo units anymore if nothing has changed.
  • EdgePathLabelModel, EdgeSegmentLabelModel, and SmartEdgeLabelModel findBestParameter implementations now create correct parameters for label boxes that overlap the edge's source or target node.


  • The HandleInputMode#handleIsHitTouch method now correctly uses the value of the CanvasControl#HitTestRadiusTouch property instead of the value of the CanvasControl#HitTestRadius property for its calculations. As a result, dragging handles during touch input should be much easier.
  • After pasting, a closed group node within another closed group now stays closed. Previously, it was open due to a bug in the GraphClipboard class.
  • The GraphEditorInputMode#AdjustContentRect method now only updates the CanvasControl#ContentRect property once per call. Previously there have been circumstances where the property would have been updated twice unnecessarily.
  • The TableEditorInputMode class no longer changes the GraphControl#Selection property unnecessarily when the GraphControl#Graph property is changed.
  • An instance of the HandleInputMode class is no longer canceled if a handle is removed during its own DragFinished call. This fixes some very rare exceptions under complicated circumstances.
  • Multiple DropInputMode instances now correctly consider their respective priorities.
  • UndoEngine no longer adds an empty undo unit for an aborted operation in certain rare cases.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the GraphControl#InputMode while the context menu is open would lead to a crash.
  • Fixed a bug in MoveViewportInputMode that caused the inertia feature to mistakenly start moving the viewport after the mouse or touch pointer has stopped before being released.
  • Starting a CanvasControl/GraphControl viewport animation now properly stops a running MoveViewportInputMode inertia animation.
  • The direction of the first edge segment during orthogonal edge creation is now correctly determined when the source port candidate lies on the node border.
  • SmartEdgeLabelModel now properly supports the original position snap line.


  • Cloning an ITable instance now properly clones all of the table's internal state. Previously, changing a cloned table's insets could result in the cloned table's stripes not updating their geometry.
  • TableNodeStyle now allows the table background style to access the table node's tag.
  • The built-in styles with rounded corners now have the correct outline shape for all calculations.
  • Edges with Bézier paths can now also be animated into non-Bézier paths.
  • Edge cropping now works as expected when using the BezierEdgeStyle class and the terminating nodes have styles that do not provide an outline in their IShapeGeometry implementation.
  • Fixed that customer CSS styling of labels breaks the preferred size calculation of the DefaultLabelStyle.
  • Setting the Pen of a ShapeNodeStyle or a GeneralPathNodeStyle to null now correctly clears the shape's stroke.
  • Fixed a bug in GeneralPathNodeStyle where setting the Pen to null on an already rendered node resulted in a NullPointerException during redraw.
  • ShapeNodeStyleRenderer now always uses the protected getPaint and getPen methods for all shapes instead of falling back to the respective style properties for some shapes.
  • IconLabelStyle's updateVisual implementation now properly updates if the style's Icon instance is changed.
  • DefaultLabelStyle now adds ellipsis more reliably at the end when the text does not fit into the specified text wrapping shape.


  • The key parameter of AbstractInputHandler#setValue method is now annotated correctly as nullable. The key may be null when the model item used as key is created after its data has been parsed.
  • Fixed GraphML serialization and deserialization for certain configurations of GeneralPathNodeStyle, HtmlLabelStyle, and ShapeNodeStyle.
  • Fixed GraphML serialization and deserialization for certain configurations of GroupNodeStyle and RectangleNodeStyle.
  • Fixed an issue in GraphMLIOHandler's WriteEvents where the DataWriting event has been dispatched after the writing process instead of before.


  • Label bindings which don't provide label data (or null) no longer add empty labels. Instead, no label will be added.
  • Fixed a potential memory leak in AdjacencyGraphBuilder. Some internal references were not cleaned up after items have been removed during updateGraph.
  • Fixed a bug in GraphBuilder where updating an existing edge whose (new) source or target nodes cannot be resolved did not remove the edge from the graph.
  • Fixed a potential memory leak in GraphBuilder, AdjacencyGraphBuilder, and TreeBuilder. Some internal map entries for labels were not discarded after their owner nodes or edges were removed.


  • Fixed a bug in StretchStripeLabelModel that was causing incorrect handling of insets.

Hierarchic Layout

  • The SimplexNodePlacer class used by the HierarchicLayout no longer throws an error due to an internal overflow for very wide layouts.
  • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly considers the specified halos of group nodes when there is a partition grid defined.
  • The HierarchicLayout class no longer generates broken non-orthogonal edge segments of same-layer edges for some cases in conjunction with integrated edge labeling and edge labels placed at the ports.
  • The HierarchicLayout class now properly satisfies PortCandidates defined for same-layer edges at nodes where other edges with (rather large) source/target port labels additionally exist.
  • The HierarchicLayout class now produces a correct edge grouping structure for short edges having the same source and target group ID.
  • The HierarchicLayout class no longer throws an exception when the edge-directedness feature (HierarchicLayoutData#EdgeDirectedness) is used in conjunction with enabled back-loop routing (HierarchicLayout#BackLoopRouting).
  • The HierarchicLayout class no longer creates unnecessary spacing between sub-components (see HierarchicLayoutData#SubComponents) and other elements. This previously happened in some cases due to edge/node labels being present. In consequence, these cases are now more compact.
  • The HierarchicLayout class no longer produces overlaps between (large) external node labels and unrelated edges.
  • The HierarchicLayout class no longer produces overlaps between sub-component elements (see HierarchicLayoutData#SubComponents) and edges that are not part of the component.
  • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly assigns ports to edges incident to groups if the uniform port assignment is enabled (see property HierarchicLayoutData#UniformPortAssignmentGroups) for some cases where it previously did not yield a uniform port distribution.
  • The HierarchicLayout now correctly considers the PreferredPlacementDescriptor settings of an edge label when there are additionally edge groupings defined. Previously, it could, for example, happen that the edge label was placed on the wrong side of the edge.
  • The HierarchicLayout class now adheres more closely to its maximum duration and its AbortHandler.
  • The HierarchicLayout class now considers the PortCandidate directions correctly for layout orientations other than TopToBottom. This also improves the optimization results with PortCandidateSets that allow multiple directions to connect to nodes.
  • For input graphs with a PartitionGrid structure, the HierarchicLayout class now correctly considers the layering produced by the FromScratchLayerer if it is already compatible with the specified grid structure.
  • The HierarchicLayout class no longer throws an exception for some invalid specifications of alternative group bounds in incremental layout mode.
  • The results of the DefaultLayerSequencer class are now deterministic by default, since it no longer aborts the calculation after 10s. For this, its MaximumDuration value is now unrestricted.

Organic Layout

  • The OrganicLayout class no longer produces broken routes of self-loops at group nodes if the Scope is not equal to ALL.
  • The OrganicLayout class now correctly considers the specified PartitionGrid if substructure detection is enabled. Previously, the grid cell assignment of nodes belonging to a substructure has been ignored.
  • The OrganicLayout class now correctly considers fix-contents and fix-bounds groups (see enum GroupNodeMode) if the substructure detection is enabled.
  • The OrganicLayout class now correctly detects chain substructures if there are nodes of different types (OrganicLayoutData#NodeTypes).
  • The OrganicLayout class now satisfies property OrganicLayout#DeterministicModeEnabled for more cases when the maximum duration is restricted. Note, however, that non-deterministic behavior is still possible when restricting the duration.
  • The OrganicLayout class no longer produces violations of the specified minimum node distance for separated radial substructures (see property StarSubstructureStyle#SEPARATED_RADIAL).

Clear Area Layout

  • The ClearAreaLayout class no longer produces results where the specified area is not cleared for some input graphs when property ClearAreaStrategy is set to PRESERVE_SHAPES or PRESERVE_SHAPES_UNIFORM.
  • The ClearAreaLayout class now correctly considers the initial partition grid assignment of nodes.

Orthogonal Layout

  • The OrthogonalLayout class no longer produces bad edge routes where the path is non-orthogonal and does not connect to the source node anymore for some rare cases containing parallel edges or chain substructures.
  • The OrthogonalLayout class now correctly considers the specified minimum group node sizes (see GroupingKeys#MINIMUM_NODE_SIZE_DPKEY). Previously, the minimum sizes were always enlarged by the groups' insets (see GroupingKeys#GROUP_NODE_INSETS_DPKEY). Actually, the minimum size should include the insets.
  • The OrthogonalLayout class now correctly handles input graphs with parallel edges if the ParallelRoutesPreferenceEnabled property is enabled. Previously, such inputs have caused exceptions in some rare cases.
  • The OrthogonalLayout class no longer generates overlaps between edge segments (of a parallel edge) and edge labels of other edges for some rare scenarios.

Edge Router

  • The EdgeRouter class now correctly interprets specified intermediate points (EdgeLayoutDescriptor#IntermediateRoutingPoints) as well as bus points (BusDescriptor#BusPoints) in the case when the algorithm runs inside an orientation layout with an orientation other than TopToBottom.
  • The EdgeRouter class now correctly considers the maximum duration and the AbortHandler when the octilinear routing style is chosen. Previously, it could happen that the algorithm kept on running even though the time was up.
  • The EdgeRouter class no longer throws an exception for some rare cases with collinear bends.
  • The EdgeRouter class now correctly handles direct content edges that are incident to group nodes with PortCandidateSets.
  • The EdgeRouter class no longer produces bad layout results for some scenarios with grouped edges and multiple PortCandidates. Previously, the algorithm selected any of them without considering the alternative options.

Generic Labeling

  • The GenericLabeling class no longer produces superfluous label overlaps if one of its RemoveNodeOverlaps or RemoveEdgeOverlaps properties is enabled.
  • The GenericLabeling class no longer produces bad label placements for edges with direct group content routing, i.e., edges that connect a group node with one of its descendants and are routed directly without leaving the group.

Circular Layout

  • A circular layout with LayoutStyle#BCC_ISOLATED can no longer get into an infinite loop for inputs where a component consists only of articulation points.

Single Cycle Layout

  • The SingleCycleLayout class no longer produces violations of the specified minimum node distance.


  • TableLayoutConfigurator now considers the correct OriginalPositions of the RowDescriptors and ColumnDescriptors when table insets are used.
  • The TableLayoutConfigurator class now treats tables without rows or columns as tables with exactly one row and column instead of throwing an exception.
  • The PolylineLayoutStage class now correctly considers a registered AbortHandler instance so that it is possible to terminate early. Previously, the stage ignored the AbortHandler.
  • The TabularLayout class now always uses the correct bounding box values for node labels that are considered. Previously, wrong label bounds could lead to unnecessarily large rows or columns.
  • The IsolatedGroupComponentLayout class no longer produces unnecessarily large group nodes if the specified GridSpacing is zero.

Incompatible Changes


  • Due to the new install and uninstall methods of the ModelManager class, the following of its members have been changed:
    • The CanvasControl constructor parameter has been removed. Instead, you can call the new install method with the CanvasControl as parameter. Similarly, the CanvasControl constructor parameters of the derived classes have been removed, too.
    • Its existing protected methods install and uninstall have been renamed to installItem and uninstallItem.
    • Its protected methods add and remove have been renamed to addItem and removeItem.
  • The optional SelectionModel and Model parameters of HighlightIndicatorManager and SelectionIndicatorManager have been removed from the constructors, too. Instead, you can set the corresponding properties directly.
  • The NavigationInputMode#adjustGroupNodeLocation method has now an additional parameter expandedSize that specifies the size of the group node when it is expanded.
  • The LabelCreator#addLabel method can return null if no label is added.
  • The LabelCreator#updateLabel method now returns a boolean value: true if the label has been updated, false if the label should be removed.
  • The IHandle interface has a new method handleClick. This method must be implemented by custom handle implementations.
  • The DataProviderAdapter#defined method has been removed since it had no effect.
  • The GraphModelManager#ProvideUserObjectOnMainCanvasObject property has been renamed to ProvidingUserObjectOnMainCanvasObjectEnabled.
  • The NodeLabelingPolicy enum has been moved from com.yworks.yfiles.layout.tree to com.yworks.yfiles.layout. The reason is that the policy is now not only supported by BalloonLayout but also by CircularLayout, RadialLayout and CactusGroupLayout.
  • The type of the EdgeCellInfo#CellSegmentInfos property has been changed from YList to CellSegmentInfo[].
  • The HierarchicLayoutData#SubComponents property is replaced by the new HierarchicLayoutData#Subcomponents property with a different signature. The new property uses instances of the new SubcomponentDescriptor class to define subcomponents, and the layout algorithm responsible for a component is now specified via the new SubcomponentDescriptor#LayoutAlgorithm property.
  • Similarly, the data provider keys HierarchicLayout#SUB_COMPONENT_ID_DPKEY and HierarchicLayout#SUB_COMPONENT_LAYOUT_ALGORITHM_DPKEY are replaced by the new key HierarchicLayout#SUBCOMPONENT_DESCRIPTOR_ID_DPKEY that assigns instances of the new SubcomponentDescriptor class to nodes.
  • The TemporaryGroupNodeInsertionData#Components property is replaced by the new TemporaryGroups property of type TemporaryGroupDescriptor, which now specifies groups and the applied recursive group layout algorithm.
  • Similarly, the data provider key TemporaryGroupNodeInsertionStage#COMPONENT_LAYOUT_ALGORITHM_DPKEY was removed and the name of the key TemporaryGroupNodeInsertionStage#COMPONENT_ID_DPKEY was changed to TEMPORARY_GROUP_DESCRIPTOR_DPKEY.
  • The Pen#DashStyle property is now marked as @Nonnull, since several internal usages assumed that to be the case anyway.
  • Changes of Default Behavior

    • The semantic of the TraversalDirection#BOTH enumeration value used by the Neighborhood and Bfs algorithms has been changed and does not ignore the direction anymore, but now returns a union of the SUCCESSOR and the PREDECESSOR results instead. The old behavior can be restored by using the new TraversalDirection#UNDIRECTED enum value. Consequently, the default value of the TraversalDirection property of both the Neighborhood and the Bfs algorithm has been changed from BOTH to UNDIRECTED.
    • With the graph builder classes, label bindings which don't provide label data (or provide null) no longer add empty labels. Instead, no label will be added. Similarly, for label sources, no label will be added for data items for which the LabelCreator#TextProvider returns null.
    • When starting to drag the handle of a selected item, the handle isn't replaced anymore by a new handle instance provided for the selected item. Previously, this happened automatically, regardless of whether necessary to support use cases where state changes should result in a different handle instance. Now, the GraphEditorInputMode#requeryHandles method has to be called explicitly when changes are made that affect handles that are potentially already visible. Alternatively, a proxy implementation can be used that dynamically dispatches to new instances on its own when required.
    • The HandleInputMode class doesn't initialize a handle drag as soon as the handle is pressed, anymore. Instead, it waits until the DraggedRecognizer or DraggedRecognizerTouch is triggered. When pressed, the mutex is already acquired, which discards other concurrent input modes. This can be turned off by setting the RequestMutexOnPress property to false.
    • The lists returned by the GraphPartition#getCells, DynamicObstacleDecomposition#getCells and DynamicObstacleDecomposition#getObstacles methods are no longer unmodifiable.
    • ResizeStripeInputMode now always uses the N_RESIZE cursor for resizing rows and the W_RESIZE cursor for resizing columns instead of using N_RESIZE, S_RESIZE, W_RESIZE or E_RESIZE depending on the dragged side. The old behavior was inconsistent when dragging the border between two stripes and had no visual difference on most platforms. New cursor properties have been added that can be used to set a custom cursor for different usecases.
    • The value of the DefaultLayerSequencer#MaximumDuration property is now unrestricted. Previously, it was restricted to 10 seconds. It is used by the HierarchicLayout class, which still adheres to its own maximum duration.


    • The BevelNodeStyle, ShinyPlateNodeStyle, and PanelNodeStyle classes and their renderers are now deprecated. Their appearance is rather outdated, and some of them are not very configurable. For group nodes, have a look at the new GroupNodeStyle class.

    New Demos

    • The Group Node Style Demo shows the new GroupNodeStyle in different configurations.
    • The Arrow Node Style Demo shows the new ArrowNodeStyle and its setting options.
    • The Rectangle Node Style Demo shows the new RectangleNodeStyle and its setting options.
    • The Shape Node Style Demo shows the shapes that are available for the ShapeNodeStyle.
    • The Default Label Style Demo shows the background shapes that are now available for the DefaultLabelStyle.
    • The Text Wrapping Demo shows the various options of the new text wrapping feature for labels.

    yFiles for JavaFX 3.5

    yFiles for JavaFX 3.5

    Major New Features

      Smooth animations

      • Many viewport transitions are now smoothly animated. This prominently includes scrolling and zooming with the mouse wheel, but also the various commands, such as zooming via a toolbar button, fitting the graph into the viewport, interacting with the overview, and many others. This can be turned off for individual interactions via the new CanvasControl#AnimatedViewportChanges property, and customized with the new protected method CanvasControl#getViewportAnimationDuration.

      Node Types

      • The CircularLayout class is now able to separate nodes that are on the same cycle with respect to their node type. For this, the new NodeTypeAwareSequencer class can be set as NodeSequencer on the CircularLayout#SingleCycleLayout. Node types are specified via the CircularLayoutData#NodeTypes property.
      • The ComponentLayout class now supports node types. The types influence the arrangement and ordering of the components such that components consisting mostly of nodes of the same type are put close to other components consisting of nodes of that type. Use the ComponentLayoutData#NodeTypes property to define types.
      • The TreeLayout and ClassicTreeLayout classes now support node types. The types influence the ordering of child nodes and the subtrees rooted at them such that nodes of the same type are preferably placed next to each other. Node types are a weak criterion, i.e., if the ordering and placement is determined by other constraints, these are prioritized. Types can be defined via the TreeLayoutData#NodeTypes property.
      • The HierarchicLayout class now supports node types. The types influence the ordering of nodes within their layers as a subordinate optimization criteria. More precisely, nodes of the same type are more likely to be placed next to each other if this does not violate other constraints.
      • The OrganicLayout class now allows defining node types via the new OrganicLayoutData#NodeTypes property. The types control the detection of substructures (e.g. stars, parallel structures). When types are defined, only nodes of the same type can form a substructure. For star-like and parallel substructures, it is also possible to have a single substructure with nodes of different types, see properties #ParallelSubstructureTypeSeparationEnabled and #StarSubstructureTypeSeparationEnabled. The algorithm still tries to highlight the different types by choosing a suitable layout for these components (e.g., placing nodes of the same type closer together or on the same circle).
      • The OrthogonalLayout class now allows defining node types via the new OrthogonalLayoutData#NodeTypes property. The types control the detection of substructures, i.e., chains, cycles and trees. When types are defined, only nodes of the same type can form a substructure.
      • The node types feature is shown in the new NodeTypesDemo and the new OrganicSubstructuresDemo.

      Edge routing only if needed

      • Added the new penalty property PenaltySettings#SketchViolationPenalty supported by the EdgeRouter class. It defines the cost for a deviation from the original edge path if the new routing policy property is set to #SEGMENTS_AS_NEEDED.
      • Optionally, the EdgeRouter, ChannelEdgeRouter and BusRouter classes now automatically determine whether a new path should be calculated for a certain edge. This is controlled via the new properties EdgeLayoutDescriptor#RoutingPolicy, ChannelEdgeRouter#RoutingPolicy and BusDescriptor#RoutingPolicy, respectively. The decision is based on the quality of the existing routes - edges with strict violations of the routing style or that intersect other elements will be selected for routing. Available options:
        • RoutingPolicy#ALWAYS: A new route is calculated in any case. This was the previous behavior and remains the default.
        • RoutingPolicy#PATH_AS_NEEDED: The algorithm determines whether a new route is needed. If an edge is selected, its current path is not considered when computing a new route.
        • RoutingPolicy#SEGMENTS_AS_NEEDED: The algorithm determines whether a new route is needed. If an edge is selected, its current path is preserved as much as possible. Only the required segments are changed. This is only supported by the EdgeRouter class.

      New Features

        Graph, and View

        • The graph and tree builders now support bindings for bend locations. This is implemented by new bend-related members of the EdgeCreator class.
        • The new EdgePathPortLocationModel for ports owned by edges can be used to define port locations as a ratio of the edge path length. This keeps the port location stable when bends are added onto the edge path, for example during orthogonal edge editing.

        Layout and Algorithms

        • The new TreeAnalysis algorithm offers a convenient way of analyzing tree structures and querying tree-related properties (e.g. leaf nodes, parent-child relations and more).
        • The new ParallelEdges#findParallelEdges method allows to find all sets of parallel edges contained in a given graph or incident to a specific node.
        • The new GenericLayoutData class is a generic implementation of LayoutData that allows to pass arbitrary data to layout stages. As a consequence, the LayoutData#apply, ItemCollection#provideMapper and ItemMapping#provideMapper methods were removed.
        • The new SelfLoopRouterData class specifies custom data for the SelfLoopRouter class. In more details, it allows defining which self-loop edges should be routed and which should keep their current path.
        • The new PortPlacementStageData class specifies custom data for the PortPlacementStage class. In more details, it allows defining port candidates, port constraints, and node port candidate sets which are then considered by that layout stage.
        • The SubgraphLayout class now allows defining which edges must be included or excluded in the subgraph. Previously, only nodes could be specified. The new SubgraphLayoutData class offers the #SubgraphNodes and #SubgraphEdges properties to conveniently define the nodes and edges that should form the subgraph the core layout runs on.
        • The OrganicLayout class offers the new #ClusteringPolicy property, which allows to specify the clustering algorithm that is applied to the input graph. Three clustering algorithms are available: Louvain modularity, edge betweenness, and label propagation. Previously, the node clustering was always based on edge betweenness. By default, clustering is disabled.
        • The PartialLayout class offers a new property #MovingFixedElementsAllowed to allow moving fixed elements. This often yields a better layout quality even though the preservation of the mental map declines because the fixed elements may change their position.
        • The OrganicLayout and ClassicOrganicLayout classes support the new scope MAINLY_SUBSET_GEOMETRIC. In addition to the actual affected nodes, this scope may to some degree move nodes that are geometrically close to an affected node. The existing scope MAINLY_SUBSET is similar, but it does determine the closeness of other nodes by using the graph structure instead of the current geometry (i.e. location).



          • The new HandleInputMode#QueryClosestHandle event can be used to provide the closest handle for a certain query location.
          • Tooltip contents can now be provided asynchronously. As an alternative to setting the tooltip content directly, the ToolTipQueryEventArgs class also accepts a CompletionStage that provides the tooltip content asynchronously.
          • The HandleInputMode#beginDragging method now returns a CompletionStage which indicates whether the drag of a handle has been finished or canceled.
          • Validation of the text of edited labels can now be provided asynchronously. The new LabelTextValidatingEventArgs#ValidatedText property accepts a CompletionStage that provides the validated text asynchronously.
          • The CanvasControl#zoomToAnimated method now returns a CompletionStage that is completed when the animation has finished. The parameter of type IEventListener<AnimationEventArgs> has been removed.
          • The CreateEdgeInputMode#doStartEdgeCreation method now returns a CompletionStage that completes when the edge creation gestures has been finished or cancelled.
          • The methods GraphEditorInputMode#createLabel, #createLabelCore, #editLabel, #editLabelCore, and #addLabel now return a CompletionStage that completes when the label creation, editing or adding has been finished.
          • The methods TableEditorInputMode#createLabel, #editLabel, and #addLabel now return a CompletionStage that completes when the label has been created, edited or added.
          • The MoveInputMode#doStartDrag method now returns a CompletionStage that completes when the move gestures has been finished or cancelled.
          • The MouseHoverInputMode#show and #onShow methods now return a CompletionStage that resolves to true if the tool tip will be shown or to false otherwise. The #getToolTip method now returns an Object instead of a Tooltip as the return value may now be a Tooltip, CompletionStage or null.
          • Changing the selection state of a large number of elements is now faster.
          • The OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext#createOrthogonalEdgeDragHandler method now accepts an IPortOwner instead of only an INode as dragged item. This can be used for custom edge drag handling that should support orthogonal edge editing.
          • The ItemCopiedEventArgs class now guarantees that its #Original and #Copy properties are not null.


          • The DefaultFolderNodeConverter and AbstractFoldingEdgeConverter classes now have #PortLabelStyle and #PortLabelLayoutParameter properties to control the style and label layout parameter of copied port labels.
          • The new NodeInsetsProvider class is an INodeInsetsProvider that returns the same insets for each node.
          • The GraphBuilder, TreeBuilder, and AdjacencyGraphBuilder classes no longer throw Exceptions during calls to #updateGraph when the graph was modified.

          Organic Layout

          • For the substructures in the OrganicLayout it is now possible to explicitly specify whether structures are allowed to be nested or not. Previously, substructures were allowed to be nested by default. New styles were added while the old styles now will not generated nested structures anymore.
            • Star structures offer the new styles StarSubstructureStyle#RADIAL_NESTED and StarSubstructureStyle#CIRCULAR_NESTED.
            • ChainSubstructureStyle#RECTANGULAR_NESTED and ChainSubstructureStyle#STRAIGHT_LINE_NESTED are the new styles for nested chains.
            • CycleSubstructureStyle#CIRCULAR_NESTED is the new style for nested cycles.
          • The OrganicLayout class now offers the possibility to define the minimum sizes of substructures (stars, chains, cycles, and parallel structures). Structures of smaller size are not handled as a substructure. For each type of structure a new property was added: OrganicLayout#StarSubstructureSize, OrganicLayout#ChainSubstructureSize, OrganicLayout#CycleSubstructureSize and OrganicLayout#ParallelSubstructureSize.
          • With substructures, the OrganicLayout class now often produces more compact results and comes with an improved placement of degree-one nodes.
          • When specified for the OrganicLayout class, the scope MAINLY_SUBSET now works together with more of its other features and constraints, and has a larger impact. For example, it previously had very little or no effect when a partition grid or an output restriction was defined.

          Edge Routing

          • When the EdgeRouter class runs with a highly restricted maximum duration or is aborted via the AbortHandler class, i.e., the router operates in the fastest possible mode, the calculated edge routes now are of higher quality. The quality improvements mainly affect cases with fixed port locations.
          • The EdgeRouter class now allows to explicitly define the costs for different types of edge crossings. The new properties PenaltySettings#AdjacentEdgeCrossingPenalty and PenaltySettings#SelfCrossingPenalty relate to crossings between two adjacent edges and crossings between two line segments that belong to the same edge, respectively. Previously, all types of crossings were covered by the existing EdgeCrossingPenalty property.
            • By default, now, crossings of adjacent edges are more expensive than normal ones and self-crossings are the most expensive.
            • Furthermore, the default values of the EdgeLengthPenalty and GroupNodeCrossingPenalty properties were increased to obtain more balanced results.
          • The EdgeRouter class now produces more suitable routes for edges with octilinear routing style. Previously, the diagonal segments where often omitted after/before an edge's first/last segment.

          Hierarchic Layout

          • The HierarchicLayout class now generates shorter paths for edges that cross borders of PartitionGrid columns in cases where there are no other obvious constraints that require the edge to be longer. This holds for the default vertical layout orientation; for a horizontal orientation, edges that cross borders of rows are affected by this improvement.
          • The HierarchicLayout class now considers the edge direction when choosing a port candidate for edges with multiple candidates. This new strategy often leads to fewer bends.


          • LayoutExecutor#start, GraphControl#morphLayout and LayoutUtilities#morphLayout now return a CompletionStage instead of null.
          • The new BalloonLayoutData#OutEdgeComparator property specifies a comparison function used to sort a nodes' outgoing edges.
          • The new LayoutGraphAdapter#ORIGINAL_TAG_DP_KEY data provider key provides access to the object stored in the tag property of the original graph item from within custom layout code.
          • The quality of the curved edge routing was improved with respect to various aspects and such that it yields aesthetically nicer curves. To further configure the curve routing, the following settings were added.
            • CurveShortcutsAllowed: if shortcuts are allowed, curves can become smoother and more direct but may violate other constraints (e.g. edge-edge distance). Available for HierarchicLayout (RoutingStyle#CurveShortcutsAllowed), EdgeRouter (EdgeLayoutDescriptor#CurveShortcutsAllowed) and CurveRoutingStage (CurveEdgeLayoutDescriptor#CurveShortcutsAllowed).
            • CurveUTurnSymmetry: allows to specify the symmetry preference for u-turns (180 degree turns) of curved routes. The default is zero so that results are equal to previous results. Available for HierarchicLayout (RoutingStyle#CurveUTurnSymmetry), EdgeRouter (EdgeLayoutDescriptor#CurveUTurnSymmetry) and CurveRoutingStage (CurveEdgeLayoutDescriptor#CurveUTurnSymmetry).
          • The HierarchicLayout, EdgeRouter, and CurveRoutingStage classes now avoid unnecessary, consecutive Bezier segments for modeling larger straight-line parts of an edge path. The resulting reduced bend count improves the user experience when working with the BezierEdgeStyle.
          • The ClassicTreeLayout class now features properties #MinimumFirstSegmentLength and #MinimumLastSegmentLength that allow to specify the minimum first and last segment length for the orthogonal routing style.
          • The new ParallelEdgeRouterData#RoutedParallelEdges property returns which edges the ParallelEdgeRouter class routed and thus were hidden during the core layout. This can be useful if parallel, non-leading edges need further handling, e.g., for placing their labels.


          • The CanvasControl#makeVisible, CanvasControl#fitContent, and GraphControl#fitGraphBounds methods now return a CompletionStage that completes when the view port adjustment has been finished.
          • The Animator#animate method now returns a CompletionStage that is completed when the animation has finished. The parameter of type IEventListener<AnimationEventArgs> has been removed together with the AnimationEventArgs class.
          • The new #install and #uninstall methods of the GraphModelManager class simplify exchanging the manager used by a GraphControl. They are called when setting/removing a GraphModelManager as GraphControl#GraphModelManager and should also be called when combining a GraphModelManager with a CanvasControl.
          • The new IAnimation#createDelay method creates an animation that does nothing. This is especially useful in combination with other animations that run in parallel or in sequence to create complex multi-sequence animations. The accompanying method #createDelayedAnimation for the IAnimation interface delays the provided animation.
          • The new IAnimation#fromCallback method creates an animation for a given animation callback and duration.
          • The CanvasControl#makeVisible method now respects margins defined by the CanvasControl#ContentMargins property. Ensure visible is called for example by keyboard navigation,.
          • The ZOOM command now respects margins defined by the CanvasControl#ContentMargins property when executed with a rectangle as parameter.
          • The ZOOM_TO_CURRENT_ITEM command now respects the margins defined in the CanvasControl#ContentMargins property.
          • Setting the various descriptor properties of the GraphModelManager class no longer causes updates for every installed item if the descriptor hasn't actually changed.
          • The OverviewInputMode now renders its handle on top of the viewport rectangle instead of below it.
          • The ViewportLimiter#limitViewport method now has an overload with a parameter that enforces the ViewportLimitingPolicy#STRICT policy.
          • The CanvasControl#makeVisible method now has an overload with a parameter to specify insets to keep around what to make visible in the viewport.
          • The CanvasControl#makeVisible method now has an additional overload to make a set of points visible in the viewport. This is mainly useful when using a Projection and trying to make something visible that is not a rectangle in world coordinates.
          • All the following features no longer block user interaction: the viewport animations for CanvasControl#makeVisible, executing scroll commands when the CanvasControl#ScrollCommandAnimationEnabled property is enabled, and executing ICommand#ZOOM_TO_CURRENT_ITEM.
          • The CanvasControl#fitContent and GraphControl#fitGraphBounds methods now have an overload with a parameter that allows changing the viewport in an animated fashion.


          • Edge cropping now works as expected when using BezierEdgeStyle and the terminating nodes have styles that don't provide an outline in their IShapeGeometry implementation.



            • When expanding a closed group, the parent groups of the expanded group no longer become unnecessarily large. The incorrect behavior could be observed only under certain conditions and was caused by a bug in the NavigationInputMode class.
            • Auto dragging was not stopped in certain cases.
            • The text area shown by the TextEditorInputMode class is now correctly placed if the TextAreaPlacementPolicy#MOVE_TEXT_AREA is set and a projection is used.
            • Fixed editing self-loops with PolylineEdgeStyle and orthogonal edge editing enabled.
            • HandleInputMode is no longer canceled if a handle is removed during its own DragFinished call. This fixes some very rare exceptions under complicated circumstances.
            • Fixed a bug in CreateEdgeInputMode which prevented toggling the direction of an orthogonal edge segment when the mouse was over a potential target.


            • The ITable#StripeChanged event now reports the correct parent when re-parenting will be undone or redone.
            • A label with EdgeSegmentLabelModel or EdgePathLabelModel now moves steadily when the segment to which it belongs moves.
            • The FilteredGraphWrapper class now dispatches ParentChanged events in the correct order after predicate changes.
            • All #setFactory methods of the Node-, Edge-, Label-, Port-, and BendDecorator classes now respect the #nullIsFallback property.
            • FilteredGraphWrapper now fires the correct events when filtering out port labels. Previously, the events contained incorrect owner information.
            • Fixed CompositeUndoUnit#UndoName setting the RedoName instead.


            • The parameter of type IShapeGeometry of the DefaultEdgePathCropper#isInside and #getIntersection methods is now nullable.
            • Built-in styles with rounded corners now have the correct outline shape for certain calculations.
            • Edges with Bezier paths can now also be animated to non-Bezier paths.


            • The #Area property of an empty RectD instance (including RectD#EMPTY) is now always zero, and no longer a negative value.

            Hierarchic Layout

            • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly processes input graphs with sub-components (HierarchicLayoutData#SubComponents) and curved edge routing style. Previously, such setups may have a caused an exception.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly handles grouped input graphs if the node compaction is enabled (see property SimplexNodePlacer#NodeCompactionEnabled). Previously, the algorithm sometimes produced less compact results for such inputs.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly considers the specified port groups for edges (see HierarchicLayoutData#SourcePortGroupIds). Previously, such groups were not always considered properly if there are either critical edges or property SimplexNodePlacer#EdgeStraighteningEnabled is true.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly considers the specified critical edge priorities (see HierarchicLayoutData#CriticalEdgePriorities) if the input graph contains grouped edges.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now adheres more closely to its maximum duration and its AbortHandler.
            • The HierarchicLayout now considers the PortCandidate directions correctly for layout orientations other than TOP_TO_BOTTOM. This also improves the optimization results with PortCandidateSets that allow multiple directions to connect to nodes.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly considers input graphs with group nodes and a PartitionGrid. Previously, in some rare cases, such inputs may have caused overlapping group nodes.
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer generates broken non-orthogonal edge segments of same-layer edges for some cases in conjunction with integrated edge labeling and edge labels placed at the ports.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly routes grouped edges where in some rare cases it could previously lead to node-edge overlaps.
            • The HierarchicLayout class not properly satisfies PortCandidates defined for same-layer edges at nodes where additionally other edges with (rather large) source/target port labels exist.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now produces a correct edge grouping structure for short edges having the same source and target group ID.
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer produces superfluous port overlaps if there are edges with strong port constraints.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly assigns ports to edges incident to groups if the uniform port assignment is enabled (see property HierarchicLayoutData#UniformPortAssignmentGroups) for some cases where it previously did not yield a uniform port distribution.
            • The HierarchicLayout now correctly considers the PreferredPlacementDescriptor settings of an edge label when there are additionally edge groupings defined. Previously, it could, for example, happen that the edge label was placed on the wrong side of the edge.
            • The HierarchicLayout no longer throws an Exception when the edge directedness feature (HierchicLayoutData#EdgeDirectedness) is used in conjunction with enabled backloop-routing (HierarchicLayout#BackLoopRoutingEnabled).
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer creates unnecessary spacing between sub-components (see HierarchicLayoutData#SubComponents) and other elements, which previously happened in some cases due to edge/node labels being present. In consequence, these cases are now more compact.
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer produces overlaps between (large) external node labels and unrelated edges.
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer produces overlaps between sub-component elements (see HierarchicLayoutData#SubComponents) and edges that are not part of the component.

            Organic Layout

            • The OrganicLayout class no longer throws an exception when running it on a graph with a partition grid, group nodes and such that the IDs of the group nodes (see provider key GroupingKeys#NODE_ID_DPKEY) are defined using a provider that cannot handle null as argument to its get method.
            • The OrganicLayout and ClassicOrganicLayout classes no longer cause undesired layout side effects when a mapper is registered with key RecursiveGroupLayout#GROUP_NODE_LAYOUT_DPKEY or when data is provided via the RecursiveGroupLayoutData#GroupNodeLayouts property. Previously, the layout algorithms registered there could be applied to nodes that should actually be kept fix by the organic layout.
            • The OrganicLayout class now produces correct results if auto-clustering is enabled (i.e., property ClusteringPolicy is not NONE) and the GroupNodeMode is set to FIX_BOUNDS or FIX_CONTENTS.
            • The OrganicLayout class now correctly considers fix-contents and fix-bounds groups (see enum GroupNodeMode) if the substructure detection is enabled.
            • The OrganicLayout class now correctly handles nodes with several degree-one neighbors. Previously, such inputs could cause arrangement artifacts if the StarSubstructureStyle is NONE.
            • The OrganicLayout class now correctly detects chain substructures if there are nodes of different types (OrganicLayoutData#NodeTypes).

            Circular Layout

            • The CircularLayout class no longer crashes when enabling edge bundling, defining node types (CircularLayoutData#NodeTypes) and applying it on a graph that contains parallel edges.
            • The CircularLayout class no longer produces node overlaps if property SingleCycleLayout#MinimumNodeDistance is set to 0.

            Partial Layout

            • The PartialLayout class now correctly routes the edges if property MovingFixedElementsAllowed is enabled. Previously, in some rare cases, this setting could cause broken edge routes.

            Clear Area Layout

            • The ClearAreaLayout class now correctly routes the edges if property EdgeRoutingStrategy is set to STRAIGHTLINE. Previously, in some rare cases, this setting could cause broken edge routes.

            Edge Routing

            • The EdgeRouter class no longer generates unnecessary detours in the routes when it is configured with MonotonicPathRestriction#BOTH.
            • The CurveRoutingStage class now correctly considers the minimum distance to nodes specified as value of the CurveEdgeLayoutDescriptor#MinimumNodeToEdgeDistance property. Previously, the curves could violate the distance and get too close to nodes.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer has a problem that occasionally resulted in bad edge routing artifacts if edge grouping is enabled and non-affected edges are grouped at both end points.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer occasionally throws an exception if the input contains bus edges (defined via BusDescriptor).
            • The OrganicEdgeRouter#KeepingExistingBendsEnabled property now correctly obeys its definition and actually keeps the absolute coordinates of the existing bends.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer produces artifacts if there are edges with curved routing style and labels, and the integrated edge labeling is disabled (see property EdgeRouter#IntegratedEdgeLabelingEnabled).


            • The comparison delegates defined in TreeLayoutData#OutEdgeComparators and SeriesParallelLayoutData#OutEdgeComparators no longer receive null elements during runtime.
            • The SimpleProfitModel class now computes meaningful different profits based on the PreferredPlacementDescriptor for candidates that belong to a SliderEdgeLabelLayoutModel or a DiscreteEdgeLabelLayoutModel. Previously, the computed profit was equal for all candidates.
            • Fixed a bug in LayoutExecutor which caused port labels not to be placed in their calculated position after a layout animation.
            • The LayoutExecutor class now uses the correct target bounds when a projection is set on the GraphControl.
            • The CircularLayout class no longer produces node label overlaps when its PlacingChildrenOnCommonRadiusEnabled property is disabled.
            • The ClearAreaLayout class now correctly considers node labels. Previously, there could be results where node labels intersected with the specified area to be cleared.
            • The ParallelEdgeRouter class now produces correct parallel routes if its JoiningEndsEnabled property is enabled.
            • Curved edge routes generated by HierarchicLayout, EdgeRouter and CurveRoutingStage no longer contain a self-crossing for edges that connect to a group node and where the connection style CurveConnectionStyle#ORGANIC is specified.
            • Fixed a bug in TableLayoutConfigurator that resulted in wrong OriginalPositions of the RowDescriptors and ColumnDescriptors when table insets were used.
            • Fixed a bug that caused errors in shear transformations.
            • Fixed the UndoEngine getting corrupted after a layout exception has been catched.
            • The TabularLayout class now correctly handles the case that the input graph contains only a single node. Previously, the node was not properly assigned to a partition cell and the partition cell row/column did not get correct values for its computed width, height and position.


            • The mouse event coordinates are no longer quantized to very large steps if a projection is used and the viewport is zoomed in afterwards.
            • The clipboard now doesn't copy labels or ports if they are not selected and their owner's IClipboardHelper forbids copying the owner.
            • The ZOOM_TO_CURRENT_ITEM command no longer moves the current item outside the visible area in rare cases. This was caused by a problem in the ViewportLimiter class.
            • Callbacks registered for removed visuals on the CanvasObject tree now reliably run after the visual is indeed no longer visible.
            • Callbacks registered with the IRenderContext#setDisposeCallback method now are reliably called, even when a canvas object has been explicitly removed.
            • The CanvasControl#makeVisible method no longer ignores the limited viewport size in certain cases.
            • Fixed a potential memory leak that could occur when changing the GraphControl#GraphModelManager.
            • The CanvasControl#ZoomToAnimated method now works correctly when a Projection is used. This has previously been reported as fixed, but was not.

            Incompatible Changes

            • The protected method HandleInputMode#isHovering has been removed. To customize what handle should be used for a certain query location, the new HandleInputMode#QueryClosestHandle event can be used.
            • The methods MouseHoverInputMode#onShow and #show now return a CompletionStage that completes when the tooltip content is available and provides whether the tooltip is actually displayed.
            • The HandleInputMode#beginDragging method now returns a CompletionStage.
            • The CanvasControl#Projection property no longer accepts transforms with a non-zero translation component.
            • The CanvasControl#ContentViewMargins property has been renamed to #ContentMargins. Accordingly, the #onFitContentViewMarginsChanged method and the #FitContentViewMarginsChanged event have been renamed to #onContentMarginsChanged and #ContentMarginsChanged, respectively.
            • The CanvasControl#zoomToAnimated method now returns a CompletionStage that is completed when the animation has finished. The parameter of type IEventListener<AnimationEventArgs> has been removed.
            • The CreateEdgeInputMode#doStartEdgeCreation method now returns a CompletionStage that completes when the edge creation gestures has been finished or cancelled.
            • The GraphEditorInputMode#onLabelTextEdited method now returns a CompletionStage that completes when the text validation is done and provides whether the validation succeeded or was canceled.
            • The methods GraphEditorInputMode#createLabel, #createLabelCore, #editLabel, #editLabelCore, and #addLabel now return a CompletionStage that completes when the label creation, editing or adding has been finished.
            • The methods TableEditorInputMode#createLabel, #editLabel, and #addLabel now return a CompletionStage that completes when the label has been created, edited or added.
            • The MoveInputMode#doStartDrag method now returns a CompletionStage that completes when the move gestures has been finished or cancelled.
            • The MouseHoverInputMode#show and #onShow methods now return a CompletionStage that resolves to true if the tool tip will be shown or to false otherwise. The #getToolTip method now returns an Object instead of a Tooltip as the return value may now be a Tooltip, CompletionStage or null.
            • LayoutExecutor#start, GraphControl#morphLayout and LayoutUtilities#morphLayout now return a CompletionStage instead of null.
            • The Animator#animate method now returns a CompletionStage that is completed when the animation has finished. The parameter of type IEventListener<AnimationEventArgs> has been removed together with the AnimationEventArgs class.
            • Animator#animateAndWait has been removed as the waiting didn't work correctly.
            • The TextEditorInputMode#getTextAreaBounds method has been removed.
            • The new GenericLayoutData class is a generic implementation of LayoutData that allows to pass arbitrary data to layout stages. As a consequence, the LayoutData#apply, ItemCollection#provideMapper and ItemMapping#provideMapper methods were removed.
            • The PolylineEdgeRouterData class has been renamed to EdgeRouterData to match the name of the layout algorithm it supports.
            • The overload of Centrality#pageRank taking just a Graph parameter has been removed as it only returned the sum of all pageRanks. Use the overload taking a Graph and an INodeMap instead.


            • The provider returned by IEdgeReconnectionPortCandidateProvider#ALL_NODE_AND_EDGE_CANDIDATES now doesn't return port candidates of the reconnected edge itself anymore as this lead to an unstable reconnection behavior.
            • The FIT_CONTENT and FIT_GRAPH_BOUNDS commands now change the viewport in an animated fashion.
            • Zooming with the mouse wheel to the center of the viewport by using CanvasControl's CenterZoomEventRecognizer no longer uses the INCREASE_ZOOM and DECREASE_ZOOM commands.
            • During animated viewport transitions, for performance reasons, mouse events are not redispatched, anymore, except for the last frame of the animation.
            • LayoutExecutor#start doesn't throw an exception anymore if an error occurred during the layout that wasn't handled in the #LayoutFinished event. Instead the CompletionStage returned by #start is completed exceptionally.
            • The OrganicLayout substructure styles StarSubstructureStyle#RADIAL, StarSubstructureStyle#CIRCULAR, ChainSubstructureStyle#RECTANGULAR, ChainSubstructureStyle#STRAIGHT_LINE and CycleSubstructureStyle#CIRCULAR do no longer allow that the detected substructures are nested inside other substructures. To get the old behavior and allow nesting, new style values were added (e.g. StarSubstructureStyle#RADIAL_NESTED).
            • The following behavior change applies to class HierarchicLayout with polyline edge routing style: the default value of property EdgeLayoutDescriptor#MinimumSlope was changed from 0.3 to 0.2 which makes the sloped segments less steep and the overall results more compact.
            • In organic layout, the way edge grouping influences the layout of certain substructures has changed. Structures are not split-up anymore into several ones when edges of nodes in the structure have different group IDs. Now, the new node types can be used to split-up structures (see OrganicLayoutData#NodeTypes). If a structure contains different edge groups, the grouping is properly considered and may influence the sorting of elements within the structure. Affected substructure styles are StarSubstructureStyle#SEPARATED_RADIAL, ParallelSubstructureStyle#RADIAL, ParallelSubstructureStyle#STRAIGHT_LINE and ParallelSubstructureStyle#RECTANGULAR.
            • The OrganicEdgeRouter#KeepingExistingBendsEnabled property now correctly obeys its definition and actually keeps the absolute coordinates of the existing bends. Therefore, the new property OrganicEdgeRouter#ExistingBendsConsiderationEnabled was introduced to get the old behavior. Existing bends are considered, but their absolute coordinates are not kept.
            • The default value of the ClassicTreeLayout#MinimumLayerDistance property was changed from 40.0 to 20.0 and the default value of the ClassicTreeLayout#BusAlignment property was changed from 0.3 to 0.5. In addition, the new #MinimumFirstSegmentLength and #MinimumLastSegmentLength properties may lead to different results compared to previous versions. Setting both properties to zero will neutralize their influence on the result.
            • For the DefaultNodePlacer class that is used by the TreeLayout, the default values of the #HorizontalDistance and #VerticalDistance properties were changed from 40.0 to 20.0, and the default values of the #MinimumFirstSegmentLength and MinimumLastSegmentLength properties were changed from 0.0 to 20.0.
            • For the CompactNodePlacer class that is used by the TreeLayout, the default values of the #HorizontalDistance and #VerticalDistance properties were changed from 40.0 to 20.0, and the default values of the #MinimumFirstSegmentLength and #MinimumLastSegmentLength properties were changed from 10.0 to 20.0.
            • The default value of the LayeredNodePlacer#BusAlignment property was changed from 0.3 to 0.5.


            • The CanvasControl#ScrollCommandAnimationEnabled property has been deprecated in favor of the new AnimatedViewportChanges property, which offers more control over viewport animations, not just the scroll commands.
            • The OrganicLayout#NodeClusteringEnabled property is now deprecated. It is replaced by the new OrganicLayout#ClusteringPolicy property. To disable clustering specify ClusteringPolicy#NONE. To enable it and use the same algorithm as before, specify ClusteringPolicy#EDGE_BETWEENNESS.
            • The class com.yworks.yfiles.analysis.TreeAnalyzer has been deprecated. The more powerful class TreeAnalysis should be used instead.

            New Demos

            • The new LensInputMode demo shows how to create an InputMode to show a magnifying glass effect on the canvas.
            • The new NodeTypesDemo shows you how the new node types feature is supported by several layout algorithms.
            • The new OrganicSubstructuresDemo shows you how substructures are supported by the OrganicLayout algorithm.
            • The new ReshapeHandleProviderConfigurationDemo shows you how to use a custom IReshapeHandleProvider implementation. The ReshapeHandleProviderDemo has been re-written to show how to use the built-in providers.
            • CompositeNodeStyle demo shows how to combine multiple styles into one.
            • The NetworkFlowsDemo has been added that shows how to use different network flow algorithms using a network of water pipes.
            • The new MavenDemo shows how to set up a basic yFiles for JavaFX project using Apache Maven.
            • The new GradleDemo shows how to set up a basic yFiles for JavaFX project using Gradle.

            Demo Improvements

            • More sample graphs and configuration options have been added to the LayoutStyle demo.
            • A bug in SimpleEditorDemo has been fixed that sometimes caused performance issues due to unnecessary checks whether printing is currently possible.

            yFiles for JavaFX

            yFiles for JavaFX



            • The ViewportLimiter class now always centers the viewport if its HonoringBothDimensionsEnabled property is disabled.


            • The HierarchicLayout class now has an improved strategy for choosing the port candidates for same-layer edges with multiple available candidates. Previously, the chosen candidate may have led to superfluous back-loops.


            • The LabelPropagationClustering algorithm now produces normalized, continuous clustering IDs. In other words, for example, if it finds 5 clusters, they get IDs from 0 to 4. Previously, the range of IDs may have contained holes. If initial label values are provided, this normalization is omitted.


            • The ValueSerializer for well-known color names now supports screaming snake case in addition to camel case and lower case names.



            • The clipboard now doesn't copy labels or ports if they are not selected and their owner's IClipboardHelper forbids copying the owner.
            • The CanvasControl.ZoomToAnimated method now works correctly when a Projection is used.
            • The ZOOM_TO_CURRENT_ITEM command no longer moves the current item outside the visible area in rare cases. This was caused by a problem in the ViewportLimiter class.
            • Fixed a bug in CanvasControl.FitContent and GraphControl.FitGraphBounds which caused FitContentViewMargins being incorrectly applied in case a Projection has been set.
            • The following issues of the ZOOM_TO_CURRENT_ITEM command have been corrected:
              • The item is now longer placed slightly out of center if scrollbars appear during the operation.
              • If the current item is too large to fit the viewport at zoom 1, the command now zooms out.
            • Fixed incorrect margins on an GraphOverviewControl with a Projection set.
            • Fixed a bug which caused the ZOOM command to disrespect the ViewportLimiter if executed with a rectangle as parameter.
            • The mouse event coordinates are no longer quantized to very large steps if a projection is used and the viewport is zoomed in afterwards.


            • The DefaultFolderNodeConverter and AbstractFoldingEdgeConverter classes (and thus, also the DefaultFoldingEdgeConverter and MergingFoldingEdgeConverter classes) no longer ignore port labels.
            • A label with EdgeSegmentLabelModel or EdgePathLabelModel now moves steadily when the segment to which it belongs moves.


            • The CreateEdgeInputMode class no longer has an error which prevented the removal of port candidate visualizations after another input mode claimed to be active.
            • ItemDropInputMode and its submodes now set DragEvent#setDropComplete correctly.


            • Labels at ports of collapsed nodes are no longer lost during GraphML serialization.


            • The TabularLayout class no longer throws an exception about a missing PartitionGrid when used within RecursiveGroupLayout and RecursiveGroupLayoutData and TabularLayoutData are used without an explicit cell-id mapping.
            • The LayoutExecutor class now uses the correct target bounds when a projection is set on the GraphControl.
            • When the MaximumDuration of the EdgeRouter class is exceeded, it now still uses the same port for edges that are grouped. Previously, edge grouping constraints were mostly ignored when the time was up.
            • Improved the reaction time of the EdgeRouter class when the MaximumDuration is exceeded or the algorithm should stop due to AbortHandler for some cases where previously the search for a path kept on running for a long time.
            • The RadialLayout class is now much faster if the input graph is a very large tree structure.
            • The OrganicLayout and ClassicOrganicLayout classes no longer produce an internal integer overflow that may lead to an early exit and, thus, poor layout results for very large input graphs.
            • The ClearAreaLayout class no longer throws an exception for some scenarios where the same algorithm instance was first applied to a graph with PartitionGrid and later to a graph without grid.
            • The EdgeRouter and PolylineLayoutStage classes no longer produce broken routes for edges with polyline segments. Previously, such broken routes may have appeared in rare cases.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly considers the back-loop routing style (HierarchicLayout#BackLoopRoutingEnabled) for graphs with critical edges (see HierarchicLayoutData#CriticalEdgePriorities).
            • The ClearAreaLayout and FillAreaLayout classes no longer throw an exception for some input graphs with edge labels if property EdgeLabelConsiderationEnabled is enabled.
            • The GenericLabeling class no longer throws an exception for edge labels with preferred placement descriptor if property EdgeLabelPlacementEnabled is disabled.
            • The TreeLayout class now correctly handles trees with group nodes. Previously, it sometimes produced overlapping elements and halo violations for such inputs.
            • The curved edge routes produced by HierarchicLayout, EdgeRouter or CurveRoutingStage no longer violate the minimum node-edge distance or intersect the node. Intersections could previously happen especially when the specified node-edge distance was zero.
            • The RecursiveGroupLayout class now correctly handles setups that use both recursive and non-recursive group nodes. Previously, such use-cases may have led to invisible/ignored edges and, thus, broken edge routes.
            • The PartialLayout class now transfers the value of its PartialLayout#MaximumDuration property to the internally used edge routing algorithm. This means that when the partial layout has a restricted running time, the routing part will be restricted, too. Previously, the duration of the edge routing was unrestricted. Note that if the router instance is user-specified, this instance will not get a maximum duration.
            • The HierarchicLayout, EdgeRouter and CurveRoutingStage classes no longer occasionally throw an exception when the curved routing style is used for graphs that have self-loop edges.
            • The ClearAreaLayout class now produces correct orthogonal routes for edges if its ClearAreaStrategy property is set to a local strategy. Previously, some of the edges may have received a non-orthogonal route.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer throws an exception if the input contains a bus defined via BusDescriptor where all the associated edges are actually fixed.

            Hierarchic Layout

            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer produces an infinite looping issue in the incremental layout mode for some input graphs with layer constraints that specify that a node should be placed in the topmost/bottommost layer.
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer produces unnecessary edge crossings between self-loop edges at the same node in cases where a larger number of self-loops exist at a node.
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer ignores edges connected to group nodes when the group node contains a bus structure (see HierarchicLayoutData#Buses) and no other elements. Such edges were previously actually removed from the layout graph such that other stages (e.g. the ComponentLayout) could have failed with an exception.
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer occasionally throws an exception when enabling HierarchicLayout#GroupCompactionEnabled and in conjunction with layering constraints and/or a group node marked as incremental.
            • The HierarchicLayout class does no longer violate the specified minimum length for edges incident to group nodes.
            • The sequencing phase of the HierarchicLayout class is now faster for large graphs with sequence constraints and non-incremental layout mode.

            Edge Routing

            • The BusRouter class now produces more suitable edge routes for rare cases that were caused by an unsuitable bus placement.
            • The EdgeRouter class now uses the given ports for edges of a bus with fixed edges.
            • The EdgeRouter class now correctly considers edges incident to a fixed inner port of a group node when the routing algorithm has restricted maximum duration. Previously, this setup sometimes led to strange edge routes with many superfluous bends.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer contains edges with self-crossings in some rare cases where it previously failed to eliminate them.
            • The EdgeRouter and CurveRoutingStage classes no longer change the path of unaffected (fixed) edges when the ControlPointCreationEnabled property of their associated EdgeLayoutDescriptor instance (CurveEdgeLayoutDescriptor respectively) is enabled.
            • The EdgeRouter class now correctly supports the use case that a subset of edges is routed with the curved routing style while another subset is routed with another routing style and different settings on the associated individual EdgeLayoutDescriptor instances. Previously, with some edges being curved, the settings of the other edges got lost and the default settings were used.
            • The OrthogonalSegmentDistributionStage class does no longer crash when receiving input graphs with a very large edge count (greater than approximately 22000). Note that the ChannelEdgeRouter class is affected too, as the stage is by default called from within the router.


            • The Cycles#FindCycleEdges algorithm no longer crashes when the given input graph contains self-loops.

            yFiles for JavaFX 3.4

            yFiles for JavaFX 3.4

            This release contains many new major features and lots of other new features, improvements, and bugfixes for all parts of the library. In addition to the new demos, there are some notable demo improvements, too.

            If you are updating from an older version of yFiles for JavaFX, have a look at the list of incompatible changes.

            Major New Features

            Isometric Drawing and Other Projections

            CanvasControl (and thus GraphControl) now has an additional Projection property that can be used to transform the viewport into a different parallel projection, e.g. isometric or cabinet projection. Predefined useful projections are provided as constants on the new Projections class. Interaction, including graph editing, snapping, orthogonal edge editing, etc. still work as expected, just within the new projection. That is, orthogonal edge editing becomes isometric edge editing with an isometric projection. There is a corresponding chapter in the Developer's Guide that goes into further detail what has changed and which customization options exist.

            The IsometricDrawingDemo displays graphs in an isometric fashion to create an impression of a 3-dimensional view.

            Fill Area Layout and Clear Area Layout

            The new ClearAreaLayout algorithm clears a user-specified area in an existing layout by moving elements. It is suitable if the rest of the layout should not change much but some free space is required, e.g., because new elements need to be inserted into the drawing or have been resized.

            The new FillAreaLayout algorithm fills a user-specified area in an existing layout by moving elements into or towards it. It can make layouts around the specified area more compact and is suitable if, e.g., elements were removed from the graph or their size has changed substantially.

            The following two new demos showcase the new layout algorithms:
            • The new MarqueeClearAreaLayoutDemo shows how to make space in a diagram by dragging a marquee rectangle.
            • The new FillAreaAfterDeletionDemo shows how to fill free space after deleting nodes using the FillAreaLayout algorithm.
            Aggregation and Analysis of (Large) Graphs

            Many new algorithms for analyzing graphs are now included, for example to detect components and clusters, to aggregate sub-graphs, and to calculate centrality values. In addition, the analysis algorithms now have the option to define a subset of the graph to work on. In detail, the new classes are:

            • The new NodeAggregation class provides an algorithm that intelligently aggregates nodes of (large) input graphs. It does not require complex configuration and can be used without knowledge of specific clustering or aggregation techniques.
            • The KCoreComponents class provides a component detection algorithm that finds k-cores.
            • The classes LouvainModularityClustering and LabelPropagationClustering provide two new algorithms for cluster detection.
            • The EigenvectorCentrality class offers a centrality algorithm that measures the influence of a node in a network based on the Eigenvector score.
            • The PageRank class provides a centrality algorithm that calculates the so-called page rank for the nodes.
            • The classes ChainSubstructures, CliqueSubstructures, CycleSubstructures, StarSubstructures, and SubtreeSubstructures provide new algorithms that detect isolated substructures like chains, cliques, cycles, stars, or subtrees. This can be used as an input to other (layout) algorithms.
            • The class GraphStructureAnalyzer now offers additional methods to calculate the average degree, the average weighted degree, the diameter, and the density of a given graph.
            Support for Curved Edges

            The new BezierEdgeStyle renders edges with smooth Bezier-curve paths.

            In addition, the new edge label models BezierEdgePathLabelModel and BezierEdgeSegmentLabelModel place labels optimally on curved edges rendered with this style.

            Support for curved edges has been added to the layout and edge routing algorithms EdgeRouter and the CurveRoutingStage, and HierarchicLayout.

            Interactive Node Resizing
            Resizing nodes using their handles now supports two new behaviors:
            • Center resizing keeps the center fixed and scales the node in all directions. It is active when the NodeReshapeHandleProvider#CenterReshapeRecognizer is triggered which defaults to the Alt key held down.
            • Aspect ratio resizing maintains the aspect ratio of a node. It is active when the NodeReshapeHandleProvider#RatioReshapeRecognizer is triggered which defaults the Shift key held down.
            • The NodeReshapeHandleProvider#ReshapePolicy property determines how the mouse location is interpreted when aspect ratio resizing is active.

            The ReshapeHandleProviderDemo showcases these different resizing behaviors.

            Graph Builder
            The new GraphBuilder, TreeBuilder, AdjacencyGraphBuilder have been added. These new classes facilitate building graphs from arbitrary data:
            • GraphBuilder can be used when the data consists of one or more collections of nodes, edges, and optionally, groups.
            • TreeBuilder can be used when the data consists of one or more collections of nodes, each of which knows its child nodes, and optionally, groups.
            • AdjacencyGraphBuilder can be used when the data consists of one or more collections of nodes, each of which knows its neighbors, and optionally, groups.

            New Features


            • The new NodeLabelModelStripeLabelModelAdapter class allows using node label model parameters for the positioning of the row and column labels of a table.


            • New methods of the GraphChecker and Groups classes compute several additional network statistics, namely GraphChecker#getAverageDegree, GraphChecker#getAverageWeightedDegree, GraphChecker#getDiameter, GraphChecker#getDensity, and Groups#getModularity.
            • The new NodeAggregation class provides an algorithm that intelligently aggregates nodes of (large) input graphs. It does not require complex configuration and can be used without knowledge of specific clustering or aggregation techniques.
            • The new Transitivity#TransitiveEdges method creates the transitive edges that connect the visible nodes in an input graph.
            • The new GraphConnectivity#kCore overloaded methods compute the so-called k-cores of an undirected input graph.
            • The new Centrality#eigenvectorCentrality method computes the eigenvector centrality for each node in an undirected graph.
            • The new Centrality#pageRank method provides an implementation of the page rank algorithm that computes a rank for each node.
            • The new Groups#labelPropagation method implements the label propagation algorithm which detects communities in the input graph.
            • The new Groups#louvainModularity method detects the communities of an input graph by applying the well-known Louvain method for community detection.
            • The new Groups#getClusteringCoefficient method computes the local clustering coefficient for each node as well as the average clustering coefficient.
            • The new Substructures class offers methods to detect the following graph structures: Chains, Cliques, Cycles, Stars, and Trees.


            • The new routing style EdgeRoutingStyle#CURVED of the HierarchicLayout class results in edge paths that consist of smooth curves that are constructed using cubic bezier splines.
            • The new property EdgeLayoutDescriptor#RoutingStyle allows specifying the routing style individually for each edge routed by the EdgeRouter class. Furthermore, the new properties MaximumOctilinearSegmentRatio and PreferredOctilinearSegmentLength on the descriptor provide means to configure the octilinear routing style.
            • The EdgeRouter class now supports a new routing style that generates curved edge paths. It can be specified for each edge individually using the EdgeRoutingStyle#CURVED enum value.
            • The new layout stage CurveRoutingStage replaces polyline edge paths with curved segments using cubic bezier splines and provides a generic way to produce layouts with curved edges.
            • The CircularLayout class now supports exterior edges that are routed around the exterior of the circle as smooth arcs. This can be specified with the new CircularLayout#EdgeRoutingPolicy property.
            • The new EdgeBundlingStage class offers edge bundling for general undirected graphs. Bundling together multiple edges means that their common parts are to some degree merged into a bundled part. Edge bundling is useful to increase the readability of graph drawings with a high number of edges that connect a comparably small number of nodes.
            • The RadialLayout class now supports a user-defined layer/circle assignment strategy. This can be specified with the LayeringStrategy#USER_DEFINED enum value and the layout data property RadialLayoutData#LayerIds.


            • IListEnumerable#create can now be called with any Iterable instead of only with Lists.
            • The license mechanism now only logs license messages when no valid license has been found. Previously it was also logged to System#err that a license is valid.
            • Added property LicensePath to class LicenseConfig to support license files in places other than the classpath root.


            • The ITable#addLabel method no longer accepts label model parameters that do not support IStripe instances. Previously node label models could be used, but did not work properly at runtime.
            • The default method getPathPoints was added for the IEdge interface. The returned IListEnumerable contains a snapshot of the source port location, followed by the bend locations, followed by the target port location of an edge.
            • The FilteredGraphWrapper class now has a new overload without the edge predicate, which often just returns true anyway.
            • GraphMLIOHandler has been improved to prevent external entity injection attacks by default. To prevent these attacks, GraphMLIOHandler disallows DTD declarations in read XML documents.


            • The CanvasControl#updateContentRect method now throws an IllegalStateException if an element on the canvas provided invalid bounds, e.g. one with infinite values.
            • The CanvasControl#fitContent method now respects the LimitedFitContentZoom property if a ViewportLimiter is enabled.
            • A new policy has been added to the ViewportLimiter class which allows for zooming and panning towards the limits but not away from them. This prevents the viewport from "jumping" from out-of-limit coordinates into the limited bounds.
            • The methods raise, lower, toFront and toBack on class GraphModelManager are not final anymore, thus, can now be overridden.
            • The new GraphModelManager#ProvideUserObjectOnMainCanvasObject property can be set so that a model is accessible as its main canvas object's user object.
            • The classes DefaultFolderNodeConverter and AbstractFoldingEdgeConverter provide a new protected method createPreferredLabelSize to allow for overriding the default implementations.
            • The classes NodeStyleLabelStyleAdapter, NodeStylePortStyleAdapter, and NodeStyleStripeStyleAdapter now propagate the tags of labels, ports, and stripes to the node that's rendered with the node style.
            • The GridVisualCreator class can now draw only horizontal lines or only vertical lines when its GridStyle property is set to one of the new enum values GridStyle#HORIZONTAL_LINES or GridStyle#VERTICAL_LINES.
            • OverviewInputMode now has a protected method updateVisibleArea which is the callback that fits the client canvas' content rectangle into the overview again after it has changed.
            • An Animation can now be paused and unpaused by setting the Paused property on the Animator class after the animation has started.
            • AbstractTemplateStyle's createControl has been improved to register the created control's associated controller as a dispose callback if the controller implements IDisposeVisualCallback.
            • Consolidated the API and behavior of TemplateLabelStyleRenderer, TemplateNodeStyleRenderer, TemplatePortStyleRenderer, and TemplateStripeStyleRenderer. All four classes now have protected configureManaged, arrange, and getLayout methods to simplify customization.

            Projections Feature

            • The image export and printing classes (ContextConfigurator, PixelImageExporter, CanvasPrinter) have been improved to work better with the new Projections feature by being able to define an arbitrary list of points as well as the projection that should be used for export/printing. The export chooses the exported area in a way that all these points are enclosed in a rectangular area which is axis-parallel to the output coordinates under the given projection.
            • The property CanvasPrinter#printRectangleProperty was replaced by a #printPointsProperty and a #printPoints property was added which contains the points in world coordinates which determine the region to print. The property #PrintRectangle that was previously used to determine the world bounds to print now delegates to #PrintPoints.
            • The CanvasControl class has additional methods to convert between the world, the new intermediate, and the view coordinate system.
            • The MarqueeSelectionInputMode, NavigationInputMode, and HandleInputMode classes now have a property UseViewCoordinates, which controls whether the input mode draws its decorations and processes input in view coordinates.
            • When the MarqueeSelectionInputMode class uses view coordinates, the resulting shape of the marquee in world coordinates may not be a rectangle. Therefore the MarqueeSelectionEventArgs class now has a Path property of type GeneralPath to describe the marquee shape and a UsePath property that determines whether the Path property or the Rectangle property shall be used.
            • MarqueeSelectionInputMode now has a property SelectionPath that returns a GeneralPath representing the current or last selection rectangle in world coordinates. This is necessary for projections where the marquee selection rectangle is not a rectangle in world coordinates.
            • The EdgeDecorationInstaller, RectangleIndicatorInstaller, PointSelectionIndicatorInstaller, and DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor classes now have a property UseViewCoordinates that controls whether the decoration is rendered in view coordinates.
            • The CreateEdgeInputMode#measureDistance method now has to return the distance in view coordinates if and only if CanvasControl's Projection is used.
            • The IRenderContext interface now has the following additional members that are useful with the new projections feature: getProjection, getIntermediateTransform, worldToIntermediateCoordinates, and intermediateToViewCoordinates.


            • It is now easier to customize the GroupingNodePositionHandler class. The boolean properties AdjustingParentNodeLayoutEnabled, MovingChildNodesEnabled and ReparentingEnabled have been added to control whether an ancestors' node layout should be adjusted when a node is moved, to not move the contents of a group node when a group node is moved or forbid any interactive reparenting.
            • The GraphEditorInputMode#requeryHandles method has been made public and can now be used to refresh the displayed handles, if IHandleProvider implementations return different handles over time.
            • The GraphClipboard and GraphEditorInputMode classes now provide the new ElementsDuplicated event that occurs when a duplicate operation finished successfully.
            • The undo and redo methods of the UndoEngine class now throw an IllegalStateException if the current state does not allow performing undo or redo. Previously either UnsupportedOperationException or RuntimeException have been thrown.
            • The default position handler for edges now creates fewer additional bends when the edge is dragged while orthogonal edge editing is enabled.
            • A MaximumBoundingArea can now be set on the classes AbstractReshapeHandleProvider, ReshapeHandlerHandle, RectangleHandle, and ReshapeRectangleContext to restrict reshaping to stay inside the given bounds.
            • The ReshapeHandlerHandle class has new getters for the IReshapeHandler and the HandlePositions.
            • The new NodeDecorator#ReshapeHandlerDecorator property simplifies using custom IReshapeHandler implementations for nodes.
            • The new ReshapeRectangleContext#Ratio property specifies the width/height ratio that is kept for aspect ratio resizing.
            • The new classes NodeReshapeHandleProvider and NodeReshapeHandlerHandle are used as default implementation for node resize handles.
            • With the new ReshapeRectangleContext#ReshapePolicy property, INodeReshapeSnapResultProvider implementations can respect the node aspect ratio for according resize gestures.
            • The new NavigationInputMode#fitContent method is called after collapse, expand, enter, and exit operations if the FitContentAfterGroupActions property is enabled.
            • The NavigationInputMode class doesn't fit the content anymore after expand and collapse operations if an AutoGroupNodeAlignmentPolicy other then NONE is used.
            • TextEditorInputMode now supports opening the text editor parallel to the edited label or parallel to the screen coordinates. The new TextAreaRotationEnabled property controls this.
            • An optional parameter preferredSnapType has been added to the SnapLineSnapResult constructor and the SnapResults#createSnapLineSnapResult factory method.
            • The new factory method OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext#createOrthogonalEdgeDragHandler can be used for custom node position handler and reshape handler to keep orthogonal edges attached to a node orthogonal during the drag/reshape gesture.
            • The properties GridSnapDistance and GridSnapType of the GraphSnapContext class have been pulled up to the SnapContext class.
            • The zoom-invariant GridSnapDistance property has been added to the CollectSnapResultsEventArgs class.
            • The SnapResults#createResizeSnapResult method now takes a PointD as delta parameter instead of a double so it is possible to create resize snap results where the orientation of the mouse delta differs from the orientation of the snapped size.
            • Class ResizeStripeInputMode now has an IsDragging property, indicating whether a drag currently is in progress.
            • Class DropInputMode now has an IsDragging property, indicating whether a drag on the canvas currently is in progress.
            • Class HandleInputMode now has an IsDragging property, indicating whether a drag currently is in progress.
            • The CompositeLabelModel class now supports label snapping.


            • The new method PointD#interpolate calculates the linear interpolation between two points.
            • GeneralPath has a few new helper methods, mostly related to cubic Bézier curves:
              • findCurveIntersection finds the intersection between a cubic Bézier curve and the path.
              • getCubicSplitPoints determines new control points for splitting a cubic Bézier curve.
              • getProjection calculates the projection of a point onto a specific segment of the path.


            • Most of the algorithms in namespace Analysis provide properties SubgraphNodes and SubgraphEdges which facilitate to analyze only a subset of the given graph.
            • The GraphStructureAnalyzer class has now methods to determine whether there are multiple edges between the same pair of nodes.
            • The GraphCentrality and ClosenessCentrality analysis algorithms now calculate the centrality individually per component instead of returning a centrality value of 0.0 for nodes in graphs that are not connected.
            • In a single node graph, the single node's closeness centrality and graph centrality value is now 1.0. (Previously, it was infinity.) This also affects derived values such as minimum, maximum, and normalized centrality. The backing algorithms in the Centrality class are unchanged.
            • When EdgeBetweennessClustering and FeedbackEdgeSet are executed, the specified edge weights are checked and in case they are not positive or finite, an IllegalStateException is thrown.


            • Frequently used types of the layout part have now nullability annotations.
            • The DefaultPortAllocator class has a new property ConsiderFixedPorts that allows to specify whether edges with strong port constraints or fixed port candidates should be considered during the port assignment. Previously, such edges were ignored which could lead to intersections with the ports of the other edges. This new feature is enabled by default.
            • The EdgeRouter class now provides an improved support for early exits. The routing algorithm now often reacts more sensibly to the case that the specified MaximumDuration is reached.
            • If the EdgeRouter algorithm runs with highly restricted time (see EdgeRouter#MaximumDuration) or when it gets stopped by means of AbortHandler, it now keeps the minimum edge to edge distance better.
            • The PartialLayout class now produces more stable results if it is multiple times applied to the same input graph and property SubgraphPlacement is set to SubgraphPlacement#FROM_SKETCH.
            • The HideGroupStage class now offers a new property ResetEdgePaths that allows to specify whether or not the stage resets the path of edges incident to group nodes.
            • The ComponentLayout class now correctly considers node and edge labels when using the packed layout styles, e.g., ComponentArrangementStyles#PACKED_RECTANGLE or ComponentArrangementStyles#PackedCircle. Previously, labels could overlap other elements when using these component arrangement styles.
            • Constructor overloads have been added to classes SingleItem, ItemCollection, ItemMapping, and ContextItemMapping that initialize one of their properties on construction.
            • The LayoutExecutor class now generates more specific port constraints with the FixPorts property enabled, resulting in better edge paths.
            • If the Mapper property of class HierarchicLayoutData#EdgeDirectedness is directly accessed (not explicitly set) its default for unset values is 1.0 (directed edge).
            • If the Mapper property of class OrganicLayoutData#GroupNodeModes is directly accessed (not explicitly set) its default for unset values is GroupNodeMode#NORMAL. This doesn't change the result of the layout.
            • For the RootPlacements, SubtreeRoutingPolicies, and SubtreeAspectRatio properties of the AspectRatioTreeLayoutData class, the type of the mapped values has been made nullable. For null or unset values, the settings on the AspectRatioTreeLayout will now be taken.
            • Relaxed the strict type requirements for IncrementalHintItemMapping's setIncrementalSequencingItems(Iterable) overload to accept specific IModelItem sub-types as well.
            • Relaxed the strict type requirements for LayoutData setter overloads that take mappings of one kind or the other to accept sub-types of the required value type. This also applies to LayoutExecutor#setPortLabelPolicies and LayoutGraphAdapter#setPortLabelPolicies.



            • Layout animations for graphs with ports that are owned by edges no longer throw an exception.
            • An animation created with the Animations#createGraphAnimation method no longer throws an exception if the provided IMapper with new bend locations doesn't provide bend locations for all edges.
            • The ViewportAnimation no longer throws an Exception when applied on a zero-size GraphControl.
            • Fixed a bug which caused the ZOOM_TO_CURRENT_ITEM command to ignore the ViewportLimiter of the corresponding CanvasControl.
            • The CanvasControl#zoomTo method no longer triggers two ViewportChanged events.
            • Scrolling the viewport with the mouse wheel no longer scrolls in the wrong direction if the mouse wheel is set to scroll one page at a time (instead of several lines).
            • The GraphModelManager#getMainCanvasObject method no longer throws a NullPointerException when overriding its getCanvasObject methods for items in an unexpected way.
            • Due to better null checks, several styles and input modes no longer throw an exception in the rare case that an IRenderContext doesn't provide a CanvasControl instance.
            • Fixed a bug in FoldingManager where a predicate change in a FilteredGraphWrapper which serves as MasterGraph could trigger an Exception if a child of a folder node has been hidden.
            • The methods ICanvasObject#above and below don't unnecessarily trigger IRenderContext#ChildVisual anymore.
            • Callbacks registered via IRenderContext#setDisposeCallback are now always called when the visual was disposed. Previously there have been some cases, such as creating visuals outside of rendering (e.g. for measuring), where the callback would never be called.
            • Edges between deeper nested nodes are now displayed correctly in front of a common ancestor after that ancestor has been added or removed.
            • Fixed a bug in the GraphCopier class which caused the LabelCopied event to be dispatched twice for port labels on folder nodes.
            • GraphControl's saveFileAs method now appends the file name extension appropriate for the file filter chosen in the corresponding save file dialog.
            • Fixed path calculation in PathBasedEdgeStyleRenderer when PathRenderPolicy LINES is used with a path that contains cubic curve segments.
            • Fixed path calculation in EdgeDecorationInstaller when PathRenderPolicy LINES is used with a path that contains cubic curve segments.


            • Pinch-zoom no longer stops periodically during the gesture.
            • Calling the GraphInputMode#findItems and GraphInputMode#HitTester#enumerateHits methods with a custom IInputModeContext will now always pass that context to the IHitTestable implementations of the items being hit-tested. Previously, the main input mode's own IInputModeContext was used in certain cases.
            • The paste and duplicate operations now honor the GraphEditorInputMode#shouldSelect predicate.
            • The NodeDropInputMode class now correctly considers port labels, both for creating the new node and for the preview.
            • The ICommand#SET_CURRENT_ITEM command can now also be used to “reset” the current item to null by passing null as the command parameter. This also fixes that the NavigationInputMode#SetCurrentItem and GraphInputMode#SetCurrentItem methods did nothing when null was passed as an argument.
            • The TextEditorInputMode class now correctly queries the ViewportLimiter if TextBoxPlacementPolicy#SCROLL_CANVAS is used. If the text box is still not visible because it's outside the limited viewport, the text box will be moved as well.
            • Undo and redo of additions and removals of bends on folding edges now correctly restores the bends at the location they had at the time of removal.
            • The NavigationInputMode#FitContentAfterGroupActions property is no longer ignored when the NavigationInputMode class is used as a child input mode of the GraphEditorInputMode class.
            • The NavigationInputMode class now also updates the CanvasControl#ContentRect property when it is not used as a child input mode of the GraphEditorInputMode class.
            • The SnapContext#GridSnapDistance and SnapContext#SnapDistance properties are no longer incorrectly interpreted in world coordinates when calculating SnapResults.
            • MouseWheelEventArgs are now set to Handled = true when CanvasControl scrolls or zooms to avoid those events from bubbling to parent controls.
            • Orthogonal edge editing does not add bends anymore to edges that are marked as not orthogonal.
            • Input modes are no longer left in an undefined state if another input mode has been activated in an event handler of the first input mode. This usually resulted in the wrong cursor being displayed.


            • Fixed the MaxX and MaxY properties of RectD#INFINITE which now return Double#POSITIVE_INIFINITY instead of NaN. In turn, RectD#INFINITE's TopRight, BottomRight, and BottomLeft corners were fixed, too.


            • The EdgeBetweennessClustering#run method no longer throws an exception with its default setting for the MaximumClusterCount property.
            • The Manhattan distance metric for HierarchicalClustering no longer ignores the vertical distance component.
            • The HierarchicalClustering class no longer throws an exception when applied to an empty graph.
            • The results of the Chains class are now correct for undirected cycles, too. If such cycles are not connected to other parts of the graph, the Nodes collection of a resulting Path could have been in an incorrect order.
            • The ClosenessCentrality class no longer calculates NaN as result of the NormalizedNodeCentrality property if the graph consists of one single node. Instead, the value of the NormalizedNodeCentrality property is now positive infinity.
            • The ClosenessCentrality#run method no longer throws an exception for unconnected graphs. Instead, all values of the NodeCentrality and NormalizedNodeCentrality properties will be 0.0 as the documentation states.
            • A number of spurious NullPointerExceptions in various graph analysis algorithms do no longer happen when configuring them with a Mapper that doesn't have an explicit value for every node/edge in the graph.


            • The morphLayout and LayoutExecutor#start methods no longer throw an exception when applied on a zero-size GraphControl.
            • Fixed a bug in ItemCollectionMapping that could result in a NullPointerException for added ItemCollections where no items were specified.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly handles inputs that have both bus structures and edges with recursive style. Previously, an exception could be triggered when an edge was marked as recursive and belonged to a bus at the same time.
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer throws an exception that was previously triggered in some cases with bus structures (see property HierarchicLayoutData#Buses) and in conjunction with layering constraints.
            • Fixed a bug in the HierarchicLayout class that in some cases caused a violation of the minimum first or last segment length (EdgeLayoutDescriptor#MinimumFirstSegmentLength and EdgeLayoutDescriptor#MinimumLastSegmentLength). The bug was only triggered when the minimum length values were relatively large.
            • The OrganicLayout class no longer throws an exception when having a PartitionGrid and at the same time the scope set to SUBSET or MAINLY_SUBSET where all nodes of the graph are marked as affected (could have used scope ALL instead).
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer produces unnecessary overlaps for cases where the source or target node is overlapped by (several) label elements. This generally improves the ability of the router to deal with input that contains source/target nodes that are overlapped by other elements and are required to be crossed by an edge route.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer throws an exception when EdgeLayoutDescriptor#IntermediateRoutingPoints are too close together.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer has a problem that appeared with a bus containing affected as well as non-affected (fixed) edges at the same time. Previously, this could trigger an exception or lead to the incorrect behavior that an actually affected other edge was not routed.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer occasionally throws an exception if the input contains bus edges defined via BusDescriptor.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer has a problem that occasionally resulted in bad edge routing artifacts if edge grouping is enabled and non-affected edges are grouped at both end points.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer yields edge labels that overlap with unrelated group nodes when using the integrated label placement feature.
            • Resolved a bug in the EdgeRouter class which caused that grouped edges were sometimes actually not grouped together. This mainly appeared in conjunction with a large value of either the minimum first or last segment length.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer produces an exception for some rare cases with fixed grouped edges and octilinear paths.
            • The EdgeRouter class now correctly observes inputs where the user specifies buses with both fixed and non-fixed edges at the same time.
            • The EdgeRouter class now properly considers ports provided by a PortCandidateSet when the set contains multiple candidates with single capacities and where the candidates are on the same node side. Previously, it could happen that only one of several edges connecting to the node correctly considered the ports.
            • The EdgeRouter class does no longer use the same fixed PortCandidate out of a specified PortCandidateSet if another non-saturated candidate can be chosen. Thus, overlapping edge segments are avoided.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer occasionally throws an exception if the input contains bus edges (defined via BusDescriptor).
            • The BusRouter class no longer fails to generate connected buses for cases with fixed and incremental edges on the same bus. Previously it sometimes generated a disjoint bus even though the bus IDs were equal.
            • The BusRouter class no longer ignores edges that should be routed when a they are on a bus with fixed edges (see BusDescriptor#Fixed property) and when they share both source and target port with a fixed edge.
            • The element processing order in the BendConverter layout stage is now deterministic. The previous non-deterministic order of inserting and removing elements could lead to non-deterministic behavior for consecutive layout calculations.
            • The ParallelEdgeRouter class no longer throws an exception if the input has both a large number of parallel edges and a leading edge with ports on the node border.
            • The OrthogonalLayout class now correctly handles input graphs with parallel edges if the PreferParallelRoutes property is enabled. Previously, such inputs have caused exceptions in some rare cases.
            • The FamilyTreeLayout class now properly handles the case that the family tree contains cycles, e.g., due to a family founded by parent and (step-)child. Previously, it sometimes produced a stack overflow or non-orthogonal routes for such an input.
            • The AspectRatioTreeLayout class no longer crashes, causing a stack overflow, when applied to a large chain graph.
            • The AbstractNodePlacer#placeSubtree method now clears its internal caches, especially the graph cached in field AbstractNodePlacer#graph. Previously, holding onto a node placer instance could lead to subtle memory leaks.
            • The OrthogonalSegmentDistributionStage no longer produces degenerated (very large or small) coordinates for edges that contain zero-length segments, that is, duplicate edge path points.
            • The ChannelEdgeRouter class no longer yields degenerated routing results (very large or small coordinates) when using the OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouter as path finder strategy and setting its minimum distance to zero. The OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouter class now avoids duplicate points when the MinimumDistance property is set to zero.
            • The RecursiveGroupLayout class now correctly moves child nodes along with their group also in case the RecursiveGroupLayout#CoreLayout is null. Previously, if additionally a group node had a specific layout algorithm associated to it, the content was not correctly moved along. If the core layout was not null, the issue did not occur.

            Incompatible Changes


            • The GraphBuilder, TreeBuilder, and AdjacentNodesGraphBuilder in the com.yworks.yfiles.graph package have been replaced with incompatible, new implementations in the com.yworks.yfiles.graph.builder package. API-compatible adapters to the old API can be found in the builder.compatibility demo.
            • The return type of ContextConfigurator's createClip method has been changed from RectD to Shape. The return value of this method is intended to be passed to Graphics2D#clip(Shape) to constrain the painting area.
            • The method CanvasControl#createInputModeContext is protected again, after having been made public accidentally previously.
            • The GraphEditorInputMode#requeryHandles method is now public.
            • The optional IPortLocationModelParameter and IPortStyle parameters of the IGraph#addPort and GraphExtensions#addPort methods can now be null.
            • The ModelManager#unInstall method has been renamed to the canonical name uninstall.
            • The NodeReshapeSnapResultProvider#getSnapLines method now takes CollectSnapResultsEventArgs as additional parameter.
            • Several methods related to snapping now take a PointD instead of a double as delta parameter. In detail, these are SnapResults#createResizeSnapResult, NodeReshapeSnapResultProvider#addSnaplineSnapResult, NodeReshapeSnapResultProvider#addGridLineSnapResult, and NodeReshapeSnapResultProvider#addSameSizeSnapResult.
            • All overloads of YGraphAdapter#createMapper now require an additional parameter specifying the Class of the type argument. This is required for correct fallback values if an item is not explicitly mapped.
            • CanvasPrinter#createContextConfigurator now takes an Iterable of PointD instead of a RectD to suit the new projection feature.
            • IGraph methods getBends, getEdgeLabels, getNodeLabels, and getPortLabels have been changed to return a "live" view of corresponding objects in the graph. Previously, these methods returned a cached view. This change necessitated changing the return type of these methods from IListEnumerable to IEnumerable.
            • The HierarchicalClustering#Result#DendrogramRoot property can now return null if the result has been obtained from an empty graph.


            • The view coordinate system now includes the projection. For customers who do not use a projection, nothing will change. However, when the (old) view coordinate system has been used to render parts of the visualization in a zoom-invariant manner, the equivalent now is called the intermediate coordinate system. The view coordinate system is still necessary when coordinates relative to the control are needed, e.g. for tooltips or a context menu.
            • When using the new projections feature, the CanvasControl#ContentRect property no longer has an effect on scrollbars or the GraphControl#fitGraphBounds method.
            • The CanvasControl class ignores its ViewportLimiter when projections are used.
            • The ViewportLimiter no longer jumps to the limited viewports if the current viewport is outside the limited area. This behavior can be restored by setting the ViewportLimiter#LimitingPolicy property to LimitingPolicy#STRICT.
            • Visuals that are rendered in view coordinates relative to the viewport may appear in a different location when exporting an image.
            • The NavigationInputMode#adjustContentRect method doesn't fit the graph bounds in the viewport anymore.
            • NavigationInputMode#FittingContentAfterGroupActionsEnabled now is false by default.
            • The NavigationInputMode class doesn't fit the content after expand and collapse operations anymore. This can be re-enabled by setting the AutoGroupNodeAlignmentPolicy to a value other than NONE and FittingContentAfterGroupActionsEnabled to true.
            • The default value of the MoveViewportInputMode#PinchZoomThreshold property has been changed from 100 to 50 to prevent pinch gestures from stopping periodically.
            • For the RootPlacements, SubtreeRoutingPolicies, and SubtreeAspectRatio properties of the AspectRatioTreeLayoutData class, the type of the mapped values has been made nullable. For null or unset values, the settings on the AspectRatioTreeLayout will now be taken. This is the documented behavior, though.
            • GraphMLIOHandler has been improved to prevent external entity injection attacks by default. To prevent these attacks, GraphMLIOHandler disallows DTD declarations in read XML documents.
            • TemplateLabelStyleRenderer and TemplatePortStyleRenderer explicitly set the Managed property of the created template control to false in their createVisual and updateVisual methods. To revert to the previous behavior, overwrite the renderers' configureManaged method.
            • Added serialization property PARSE_TEMPLATE_STYLES that controls whether or not template styles are parsed from GraphML files. See chapter Known Vulnerabilities in the yFiles for JavaFX Developer's Guide for additional information.
            • IGraph methods getBends, getEdgeLabels, getNodeLabels, and getPortLabels have been changed to return a "live" view of corresponding objects in the graph. Previously, these methods returned a cached view. This change necessitated changing the return type of these methods from IListEnumerable to IEnumerable.
            • The following places now throw a ConcurrentModificationException instead of an IllegalStateException:
              • IGraph: changing graph items while iterating those using the IListEnumerable returned by IGraph#getNodes or IGraph#getEdges.
              • IGraph: changing the bends, labels, or ports at an edge while iterating those using the IListEnumerable returned by the respective getBends, getLabels, or getPorts method.
              • IGraph: changing the labels or ports at a node while iterating those items using the IListEnumerable returned by the respective getLabels or getPorts method.
              • IGraph: changing nodes while iterating those using the IListEnumerable returned by IGraph#getChildren.
            • The GraphCentrality and ClosenessCentrality analysis algorithms now calculate the centrality individually per component instead of returning a centrality value of 0.0 for nodes in graphs that are not connected.
            • HierarchicLayoutData#EdgeDirectedness: If the Mapper property is directly accessed (not explicitly set), its default for unset values is now 1.0 instead of 0.0. These means that such edges are now treated as directed instead of undirected.
            • The value of the read-only property EdgeRouter#Partition is now null after applying the routing algorithm. It is only intended to be used during the execution. Previously, it was cached, even though the documentation stated otherwise.


            • The properties EdgeRouter#PolylineRouting, EdgeRouter#PreferredPolylineSegmentLength and EdgeRouter#MaximumPolylineSegmentRatio are now deprecated. To enable polyline routing, specify EdgeRoutingStyle#OCTILINEAR as routing style via EdgeLayoutDescriptor#RoutingStyle. The other two properties are also replaced by respective properties on the EdgeLayoutDescriptor class.

            New Demos

            • The GanttChartDemo shows how to create a project schedule visualization.
            • The MarqueeClearAreaLayoutDemo shows how to make space in a diagram by dragging a marquee rectangle.
            • The FillAreaAfterDeletionDemo shows how to fill free space after deleting nodes using the FillAreaLayout algorithm.
            • The ZoomInvariantLabelStyleDemo demonstrates zoom-invariant label rendering.
            • EdgeBundlingDemo: shows how to reduce visual clutter through edge bundling.
            • IsometricDrawingDemo: displays graphs in an isometric fashion to create an impression of a 3-dimensional view.

            Demo Improvements

            • The LayoutStyles demo has been enhanced to include new layout features:
              • Exterior edge routing for CircularLayout.
              • Curved edge routing style for HierarchicLayout and Polyline EdgeRouter.
              • Bus routing for HierarchicLayout and Polyline EdgeRouter.
              • Integrated Edge Labeling for Polyline EdgeRouter.
            • Improved support for parsing the BPMN Diagram Interchanged format.
            • The BPMN node styles now support setting colors.
            • The BPMN demo has been improved to provide more flexibility. Its code now can easier be used in custom projects.
            • BpmnDiParser has been improved to prevent external entity injection attacks by default. To prevent these attacks, BpmnDiParser disallows DTD declarations in read XML documents.

            yFiles for JavaFX

            yFiles for JavaFX


            • IFoldingView#Collapse and #Expand now throw an IllegalArgumentException when called with a node not belonging to the graph (instead of a NullPointerException).
            • FoldingManager#hasFoldingEdgeState now returns false for non-dummy edges instead of throwing an exception.
            • FilteredGraphWrapper: Fixed a possible IllegalArgumentException ("Node not in this graph") which could occur when the parent of a node which is not visible in the filtered graph has been changed in the wrapped graph.
            • FoldingManager#getFoldingEdgeState now throws an IllegalArgumentException with a meaningful message instead of a NullPointerException if the state is queried for a master edge (both source and target node are expanded).
            • Fixed a bug in TableLayoutConfigurator which in rare cases could cause exceptions in additional layout stages.
            • ILabelCandidateDescriptor's #getProfit now is considered properly by the labeling algorithms.
            • FoldingManager: Invoking #hasFoldingEdgeState for a master edge (both source and target are expanded) yields now an IllegalArgumentException with an explaining message text instead of throwing a simple NullPointerException.
            • Fixed an issue where NavigationInputMode's #AutoGroupNodeAlignmentPolicy would sometimes not work when the expanded and collapsed group node sizes differ.
            • The FilteredGraphWrapper class now correctly handles port labels of filtered items.
            • The GeneralPath#prepend method no longer loses a part of the combined path in certain circumstances.
            • GraphMLIOHandler: Fixed an error that prevented parsing null values by input handlers added via #createMapperInputHandler.
            • Fixed a bug that leads to unexpected zoom behavior using the mouse wheel on Mac.
            • Fixed a bug that could cause unwanted behavior when zooming or scrolling with mouse wheel.


            • Fixed a bug in the HierarchicLayout class that could cause unnecessary (double) edge crossings when the algorithm was executed in incremental layout mode with edge grouping and alternative group bounds.
            • The EdgeRouter class now correctly observes fixed ports for some cases where it previously ignored them due to incorrect path cost calculations.
            • The EdgeRouter class now considers the correct shape of non-affected, fixed edges. Previously, it sometimes incorrectly parsed their shape which could lead to undesired effects like incorrect path cost calculation of affected edges.
            • The BalloonLayout class now longer crashes due to a stack overflow for inputs containing very long chain graphs.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now produces better results for input graphs with grouped edges and a PartitionGrid. Previously, such inputs may have produced edge routes with superfluous bends.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly considers the properties MaximumNodesAfterBus and MaximumNodesBeforeBus of the BusDescriptor for single line (layer) buses. In addition, for multiple layer buses, the specified minimum node to edge distance is now considered for the distance between nodes and the vertical bus segment.
            • The OrganicLayout class now correctly removes node overlaps if its Scope is set to and its NodeOverlapsAllowed property is disabled. Previously, the layout sometimes produced superfluous overlaps for such cases.
            • The TreeMapLayout class no longer produces results that may have infinite coordinates.
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer throws an exception that was previously triggered in some cases with bus structures (see property HierarchicLayoutData#Buses) and in conjunction with undirected edges (see HierarchicLayoutData#EdgeDirectedness).
            • The constants EdgeLabelLayoutDpKey and NodeLabelLayoutDpKey of the LabelLayoutKeys class now specify correctly that their generic type parameter is LabelLayoutData[] and not just LabelLayoutData.


            • Fixed that NavigationInputMode ignores the #shouldSelectItem and #shouldFocus predicate methods of GraphEditorInputMode and GraphViewerInputMode.

            Incompatible Changes

            • FoldingManager#getFoldingEdgeState now throws an IllegalArgumentException instead of a NullPointerException if the state is queried for a master edge (both source and target node are expanded).
            • FoldingManager#hasFoldingEdgeState now throws an IllegalArgumentException instead of a NullPointerException if the state is queried for a master edge (both source and target node are expanded).
            • FoldingManager#hasFoldingEdgeState now returns false for non-dummy edges instead of throwing an exception.

            Demos and Tutorials

            The Getting Started and Custom Styles tutorial trails have been moved into the demos directory to simplify project setup for yFiles for JavaFX's programming samples in IDEs.

            New Demos

            • The LabelHandlerProviderDemo shows how to implement custom handles for interactive rotation and resizing of labels.
            • The SplitEdgesDemo shows how to align edges at group nodes using RecursiveGroupLayout together with HierarchicLayout.
            • The EdgeGroupingDemo shows the effects of edge and port grouping when arranging graphs with HierachicLayout.
            • The PartialLayoutDemo shows how to arrange some elements in a graph while keeping other elements fixed.
            • The CriticalPathsDemo shows how to emphazise important paths with hierarchic and tree layout algorithms.
            • The CustomLabelModelDemo shows how to create and use a custom label model.
            • The SmartClickNavigationDemo shows how to navigate in a large graph, especially when only a part of the graph is visible in the viewport.
            • The ToolTipDemo shows how to add tooltips to graph items.
            • The GridSnappingDemo shows how to enable grid snapping during interactive changes.
            • The SnappingDemo shows how to enable snapping (guide lines) for interactive changes.
            • The LevelOfDetailDemo shows how to display different levels of detail depending on the current zoom factor.
            • The FamilyTreeDemo uses FamilyTreeLayout to arrange genealogical graphs.
            • The TreeLayoutDemo shows the tree layout style and the different ways in which this algorithm can arrange a node and its children.
            • The ClickableStyleDecoratorDemo shows how to handle mouse clicks in specific areas of a node's visualization.
            • The BackgroundImageDemo shows how to add background visualizations to a graph component.
            • The FilteringAndFoldingDemo shows how to configure filtering and folding in the same application.
            • The FoldingDemo shows how to enable collapsing and expanding of group nodes.
            • The FilteringDemo shows how to temporarily remove nodes or edges from the graph with filtering.
            • The GraphCopyDemo shows how to copy a graph or part of it to another graph.
            • The SankeyDemo uses the HierarchicLayout to layout Sankey diagrams.
            • The TreeMapDemo uses TreeMapLayout to arrange file system nodes.

            yFiles for JavaFX 3.3

            yFiles for JavaFX 3.3

            Major New Features

            • A large number of code examples has been added to the API Documentation.
            • The HierarchicLayout class is now able to arrange children of a specific root node in a compact bus-like way. These bus substructures are defined by the HierarchicLayoutData#Buses property, and the new BusDescriptor class provides more individual settings for the buses.
            • The EdgeRouter class now features integrated edge label placement. Labels are automatically placed when the new property IntegratedEdgeLabelingEnabled is enabled. The placement considers the optional PreferredPlacementDescriptor of a label.
            • The EdgeRouter class now supports port grouping of edges at their source and target. To specify the port group IDs, see the associated properties in the PolylineEdgeRouterData class.
            • The EdgeRouter class now supports orthogonal bus routing. The new BusDescriptor class specifies the settings for a single bus.
            • The powerful analysis algorithms got a new API that is based on the IGraph interface and streamlines working with the results. In particular, it makes working with a special analysis graph class obsolete. The algorithms that are available with the new API include centrality measures, clustering, flow calculation, rank assignment, spanning tree, shortest path, and more. This is accompanied by the new GraphStructureAnalyzer class that provides methods to check structural properties of a given graph.

            New Features


            • The HierarchicLayout class is now able to consider individual costs for crossing a group node border. These costs are defined with the HierarchicLayoutData#GroupBorderCrossingCosts property.
            • The HierarchicLayout class is now able to consider individual crossing costs for edges. They can be defined with the HierarchicLayoutData#EdgeCrossingCosts property.
            • The new callback method DefaultLayerSequencer#getCrossingCost allows for defining an individual crossing cost value for a specific pair of edges when using the said sequencer implementation for the HierarchicLayout algorithm.
            • In order to easily retrieve the original edge instance when customizing the hierarchic layout algorithm, the HierarchicLayout#getOriginalEdge method was added.
            • The HierarchicLayout class is now able to uniformly distribute ports at group nodes - with a few restrictions. The new property HierarchicLayoutData#UniformPortAssignmentGroups. defines the groups for which the feature should be enabled.
            • The OrganicLayout class is now able to produce 3D layout results.
            • The OrganicLayout class is now able to consider user-specified inertia and stress values for nodes.
            • The new property InteractiveOrganicLayout#CompactnessFactor specifies the compactness of the result. If the graph contains several components, this feature can prevent that the components drift apart.
            • The LeftRightNodePlacer class now supports layouts with multiple branches. With this feature, subtrees can not only be placed left/right of a single vertical bus, but left/right of multiple vertical buses (the branches). The new property BranchCount allows to configure the number of branches.
            • The tree node placer GridNodePlacer offers the following new features:
              • The placement of the bus for routes to its children can now be configured using the new enumeration BusPlacement. Available placements are LEADING, TRAILING and CENTER.
              • Child sub-trees can be assigned to rows automatically using the new property GridNodePlacer#AutomaticRowAssignmentEnabled.
              • The new alignment policy GridNodePlacer#BUS_ALIGNED aligns the root node with the bus.
            • The OrthogonalLayout class is now able to consider custom crossing and bend costs for edges. They can be specified using the new properties OrthogonalLayoutData#EdgeCrossingCosts and OrthogonalLayoutData#EdgeBendCosts respectively.
            • The new class GivenCoordinatesStage changes node locations and edge paths to user-specified values before invoking the core layout algorithm. To specify locations and paths, use the new GivenCoordinatesStageData class.
            • The new GenericPartitionGridStage class offers generic support for partition grid structures.


            • The GraphEditorInputMode class provides the new methods raiseSelection, lowerSelection, selectionToFront and selectionToBack that change the z-order of all selected IModelItems.
            • The GraphModelManager class has the new methods raise, lower, toFront and toBack that allow for changing the z-order of IModelItems. All these z-order-related methods can also be triggered by the new commands RAISE, LOWER, TO_FRONT and TO_BACK.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode can now create edges in reversed direction, i.e. starting from target port.
              • The new EdgeDirectionPolicy supports starting creation at source, target, in the last direction, or depending on the port candidate.
              • A configurable ToggleDirectionRecognizer allows for changing the edge direction during creation.
            • The method CreateEdgeInputMode#doStartEdgeCreation that is used to programmatically start an interactive edge creation gesture now returns a Future with the newly created edge as result.
            • The method MoveInputMode#doStartDrag that is used to programmatically start an interactive drag gesture now returns a Future with the affected items as result.
            • The new property MoveLabelInputMode#MovingUnselectedLabelsAllowed enables moving labels without having to select them first.

            New Demos

            • The GraphAnalysisDemo shows how to use the new interfaces for the graph analysis algorithms and how to visualize their results.
            • The CssDemo shows how to customize the visualizations of yFiles for JavaFX with the help of CSS.
            • The LogicGateDemo shows how yFiles can be used for the visualization of a digital system consisted of logic gates.
            • The Neo4jDemo shows how to integrate a Neo4j graph data base in your application.



            • The new GraphStructureAnalyzer class provides methods to check structural properties of a given graph.


            • Added convenience overloads for ItemCollection and ItemMapping property setters to LayoutData classes with properties of type ItemCollection or ItemMapping. E.g. hierarchicLayoutData#getEdgeLayoutDescriptors().setConstant(newDescriptor) can now be abbreviated to hierarchicLayoutData#setEdgeLayoutDescriptors(newDescriptor).
            • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly calculates the group node bounds. Previously, the groups' insets were slightly too large (up to one pixel).
            • The HierarchicLayout class now always places a port in the middle of a node side, if it is the only port on that side. Previously the port was only centered if the label was additionally placed on the edge.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now also considers critical edge priorities for grouped edges.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now requires less memory for graphs with sequence constraints.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now uses the specified layer alignment (see NodeLayoutDescriptor#LayerAlignment) to align sub-components (see HierarchicLayoutData#SubComponents).
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer inserts superfluous bends for edges between group nodes if the input graph contains grouped edges.
            • With HierarchicLayout, the number of edges crossing through group nodes without starting or ending in them when using the default algorithm settings was reduced. Furthermore, the behavior can be customized using the new group node border crossing costs (see property HierarchicLayoutData#GroupBorderCrossingCosts).
            • The HierarchicLayout class now also considers sequence constraints for grouped edges.
            • The layering of HierarchicLayout was improved with respect to the resulting edge lengths if the recursive group layering is enabled.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now produces less overlapping elements for graphs with fixed coordinate hints.
            • The new property OrthogonalLayout#ParallelRoutesPreferenceEnabled allows for controlling how parallel edges (multi-edges) are routed.
            • The RecursiveGroupLayout class now allows to define a local PartitionGrid structure for each recursively handled group node. See the new property RecursiveGroupLayoutData#GroupNodePartitionGrids for details.
            • The EdgeRouter class now generates less edge-edge overlaps and a better distribution of edge segments when the EdgeRouter#MaximumDuration is strongly restricted or set to zero, or when the algorithm is stopped via the AbortHandler#stop method.
            • The EdgeRouter class now avoids superfluous bends that were in some cases caused by group nodes with (small) inset values.
            • The path search performance of the EdgeRouter class has been improved for cases where an edge has a strong, external PortConstraint or a fixed, external PortCandidate.
            • The EdgeRouter now supports edge grouping on both endpoints. Previously, an edge could only be part of either a source or a target group.
            • The EdgeRouter class now generates a proper routing from a group node border to a port location inside this group node defined by a strong PortConstraint or a fixed PortCandidate. Previously, the route was only calculated to the border and then the last segment was extended without consideration of obstacles and other elements.
            • The performance of the GenericLabeling algorithm and the quality of the label placements were improved.
            • The quality of edge label placement of the GenericLabeling class was improved in case that there are multiple labels with a source or target preference near the same node. They may now be placed further away but avoid undesired overlaps.
            • The PortCalculator class now considers edge label positions such that they are not affected by whether this stage is applied or not. Previously, label positions could be changed if the label position was stored relative to the first/last segment or the port.
            • If the master edge is clipped on the bounds of its source or target, the ParallelEdgeRouter class now always clips the associated parallel edges on that bounds, too.
            • The RemoveCollinearBendsStage.Scale property now also allows zero and negative numbers as its value. This makes it possible to internally round coordinates to full integer values for the comparison of bend points and, thus, the stage can be made more fuzzy.
            • The TreeReductionStage now marks non-tree edges if an IDataAcceptor is registered with the input graph with key TreeReductionStage#NonTreeEdgeSelectionKey. This way a user is able to query which edges the algorithm determined to be the non-tree edges.
            • New options on class PlaceNodesAtBarycenterStage allow for specifying the size of affected nodes, considering the grouping structure when calculating the barycenter of nodes as well as removing the bends of edges incident to affected nodes.
            • The properties Rows and Columns of class PartitionGrid are now of type IEnumerable<RowDescriptor> and IEnumerable<ColumnDescriptor> instead of an un-typed YList.
            • The PartitionGridData class has new properties RowOrderOptimizationEnabled and ColumnOrderOptimizationEnabled to indicate whether or not the order of the rows respectively columns should be chosen automatically to minimize edge lengths.
            • The new ChannelRoutingTool class brings back the features of the ChannelRouter class that was removed in version 3.0.
            • Combining multiple LayoutData classes is now easier:
              • The base class LayoutData offers a new method combineWith that combines the current instance with another LayoutData instance.
              • The class CompositeLayoutData has an additional constructor that takes a variable number of LayoutData instances.
            • The new properties AbortHandler, SourcePortConstraints, TargetPortConstraints, SourcePortCandidates, and TargetPortCandidates of ChannelEdgeRouterData facilitate using these features with ChannelEdgeRouter.
            • The RowIndices and ColumnIndices properties of the PartitionGridData class can now also be used in combination with the Grid property.
            • The ImprovingPortAssignment boolean property of LayoutExecutor and LayoutGraphAdapter was replaced by the PortAdjustmentPolicy property that offers more options how port locations should be adjusted after a layout calculation.


            • The parameter of the scroll command, that can be used to specify an additional scroll factor, can now be any numeric value of type Number.
            • CanvasControl: Added zoomToAnimated overloads which take an optional event listener that is notified of the animation's end.
            • IMapperRegistry#createDelegateMapper has been renamed to createFunctionMapper.
            • The property ItemMapping#Delegate has been renamed to Function.
            • The property ContextItemMapping#ContextDelegate has been renamed to ContextBiFunction.
            • The property ItemCollection#Delegate has been renamed to Predicate.
            • The default methods toList and toArray have been added to IEnumerable.
            • HandleInputMode now clears the AffectedItems after the Canceled event has been raised instead of before.
            • DefaultEdgePathCropper's methods cropEdgePath and cropEdgePathAtArrow are no longer final.
            • The viewport animation of the LayoutExecutor class considers now the value of the LimitingFitContentZoomEnabled property of the corresponding GraphControl.
            • NodeStylePortStyleAdapter and TemplatePortStyle now have an Offset property that allows to shift the port visualization so that it no longer is centered over the port.
            • The GraphModelManager class has new factory methods for creating the ItemModelManager of each item group.
            • The GraphModelManager#getModelItem method now always returns the IModelItem for an ICanvasObject retrieved for it via getMainCanvasObject. Previously this only worked in all cases for the ICanvasObject retrieved via getCanvasObject.
            • Mouse move and drag events now correctly report the changed modifier keys.
            • Reduced number of cases where a new label was created by interactive editing instead of editing an existing one.
            • The methods addLabel, createLabel and editLabel of GraphEditorInputMode and TableEditorInputMode that are used to start the respective interactive label editing gesture programmatically return now a Future with the edited or newly created label as result.
            • GraphEditorInputMode provides new protected methods createLabelCore and editLabelCore to allow for overriding the default implementations.
            • GraphEditorInputMode provides a TextEditorInputModeConfigurator to allow for configuring the TextEditorInputMode before each label editing.
            • The GraphEditorInputMode#DeletedItem event provides now context information about the state before the item has been deleted. For example, if a label has been deleted you now can get its old owner.
            • The method GraphEditorInputMode#onDeletedItem is no longer final.
            • Added the GraphClipboard#getId method to facilitate retrieving the original item from which an item to be pasted has been copied from.
            • The new property GraphClipboard#ClipboardContext provides access to the current IGraphClipboardContext during a clipboard operation.
            • The new property CreateEdgeInputMode#ShowingTargetHighlightEnabled specifies whether to enable or disable highlighting of potential targets for edge creation. Also, the method updateTargetHighlight has been added to allow for further customization of the highlight.
            • NavigationInputMode: Added a property ScrollingToSelectionEnabled that controls whether a node that is focused or selected with a keyboard gesture is automatically scrolled into the viewport if necessary.
            • The new properties PortRelocationHandle#ShowingTargetHighlightEnabled and PortRelocationHandleProvider#ShowingTargetHighlightEnabled specify whether to enable or disable highlighting of potential targets for edge creation. Also, the method updateHighlight has been added to the PortRelocationHandle class to allow for further customization of the highlight.
            • The new properties PortRelocationHandle#ShowingPortCandidatesEnabled and PortRelocationHandleProvider#ShowingPortCandidatesEnabled specify whether to enable or disable showing port candidates during edge relocation.
            • The new PortStyleDecorationInstaller class allows the use of an IPortStyle to render the selection, highlight, or focus indicator of ports.
            • The properties RectangleIndicatorInstaller#Template and OrientedRectangleIndicatorInstaller#Template now return always the value that has been set by client code and are not modified by internal code anymore.
            • Snaplines are now infinitely long by default.
            • The performance of EdgePathLabelModel#getGeometry and EdgeSegmentLabelModel#getGeometry has been strongly increased.
            • The GraphMLIOHandler class now supports reading and writing arbitrary objects at graph level.
            • GraphML deserialization now supports the symbolic names "Zero" and "Infinite" for reading SizeD values.
            • GraphML deserialization now supports the symbolic name "Infinite" for reading RectD values.
            • GraphML deserialization now supports the symbolic name "Origin" for reading PointD values.
            • The type of property GraphBuilder#EdgeLabelProvider was generalized from Function<TEdge,String> to Function<TEdge,Object>.



            • The Paths#findAllChains method now correctly calculates the chains of input graphs with cycles.
            • The GraphChecker#isMultipleEdgeFree method now returns the correct result for input graphs with self-loops.
            • The Bfs#getLayers method now correctly stores the layer indices in the specified INodeMap. Previously, the maximum layer index stored in the map exceeded the number of returned layers.


            • The EdgeRouter class no longer produces bad, non-orthogonal edge segments in cases where a selected edge is grouped together with an un-selected edge and where both edges have strong PortConstraints at their common source/target node.
            • The PortPlacementStage class no longer destroys the grouping information for the core layout algorithm.
            • The EdgeRouter class now correctly considers strong port constraints of edges that belong to a bus structure.
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer throws an exception if the component arrangement policy is set to ComponentArrangementPolicy#COMPACT and bus routing is enabled (see property HierarchicLayoutData#Buses).
            • The OrganicLayout class now correctly considers input graphs where substructure handling is enabled and all nodes are located at coordinate (0,0). Previously, such inputs may have triggered an ArgumentException.
            • Class EdgeRouter no longer throws an exception if all fixed edges of a bus are non orthogonal/octilinear.
            • The GenericLabeling class no longer throws an ArgumentException for some input graphs containing labeled edges with zero length.
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer throws an exception if it is wrapped by an instance of RecursiveGroupLayout and the input graph contains layering constraints between elements of different groups.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly considers the group insets for input graphs with nested group nodes. Previously, it sometimes produced too large insets for inner groups.
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer throws an IllegalArgumentException for some rare cases in incremental layout mode.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now produces shorter, more direct edge routes for edges connecting at a group node and leaving on the the left/right group side. This only affects cases where the relevant group node also contains direct-content edges (see EdgeLayoutDescriptor#DirectGroupContentEdgeRoutingEnabled).
            • Self-loop segments generated by the HierarchicLayout class are now shorter and take up less space if possible. Previously, segments were sometimes unnecessarily long even though the minimum length settings allowed shorter segments.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now produces less superfluous crossings if there are same-layer edges with PortConstraints or PortCandidates.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly handles port labels with zero height/width. Previously, such labels may have caused very large distances between some nodes.
            • The HierarchicLayout class sometimes threw an IllegalArgumentException for input graphs that contained incremental elements in combination with groups.
            • The HierarchicLayout class sometimes threw an IllegalArgumentException for input graphs that contained fixed elements in combination with both swimlanes and groups.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now places sloped segments of grouped octilinear edges such that they are perfectly overlapping each other. Previously, it could happen that segments were slightly displaced with respect to each other.
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer causes non-orthogonal segments when the input contained port labels in conjunction with edge grouping.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly considers fixed nodes with layering constraints. In previous versions there were some rare cases where such inputs caused infinite looping issues.
            • The HierarchicLayout class no longer produces intersections between edges and elements of a sub-component (see HierarchicLayoutData#SubComponents). Note that this fix may sometimes cause less compact results within a layer.
            • Improved the path search performance of the EdgeRouter class for cases where a large number of fixed and overlapping edge segments exist. Previously, the search could become very slow in such scenarios.
            • The EdgeRouter class now correctly groups edges associated with equal group IDs that have a different object ID.
            • The EdgeRouter class now avoids unnecessary bends in cases that contain PortCandidates with fixed offsets (or strong PortConstraints) where the fixed port locations have a very similar x- or y-coordinate such that the path must consist of three segments with a single, very short middle segment. Previously, five segments in total were generated.
            • A rare exception that was triggered by the EdgeRouter class during routing when a Grid is defined on which edges need to be routed is now fixed.
            • The EdgeRouter class now correctly handles edges with external ports. Previously, such inputs may have caused an exception.
            • The EdgeRouter class now correctly routes direct content edges with strong port constraints at the group nodes. Previously, the algorithm sometimes produced weird routes for such edges.
            • Fixed a bug in the EdgeRouter class that sometimes caused a non-deterministic behavior.
            • Fixed two issues in the EdgeRouter class that resulted in the violation of a PortCandidate with fixed offsets or a strong PortConstraint. The first was only triggered for constraints at the target side and only when the target node was additionally partly or fully covered by other obstacles (e.g. node labels). The second issue appeared in cases with the source and target node fully overlapping (e.g. an edge from a group to a child node).
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer throws an exception if its PolylineRoutingEnabled property is enabled and the input contains fixed, grouped edges.
            • The EdgeRouter class now considers the correct NodeHalo associated with the target node when handling the minimum last segment length setting. Previously it incorrectly considered the halo of the source node which could lead to unnecessarily long or too short last segments.
            • The EdgeRouter class now correctly considers intersections between edges and labels of fixed edges if property EdgeLabelConsiderationEnabled is enabled.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer throws an exception during routing in cases where the source or target node is covered by obstacles (i.e. by other nodes or labels).
            • The EdgeRouter class now correctly considers intermediate routing points when using the polyline routing style (EdgeRouter#PolylineRoutingEnabled). Previously, it could happen that intermediate points were not part of the final polyline edge path.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer throws an exception during the routing of some graphs with grouped edges.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer considers all PortCandidates with multiple directions as fixed PortCandidates.
            • The EdgeRouter class now correctly handles cases where the maximum duration is exceeded and where previously an exception was triggered.
            • Fixed a StackOverflowError in EdgeRouter.
            • The OrganicLayout class no longer throws an exception when using CycleSubstructureStyle#CIRCULAR and arranging a cycle structure where at least one cycle node is also connected to a group node outside the cycle.
            • The OrganicLayout class now produces deterministic results for group nodes if its property DeterministicModeEnabled is enabled.
            • The OrthogonalLayout class no longer causes an exception for some input graphs when property FaceMaximizationEnabled is enabled.
            • The OrthogonalLayout class no longer runs into an infinite loop for some input graphs that are tree structures with mixed edge directedness (see property OrthogonalLayout#EdgeDirectednessDpKey). Note that the problem only occurred if property OrthogonalLayout#TreeStyle is not set to TreeLayoutStyle#NONE.
            • The OrthogonalLayout class no longer throws an exception when its property UniformPortAssignmentEnabled is enabled and the input contains parallel edges.
            • When using RecursiveGroupLayout, the values of the properties ComputedWidth, ComputedHeight and ComputedPosition of the classes ColumnDescriptor and RowDescriptor are now correctly set after the layout if EdgeRouter is the corresponding InterEdgeRouter.
            • The CompactNodePlacer class no longer throws an exception for input graphs with specified memento strategies (see TreeLayoutData#CompactNodePlacerStrategyMementos or CompactNodePlacer#STRATEGY_MEMENTO_DPKEY).
            • The CompactNodePlacer class now correctly considers the specified values of the VerticalDistance and HorizontalDistance properties.
            • The CompactNodePlacer class no longer throws an exception for some inputs with specified strategy memento information (either via property TreeLayoutData#CompactNodePlacerStrategyMementos or with a mapper registered with key CompactNodePlacer#STRATEGY_MEMENTO_DPKEY).
            • The SimpleNodePlacer class no longer produces very long horizontal edge segments for inputs where it isn't required.
            • The GenericLabeling class now correctly places labels of direct content edges (edges that directly connect a group node with a descendant, without leaving the group) with a free edge label model.
            • The GenericLabeling class no longer calculates wrong label profit values (AbstractLabeling#getProfit) for some edge labels. Previously, edges that had a PreferredPlacementDescriptor were sometimes affected.
            • The GenericLabeling class now produces valid results for edge labels that have a preferred distance to the edge (PreferredPlacementDescriptor#DistanceToEdge) and at the same time multiple SideOfEdge preferences (e.g. left of edge and on the edge). Previously, the algorithm sometimes violated the preferred distance even though it would have been possible to keep it.
            • The GenericLabeling class now always prefers LabelCandidates with higher profit values over others with lower profit (see AbstractLabeling#getProfit). Previously, this sometimes happened even though both candidates did not intersect with other elements.
            • The GenericLabeling class does no longer assume that all LabelCandidates associated to a label have the same size. Previously, this caused unexpected labeling results if custom candidates with different sizes were given.
            • Fixed a rare bug in the GenericLabeling that may have caused an IllegalArgumentException for some input graphs that contain edges with zero length segments and labels associated with a free edge label model.
            • The SeriesParallelLayout class now correctly handles input graphs with groups that only contain disconnected nodes. Previously, such inputs caused an exception.
            • The PartialLayout class now correctly considers the specified PortCandidates during orthogonal or octilinear routing of edges.
            • The PartialLayout class does no longer reduce the size of fixed group nodes if the option PartialLayout#ResizeFixedGroups is disabled.
            • The ComponentLayout class now correctly handles input graphs with user-specified components that contain nodes with null as their component ID (see property ComponentLayoutData#ComponentIds). Previously, such inputs may have caused an exception.
            • The PolylineLayoutStage does no longer generate overlaps between sloped, polyline segments created by the stage and unrelated other obstacles (e.g. nodes).
            • The OrganicRemoveOverlapsStage no longer produces infinite loops in some rare cases.
            • Fixed a bug in YGraphAdapter that could trigger a NullPointerException when boolean, integer or double values were requested from registered IMapper but no value had been set beforehand.


            • Fixed a bug in GraphEditorInputMode where changing the value of ShowHandleItems while handles were already displayed resulted in duplicate handles.
            • Fixed a bug in EdgePathLabelModel which could return an invalid geometry for parameters with a ratio < 0 and zero length edge segments.
            • A bug in CanvasComponent#fitContent has been fixed that sometimes resulted in a short flickering.
            • Mapper: Fixed default value handling for the null key.
            • Mapper: Ensured that mappings for the null key are taking into account by method getEntries.
            • GeneralPath#flatten(): Fixed unexpected behavior if a curve follows after a close operation.
            • Zooming the viewport during interaction no longer synthesizes mouse-move events in the wrong locations.
            • Labels at folder nodes and their adjacent edges are no longer lost during GraphML deserialization if the DefaultFolderNodeConverter#CopyFirstLabel property is enabled.
            • Fixed a bug in PortRelocationHandleProvider where the settings ShowPortCandidates and ShowTargetHighlight were ignored.
            • Fixed a bug in CreateEdgeInputMode#getPortOwner which could return edges even if EdgeToEdgeConnectionsAllowed was set to false. This could result in the edge's IPortCandidateProvider being queried for candidates erroneously.
            • Fixed a bug in the graph implementation that sometimes lead to a runtime that was quadratic in the number of nodes when creating large graphs.
            • Reparenting an expanded group node into a collapsed group node no longer throws an exception.
            • Fixed an exception which could occur in CanvasControl's method compareRenderOrder and when using GraphModelManager's Comparator property.
            • GraphClipboard's methods onElementCut and onElementCopied are no longer called for graph items which are not copied themselves but are owners of copied items.
            • When an edge is duplicated using GraphClipboard and a port is newly created during this operation, the new port now gets the old port's style and tag.
            • Fixed a memory leak in the UndoEngine class if the tokens returned by getToken were not disposed when the UndoEngine got cleared.
            • The CreateEdgeInputMode class now considers the value of the CanvasControl#HitTestRadius property when its StartingOverCandidateOnlyEnabled property is enabled.
            • The visualization of source port candidates by the CreateEdgeInputMode class does not flicker, anymore.
            • With SmartEdgeLabelModel, it was impossible to move a label from the left side of an edge to the right side. Instead, the label stopped at the edge.
            • The null check for the GridVisualCreator#Pen property works correctly now.
            • The type IGridConstraintProvider cannot be used in lookup methods since it has a generic type parameter. Therefore, new specific interfaces have been added for each item type (for example INodeGridConstraintProvider).
            • The EdgeStyleDecorationInstaller class no longer causes an exception when used on edges that are attached to other edges.
            • Parsing a GraphML file with a folding edge state with a label without a preferred size no longer throws an exception.
            • In rare cases, saving a graph with folding to GraphML threw an exception.

            Incompatible Changes


            • The ImprovingPortAssignment boolean property of LayoutExecutor and LayoutGraphAdapter has been replaced by the PortAdjustmentPolicy property.
            • SingleItemCollection's Item property has been pulled up to ItemCollection. Class SingleItemCollection has been removed, its usages have been replaced by ItemCollection.
            • The property HierarchicLayoutData#AlternativeEdgePath has been renamed to HierarchicLayoutData#AlternativeEdgePaths.
            • The property HierarchicLayoutData#AlternativeEdgePaths now expects Iterable<IPoint> instead of YPointPath as mapped values.
            • The property HierarchicLayoutData#AlternativeGroupBounds now expects IRectangle instead of YRectangle as mapped values.
            • The type of the properties BalloonLayoutData#TreeRoot and TreeLayoutData#TreeRoot has been changed to SingleItem<INode>.
            • The property TreeLayoutData#LeftRightPlacersLeftNodes has been renamed to TreeLayoutData#LeftRightNodePlacerLeftNodes.
            • The property TreeLayoutData#DelegatingNodePlacersPrimaryNodes has been renamed to TreeLayoutData#DelegatingNodePlacerPrimaryNodes.
            • The properties SourceGroups and TargetGroups of RadialLayoutData have been removed since edge grouping is not supported by the RadialLayout class.
            • The properties Rows and Columns of class PartitionGrid are now of type IEnumerable<RowDescriptor> and IEnumerable<ColumnDescriptor> instead of an un-typed YList.
            • The PenaltySettings#InvalidEdgeGroupingPenalty property has been removed. If edge groups are defined, the EdgeRouter class now always considers them. Therefore, this setting no longer applies.
            • The following changes regarding the expert API related to the EdgeRouter class were made:
              • The first parameter of the constructors in class AbstractSegmentInfo is now of type Object instead of Edge. The provided type should be either PathRequest for affected edges or Edge for non-affected, fixed ones. Furthermore, the property AbstractSegmentInfo#Edge has been removed as the info is not necessarily associated with an edge anymore.
              • Simialrly, the first parameter of the constructor in class EdgeCellInfo is now of type Object instead of Edge. The provided type should be either PathRequest for affected edges or Edge for non-affected, fixed ones.
              • The constructor of class EdgeInfo now additionally takes a parameter of type Edge.
              • The parameter of type Edge from the constructor of Path as well as the respective property were removed. A path is now not necessarily associated with an edge but only with the newly introduced PathRequest.
              • The method PathSearchResult#getEdgeInfo(Path) was removed.


            • IMapperRegistry#createDelegateMapper has been renamed to createFunctionMapper.
            • The property ItemMapping#Delegate has been renamed to Function.
            • The property ContextItemMapping#ContextDelegate has been renamed to ContextBiFunction.
            • The property ItemCollection#Delegate has been renamed to Predicate.
            • GraphClipboard's methods onElementCut and onElementCopied are no longer called for graph items which are not copied themselves but are owners of copied items. As a consequence, the methods cut and copy of the IClipboardHelper implementations of these elements are no longer called, either.
            • The classes GeneralPath and GeneralPath.PathCursor are now final.

            Changes of Default Behavior


            • Renamed property PartialLayout#ResizeFixedGroups to FixedGroupResizingEnabled.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now uses a higher crossing cost for group node borders. To specify custom values, use the property HierarchicLayoutData#GroupBorderCrossingCosts.
            • The GroupingSupport class no longer throws an IllegalArgumentException if there is a node without associated ID (see GroupingKeys#NODE_ID_DPKEY). Instead the class uses the node itself as ID.
            • The SimplexNodePlacer#BarycenterMode property is now enabled by default. Thus, the HierarchicLayout class with default settings now produces different (usually more symmetric) layouts.
            • The default value of the property GridNodePlacer#RootAlignment was changed to GridNodePlacer#BUS_ALIGNED from AbstractRotatableNodePlacer#RootAlignment#TRAILING.
            • If the master edge is clipped on the bounds of its source or target, the ParallelEdgeRouter class now always clips the associated parallel edges on that bounds, too.


            • The following places now throw a ConcurrentModificationException instead of an IllegalStateException:
              • FilteredGraphWrapper: Changing graph items while iterating those using the IListEnumerable returned by FilteredGraphWrapper#getNodes, FilteredGraphWrapper#getEdges, FilteredGraphWrapper#getLabels or FilteredGraphWrapper#getPorts.
              • FilteredGraphWrapper: Changing the edges at a port or node while iterating those edges using the IListEnumerable returned by edgesAt.
              • GeneralPath: Changing the path's structure while iterating the path using a PathCursor returned by GeneralPath#createCursor.
            • The default tooltip in the class ToolTipQueryEventArgs is now set to null. Thus, the tooltip is not displayed when the event is handled without setting the tooltip content.
            • The properties RectangleIndicatorInstaller#Template and OrientedRectangleIndicatorInstaller#Template now return always the value that has been set by client code and are not modified by internal code anymore.

            yFiles for JavaFX

            yFiles for JavaFX



            • With SmartEdgeLabelModel, it was impossible to move a label from the left side of an edge to the right side. Instead, the label stopped at the edge.
            • Fixed an exception which could occur in CanvasControl's method #compareRenderOrder and when using GraphModelManager's #Comparator property.
            • Parsing a GraphML file with a folding edge state with a label without a preferred size no longer throws an exception.
            • In rare cases, saving a graph with folding to GraphML threw an exception.
            • The NodeAlignmentPolicy values CENTER_LEFT, CENTER_RIGHT, TOP_CENTER, BOTTOM_CENTER, and BOTTOM_LEFT now work correctly.
            • Reparenting an expanded group node into a collapsed group node no longer throws an exception.


            • Fixed a potential exception in LayoutExecutor which could occur when a layout is applied to a graph which contains table nodes which are not group nodes.

            yFiles for JavaFX

            yFiles for JavaFX



            • Slightly improved the performance of the GenericLabeling algorithm and improved the quality of the label placements for some cases.



            • Fixed a bug in the UndoEngine that could lead to memory leaks if the tokens returned by getToken were not disposed when the UndoEngine got cleared.
            • Fixed a bug that rendered labels or ports neither in a separate layer nor at their owner when exactly one of LabelLayerPolicy#AT_OWNER or PortLayerPolicy#AT_OWNER was used.
            • CollapsibleNodeStyleDecorator: IsHit respects buttons outside the node bounds.
            • Fixed null check for GridVisualCreator#Pen property.
            • Fixed an issue where EdgeStyleDecorationInstaller would cause an exception when used on edges that connect to other edges.
            • Fixed a bug, which might occur in very rare cases in the undo/redo processing of several consecutive reparent actions.
            • Fixed a bug in the graph implementation that sometimes led to a runtime that was quadratic in the number of nodes when creating large graphs.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode: Fixed a bug that caused the visualization of source port candidates to flicker.
            • The EdgeStyleDecorationsInstaller class now properly displays decorations for edges between group nodes and their descendants when displayed in view coordinates.


            • Method Paths#findAllChains now correctly calculates the chains of input graphs with cycles.


            • Fixed a bug in class EdgeRouter that sometimes caused a non-deterministic behavior.
            • The PolylineLayoutStage does no longer generate overlaps between sloped, polyline segments created by the stage and unrelated other obstacles (e.g. nodes).
            • Fixed a rare exception that was triggered by the EdgeRouter class during routing in cases where the input contained grouped edges.
            • The GenericLabeling class now produces better results for edge labels that have a preferred distance to the edge (PreferredPlacementDescriptor#DistanceToEdge) and at the same time multiple SideOfEdge preferences (e.g. left of edge and on the edge). Previously, the algorithm sometimes violated the preferred distance even though it would have been possible to keep it.
            • Fixed two issues that induced the violation of a PortCandidate with fixed offsets (or a strong PortConstraint) by the EdgeRouter class. The first was only triggered for constraints at the target side and only when the target node was additionally partly or fully covered by other obstacles (e.g. node labels). The second issue appeared in cases with the source and target node fully overlapping (e.g. an edge from a group to a child node).
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer throws an exception for inputs (rare) containing fixed, grouped edges and when EdgeRouter#PolylineRoutingEnabled is enabled.
            • The EdgeRouter now considers the correct NodeHalo associated with the target node when handling the minimum last segment length setting. Previously it incorrectly considered the halo of the source node which could lead to unnecessarily long or too short last segments.
            • Class EdgeRouter now correctly considers intersections between edges and labels of fixed edges if property EdgeLabelConsiderationEnabled is enabled.
            • Fixed a very rare exception that was triggered by the EdgeRouter class during routing in cases where the source/target node is covered by obstacles (i.e. other nodes, labels).
            • The EdgeRouter class now correctly considers intermediate routing points when using the polyline routing style (EdgeRouter#PolylineRoutingEnabled). Previously, it could happen that intermediate points were not part of the final polyline edge path.
            • Class PartialLayout now correctly considers the specified PortCandidates during the orthogonal/octilinear routing of edges.
            • Class EdgeRouter no longer considers all PortCandidates with multiple directions as fixed PortCandidates.
            • The OrthogonalLayout class no longer throws an exception when property OrthogonalLayout#UniformPortAssignmentEnabled is enabled and the input contains parallel edges.
            • The CompactNodePlacer class now correctly considers the specified values of the VerticalDistance and HorizontalDistance properties.
            • Class OrganicRemoveOverlapsStage no longer produces infinite loops for some rare cases.
            • The CompactNodePlacer class no longer throws an exception for some inputs with specified strategy memento information (either via property TreeLayoutData#CompactNodePlacerStrategyMementos or with a mapper registered with key CompactNodePlacer#STRATEGY_MEMENTO_DPKEY).
            • Self-loop segments generated by the HierarchicLayout class are now shorter and take up less space if possible. Previously, segments were sometimes unnecessarily long even though the minimum length settings allowed shorter segments.
            • When using RecursiveGroupLayout, the values of the properties ComputedWidth, ComputedHeight and ComputedPosition of the classes ColumnDescriptor and RowDescriptor are now correctly set after the layout if EdgeRouter is the corresponding InterEdgeRouter.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now produces less superfluous crossings if there are same-layer edges with PortConstraints or PortCandidates.
            • Improved the path search performance of the EdgeRouter class for cases where a large number of fixed and overlapping edge segments exist. Previously, the search could become very slow in such scenarios.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now correctly handles port labels with zero height/width. Previously, such labels may have caused very large distances between some nodes.
            • The HierarchicLayout class sometimes threw an ArgumentException for input graphs that contained incremental elements in combination with groups.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now prevents intersections between labels and the horizontal grid lines of a PartitionGrid.
            • The EdgeRouter class no longer throws an exception for some inputs containing edges with intermediate routing points.
            • The HierarchicLayout class now places sloped segments of grouped octilinear edges such that they are perfectly overlapping each other. Previously, it could happen that segments were slightly displaced with respect to each other.
            • Class SeriesParallelLayout now correctly handles input graphs with groups that only contain disconnected nodes. Previously, such inputs caused an exception.
            • Fixed a bug in the HierarchicLayout that could cause non-orthogonal segments when the input contained port labels in conjunction with edge grouping.
            • The OrganicLayout class now produces deterministic results for group nodes (if property DeterministicModeEnabled is enabled).
            • Fixed a StackOverflowError in EdgeRouter.

            yFiles for JavaFX 3.2

            yFiles for JavaFX 3.2

            Major New Features

            • The new LabelDropInputMode and PortDropInputMode classes implement drag and drop for labels and ports, respectively. The API of these classes is similar to NodeDropInputMode for nodes.
            • Labels can now be added to ports and the new label models FreePortLabelModel and InsideOutsideLabelModel can be used to place such labels. On the technical side, IPort now extends the ILabelOwner interface and the enum constant GraphItemTypes#PORT_LABEL was added.
            • The new LassoSelectionInputMode selects all model items inside a hand-drawn lasso region. This mode allows combinations of free-hand and straight-line sections during path creation. The following types and methods were added to support this mode.
              • Added the GraphEditorInputMode#LassoSelectionInputMode and GraphViewerInputMode#LassoSelectionInputMode properties and a corresponding factory method. LassoSelectionInputMode is disabled per default.
              • The new GraphEditorInputMode#lassoSelect and GraphViewerInputMode#lassoSelect methods programmatically selects all items in the provided GeneralPath.
              • The new ILassoTestable interface specifies whether the item is considered to be inside the lasso path. This is analog to the IMarqueeTestable interface for marquee selection.
              • Any model item can be decorated with an instance of ILassoTestable or provide one in its lookup. For this, the Node/Edge/Port/Label/BendDecorator classes got the new LassoTestableDecorator property for decorating an item with a custom ILassoTestable.
              • The new #isInPath method of AbstractNode/Edge/Port/ LabelStyle can be overridden to customize the lasso testing behavior.
              • The visualization of the lasso selection can be customized using CSS.
            • Labels and ports can now optionally be rendered directly in front of their owner. Such a rendering order can make the ownership of labels and ports more clear if nodes overlap. Previously, all label and ports were rendered in front of all nodes. The new rendering order can be enabled by setting the new properties LabelLayerPolicy and PortLayerPolicy of GraphModelManager to LabelLayerPolicy#AT_OWNER and PortLayerPolicy#AT_OWNER.

            New Features

            • The new GraphBuilder, TreeBuilder, and AdjacentNodesGraphBuilder classes can be used to build a graph from custom data.
            • The nesting options of GraphModelManager for the visualizations of nodes and edges have been improved and clearified.
              • The properties HierarchicNodeNestingEnabled and HierarchicEdgeNestingEnabled are superseded by the new HierarchicNestingPolicy property. This property has the enum type HierarchicNestingPolicy.
              • The new option HierarchicNestingPolicy#GROUP_NODES configures GraphModelManager to visualize all leaf nodes in one canvas object group while nesting all group nodes depending on their hierarchical depth.
            • The mouse wheel behavior of the overview can now be switched between ZOOM, SCROLL, and NONE, and optionally, the action can be performed only when the control is focused. This can be configured with the new OverviewInputMode#MouseWheelBehavior property.
            • TableEditorInputMode: Double clicking a stripe or stripe label now edits the label in the same way as for other graph items.
            • RectD and InsetsD: Added methods to reduce the size of an RectD and InsetsD instance, respectively.
            • The new static methods IPositionHandler#combine combine multiple position handler instances into a single instance.
            • Added the events ElementsCopied, ElementsCut, and ElementsPasted to GraphEditorInputMode, and the event ElementsCopied to GraphViewerInputMode.
            • The new static IAnimation#createSequentialAnimation method creates an animation that animates multiple animations in sequence.
            • The rectangle of the marquee selection can now be customized with the new protected method MarqueeSelectionInputModes#calculateMarqueeRectangle.
            • Added new decorator implementations for table items. You can access these new decorators via the new method ITable#getDecorator with the RowDecorator, ColumnDecorator and StripeLabelDecorator properties.
            • If the new CanvasControl#QuantizingInputCoordinatesEnabled property is enabled, world coordinates of mouse and touch events are rounded to nicer values to avoid unnecessary precision. For example, you'll get the value 326.375 instead of 326.3758109495. The rounding is chosen based on the zoom level to ensure that there is almost no visual deviation. Lower zoom levels will result in coarser rounding, higher zoom levels will use exactly as much precision as necessary. By default, this option is enabled.


            • OrthogonalLayout: Added support for parallel routing of parallel edges (multi-edges that share the same source and target node). They are routed as parallel as possible; if there are edge labels, the routes must differ somewhat. Previously, parallel edges were not handled explicitly and their routes were often very different, making the recognition of parallel structures difficult.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Added new property MaximumDuration, which enables to control the preferred time limit of the layout algorithms.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Added property UniformPortAssignmentEnabled that allows to obtain results with a more uniform port assignment.
            • Added convenience layout stage TemporaryGroupNodesInsertionStage that automatically generates a (non-nested) grouping structure from a given mapping of nodes to a component Id. This temporary grouping is meant for use during the run of the core layout algorithm of the stage. It allows, for example, easy use of RecursiveGroupLayout without the need for a real grouping structure when the requirement is that different sub-graphs need to be arranged with different layout algorithms.
            • Added the TemporaryGroupNodeInsertionData configuration class for the new TemporaryGroupNodeInsertionStage layout stage.
            • TreeLayout: Added node placer CompactNodePlacer that produces more compact tree layouts. It uses a dynamic optimization approach that chooses a placement strategy of the children such that the overall result is compact with respect to a specified aspect ratio, see property CompactNodePlacer#PreferredAspectRatio.
            • The new TreeLayoutData#CompactNodePlacerStrategyMementos property can be used to to maintain similar layout styles over subsequent runs of compact tree layout.
            • Added the new layout algorithm TabularLayout that generates simple tabular arrangements of nodes. It allows for placing nodes in rows and columns, such that each table cell contains at most one node. Among its features is, for example, a from-sketch mode, the possibility to exactly map nodes to specific cells or different vertical and horizontal alignments.
            • Added the TabularLayoutData configuration class for the new TabularLayout algorithm.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Added support for special layout styles of various substructures that are automatically detected in the input graph. Supported substructures are trees, chains and cycles - see the according properties OrthogonalLayout#TreeStyle, OrthogonalLayout#ChainStyle and OrthogonalLayout#CycleStyle. In addition to the style, the new feature offers more settings, like, for example, the desired tree layout orientation (see OrthogonalLayout#TreeOrientation). The orthogonal layout style LayoutStyle#NORMAL_TREE has been removed as the new tree style feature allows more settings for the arrangement of tree-like graphs.
            • Added the new layout algorithm TreeMapLayout that generates tree maps. Tree maps present hierarchical data using nested rectangles (nodes) where each rectangle (node) gets its size depending on a specific dimension of data associated to it.
            • Added the TreeMapLayoutData configuration class for the new TreeMapLayout algorithm.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter now supports routing through user-specified intermediate points. All specified points will lie on the edge route in the given order. See new property EdgeLayoutDescriptor#IntermediateRoutingPoints.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Edges that connect group nodes with their descendants can now directly connect from the inside to the group node border. Previously, an edge needed to always leave the group node before connecting to it. The feature can be enabled/disabled individually for each edge using the new property EdgeLayoutDescriptor#DirectGroupContentEdgeRoutingEnabled.
            • HierarchicLayout: Added feature that allows to define sub-components of the input graph such that each sub-component is arranged by a user-specified layout algorithm. This allows for hierarchical layouts where parts of the graph are arranged in a different fashion, e.g., to emphasize special sub-structures. The sub-components can be specified by a data provider registered with the input graph with key HierarchicLayout.SUB_COMPONENT_ID_DPKEY or with the new HierarchicLayoutData#SubComponents property .
            • ShortestPaths: Added a-star (A*) algorithm for finding the shortest path between two nodes in a directed or undirected, arbitrary graph.


            Graph Model

            • All methods that set a node layout or a bend location are now fail-fast if the provided layout or location contains a NaN value. Previously, this resulted not in an immediate error but broke subsequent code like an automatic layout or a content rectangle calculation.
            • The performance of FilteredGraphWrapper has been improved. Now, it depends mainly on the size of the resulting filtered graph. This allows for loading very large graphs into memory and displaying only a subset of them using FilteredGraphWrapper.
            • For ITable's default methods findRow, findColumn, findStripe and findStripes, overloads without the Predicate parameter have been added.
            • DefaultGraph has new factory methods to customize undo unit creation.
            • DefaultGraph now fills the undo engine and triggers events in a consistent manner for all graph element factory methods.
            • Many label model createParameter methods now have overloads without those parameters that are not needed every time.
            • InteriorStretchLabelModel: Added new parameters CENTER_HORIZONTAL and CENTER_VERTICAL for horizontal or vertical centered one-line labels.
            • The factory method IMapper#fromMap has been added which returns an implementation of IMapper that delegates to a java.util.Map.
            • IMapperRegistry: The value type parameter was removed from all default methods taking NodeDpKey, EdgeDpKey or ILabelLayoutDpKey.


            • The new method GraphModelManager#getMainCanvasObject returns the canvas object that should be used when changing the visibility or z-order of a model item.
            • Assigning a new graph instance to GraphOverviewControl now keeps configuration changes made to the overview's GraphVisualCreator instance.
            • Selfloop edges are now properly displayed in the GraphOverviewControl.
            • Animations after a layout don't break anymore if the graph is modified concurrently.
            • Added the new CanvasControl#LimitingFitContentZoomEnabled property which controls whether the maximum zoom level for the CanvasControl#fitContent method as well as the FitContent command is restricted to 1 or the value of the MaximumZoom property.
            • Akin to the two CanvasControl#zoomTo methods, there are now two CanvasControl#zoomToAnimated methods that animate the viewport change.
            • ICanvasObjectGroup#addChild: A default method without the ICanvasObjectDescriptor parameter was added as overload which uses the ICanvasObjectDescriptor#ALWAYS_DIRTY_INSTANCE.
            • GraphModelManager now avoids unnecessary re-installation of items if they keep their ICanvasObjectGroup. By these re-installations the z-order of the item in its group was lost and a new visual was created.
            • The factory method IAnimation#createLayoutAnimation has been added which delegates to LayoutUtilities#createLayoutAnimation as the method is easier to find in IAnimation.
            • The factory methods IAnimation#createParallelAnimation now takes covariant Iterables, i.e. Iterable<T extends IAnimation> instead of Iterable<IAnimation>.
            • Inertia scrolling of the viewport behaves now in a more natural way. The scrolling stops now after a fixed amount of time and we fixed several problems that caused erratic behavior.
            • The stroke thickness is now considered for the calculation of the origin of the default arrow visualizations. Therefore, the visualizations no longer extend into the node bounds.


            • The new properties MoveViewportInputMode#SnapPanning and SnapPanningThreshold allow for snapping touch panning to one axis.
            • The events ItemTapped, ItemDoubleTapped, and CanvasTapped have been added to GraphEditorInputMode and GraphViewerInputMode.
            • The new CanvasControl#HitTestRadiusTouch property controls the hit test radius for touch interaction. The existing HitTestRadius property now only applies to mouse interaction. The ICanvasContext#HitTestRadius property automatically uses one or the other value, depending on the last input event.
            • Touch3DEventArgs now provides the modifier keys that were pressed when the event was dispatched as well as those that have changed their state since the last Touch3DEventArgs.
            • The new CanvasControl#LastInputEvent property contains the LastMouseEvent or LastTouchEvent depending on which was dispatched last.
            • The new TapEventArgs#TapCount and Touch3DEvent#TapCount properties can be used to distinguish between single and multiple taps.
            • Panning with two fingers held down does no longer change the zoom level.
            • The CreateEdgeInputMode#CancelGestureOnInvalidTarget property was sometimes ignored on touch-enabled devices.
            • The IEventRecognizers SHIFT_PRESSED, ALT_PRESSED, CTRL_PRESSED and SHORTCUT_PRESSED now also recognize the modifier for Touch3DEvent.
            • The following event recognizer of input modes and input-related classes can now also be used with touch gestures:
              • CreateBendInputMode#SplitOrthogonalSegmentRecognizer.
              • ResizeStripeInputMode#ResizeNeighborsRecognizer and IgnoreContentRecognizer.
              • CreateEdgeInputMode#PortCandidateResolutionRecognizer and EnforceBendCreationRecognizer.
              • GraphEditorInputMode#MultiSelectionRecognizer.
              • GraphViewerInputMode#MultiSelectionRecognizer.
              • TableEditorInputMode#MultiSelectionRecognizer.
              • ReparentNodeHandler#ReparentRecognizer.
              • PortRelocationHandle#PortCandidateResolutionRecognizer.
            • Don't run unneccessary hit tests when a mode is canceled.
            • The INode parameter of the NavigationInputMode#enterGroup method is now optional. If it is null the whole graph will be revealed.
            • The CanvasControl#createInputModeContext method is now public instead of protected.
            • ItemClickedEventArgs now extends ClickEventArgs and therefore provides additional information like the InputModeContext.
            • The new overload of the CreateEdgeInputMode#doStartEdgeCreation method taking an initialTargetLocation parameter can be used to define the initial location that shall be used to find a target node.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode now removes coinciding bends if orthogonal edge creation is enabled.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode provides access to a dummy target node which is used during the interactive edge creation. This allows making the node visible during creation by setting a style and size.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode now supports edges ending without a valid target port candidate. This allows for creating new target nodes together with newly created edges.
            • The new property CreateEdgeInputMode#PrematureEndHitTestable allows for considering any location as valid target point for an edge.
            • The new CreateEdgeInputMode#DragCursor property specifies the cursor that is used during edge creation when no bend may be created at the current location.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode now supports showing port candidates at potential sources for edge creation, too.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode now always creates dummy ports during a gesture, instead of temporarily reusing real ports if available. This makes it possible to change e.g. the dummy edge's source port's style during the gesture.
            • The new CreateEdgeInputMode#StartingOverCandidateOnlyEnabled property can be used to restrict the start of an edge creation gesture to directly hovered port candidates.
            • The new protected CreateEdgeInputMode#getSourcePortCandidates method makes determining source port candidates more flexible.
            • GraphEditorInputMode and TableEditorInputMode: Method editLabel now also returns a Future, similar to addLabel and createLabel.
            • ClickInputMode now dispatches the clicked events in the same order as GraphEditorInputMode and GraphViewerInputMode, i.e. the more specific events LeftClicked, RightClicked, LeftDoubleClicked and RightDoubleClicked are now dispatched before Clicked and DoubleClicked. Hence, Clicked and DoubleClicked will only be triggered if the event wasn't handled before.
            • TableEditorInputMode now handles clicks and taps similar to GraphEditorInputMode:
              • New ItemClicked, ItemLeftClicked, ItemRightClicked, ItemDoubleClicked, ItemLeftDoubleClicked, ItemRightDoubleClicked, ItemTapped, ItemDoubleTapped events are raised.
              • If an event is handled, its default behavior is prevented.
              • The new properties ClickableItems and ClickableRegions determine for which items and regions a click event will be raised.
            • The properties MaximumSnapDistance, ShowingHitPortOwnerCandidatesOnlyEnabled and Visualization have been added to PortRelocationHandleProvider and are applied to each PortRelocationHandle created by this provider.
            • The default value of DefaultPortCandidate#LocationParameter is now FreeNodePortLocationModel#NODE_CENTER_ANCHORED for nodes and BendAnchoredPortLocationModel#FIRST_BEND for edges instead of a parameter of an internal model.
            • During interactive edge creation, the tip of a newly created edge now only snaps to valid target port candidates to create orthogonal end segments.
            • Moving a node with the MoveInputMode for unselected nodes now moves the bends of adjacent self-loops, too.
            • Added overridable methods to PortRelocationHandle to allow customization of the port candidates.
            • The new TextEditorInputMode#TextAreaPlacementPolicy property provides finer control of what happens when the TextArea is (partially) outside of the viewport.
            • The new TextEditorInputMode#TextAreaPadding property controls the padding between the TextArea and the border of the canvas.
            • The CanvasControl#Mouse2DClicked event now reports the position of the mouse down event as its location and the CanvasControl#Touch3DTapped event reports the location of the touch down event as its location. Previously, this was the location of the up events which can be slightly different.
            • The new PortRelocationHandle#Visualization property controls how the preview during edge reconnection is handled. A new option is to change the edge during the gesture, which improves fidelity of the preview in certain cases.
            • MoveLabelInputMode: The visualization of a moved label has been improved. The new property Visualization allows easy switching between a symbolic preview, a preview or a live view.
            • The following input modes now release the mutex before dispatching their final event:
              • CreateEdgeInputMode now releases the mutex before dispatching the EdgeCreated event.
              • MoveInputMode now releases the mutex before dispatching the DragFinished event.
              • ResizeStripeInputMode now releases the mutex before dispatching the DragFinished event.
            • The new methods #findNextItem and #findNearestItem of NavigationInputMode can be used to configure the determination of the "next" item.
            • The type parameter T of class ItemDropInputMode<T> is no longer restricted to IModelItem.
            • Overloads of the methods GraphCopier#copy and GraphClipboard#duplicate without the IElementCopiedCallback parameter have been added.
            • The new GraphEditorInputMode#MoveUnselectedInputMode property provides a child input mode for moving unselected items. It supersedes the previous #createMoveUnselectedInputMode method. This input mode is disabled by default.
            • The static constants SELECTED_MOVABLES_POSITION_HANDLER and SELECTED_MOVABLES_HIT_TESTABLE have been added to GraphEditorInputMode. These are used as default PositionHandler and HitTestable properties of GraphEditorInputMode#MoveInputMode and can be reused for other input modes.
            • KeyEventArgs now provides the #EventType and #KeyValue of the original KeyEvent.


            • OrganicLayoutData: The new properties SourceGroupIds and TargetGroupIds can be used to group edges when some preconditions are met.
            • HierarchicLayout: Reduced required memory for graphs with sequence constraints.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Improved routing quality for edges between group nodes and their descendants in the case that the routing is aborted via AbortHandler or when the maximum duration time limit is up. Previously, such edges might not have been handled in this case, whereas now they always get a simple but valid orthogonal route.
            • HierarchicLayout: Improved handling of sequence and layering constraints between sub-components, see HierarchicLayout#SUB_COMPONENT_ID_DPKEY or HierarchicLayoutData#SubComponent. Previously, such constraints were ignored.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Reduced the number of bends of directed edges.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Reduced number of crossings for directed edges.
            • BusRouter: Now automatically ignores non-orthogonal edges with fixed bus descriptor (see BusDescriptor#isFixed) or transforms them into orthogonal edges if they are octilinear. In previous versions, the layout algorithm simply throws an IllegalArgumentException in such cases.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Improved compactness of the layout results.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Improved result of the perceived bends optimization (see OrthogonalLayout#PerceivedBendsOptimizationEnabled).
            • OrthogonalLayout: The postprocessing step now also applies special transformations that can reduce the overall edge length.
            • MultiPageLayout: Improved runtime as well as layout quality if the input is a tree structure and the specified #CoreLayout is either an instance of class TreeLayout or ClassicTreeLayout. Furthermore, property MultiPageLayout#AdditionalParentCount allows for specifing the number of additional proxies that the algorithm tries to add to a subtree. The original nodes associated with these proxies lie on the path of the tree's root to the subtree placed on a page.
            • MultiPageLayout: Added property #ProxyReferenceNodeCreationEnabled that allows for disabling the creation of proxy reference nodes as well as property #MultipleComponentsOnSinglePagePlacementEnabled that allows to prevent that elements of different connected components are placed on the same page.
            • PortPlacementStage now additionally considers port grouping constraints. If two edges are port-grouped at a certain node, the stage assigns the same port location to the edges. For more information about port grouping, see PortConstraintKeys#SOURCE_PORT_GROUP_ID_DPKEY and PortConstraintKeys#TARGET_PORT_GROUP_ID_DPKEY.
            • TreeComponentLayout: Added property UndirectedTreeConsiderationEnabled that allows for specifing whether or not undirected tree structures should be handled or not. Previously, only directed tree structures were considered.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Reduced the length of straight-line edges which can lead to layouts that are significantly more compact.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Improved optimization that reduces the number of perceived bends, see OrthogonalLayout#PerceivedBendsOptimizationEnabled.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed problem that sometimes caused an unnecessarily large distance between adjacent layers.
            • Added new stage PlaceNodesAtBarycenterStage that places a user-specified subset of nodes on the barycenter of their neighbors. During the core layout, these node are hidden.
            • DefaultNodePlacer and SimpleNodePlacer now both support to specify a minimum distance between the edge segments that are routed orthogonally in the channel between the root node and the child nodes, see method DefaultNodePlacer#MinimumChannelSegmentDistance and SimpleNodePlacer#MinimumChannelSegmentDistance respectively.
            • ClassicTreeLayout now allows for specifying a minimum vertical distance for the horizontal edge segments of the bus, see ClassicTreeLayout#MinimumBusSegmentDistance.
            • Major performance improvement for Polyline.EdgeRouter and routing scenarios where it is unavoidable to cross obstacles (e.g. other nodes, labels) in order to reach the target, including cases where a crossing is necessary to guarantee that port candidates/constraints at the target side are satisfied.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Improved quality in maze routing scenarios. Previously, it could happen that edge-node overlaps occurred even though there exists a more complicated path that yields no overlaps.
            • Several minor performance improvements for Polyline.EdgeRouter that affect the path search phase as well as the segment location assignment phase.
            • The new TreeLayoutData#CriticalEdgePriorities property can be used to specify critical edges.
            • The new LayoutExecutor#createLayoutGraphAdapter callback method makes it possible to configure the LayoutGraphAdapter that is used for the layout calculation.
            • SmartEdgeLabelModel now is properly handled by labeling algorithms, resulting in better label placements.
            • The new ImprovingPortAssignmentEnabled property of LayoutExecutor and LayoutGraphAdapter enables PortCalculator to improve the port assignment.
            • The combination of PartitionGridData and TableLayoutConfigurator has been improved:
              • PartitionGridData now reuses the PartitionGrid created by the TableLayoutConfigurator.
              • Several methods have been added to TableLayoutConfigurator which provide access to the PartitionCellId assignment of the configurator as well as the mappings between IRow/IColumn and RowDescriptor/ColumnDescriptor.
            • The new properties LayerConstraints and SequenceConstraints of HierarchicLayoutData can be used to configure layer and sequence constraints for the HierarchicLayout. These supersede the previous LayerConstraintFactory and SequenceConstraintFactory properties.
            • The property ItemMapping#Map has been added that allows you to use a java.util.Map for the mapping from items to values.


            • Added GraphBuilderDemo and InteractiveNodesGraphBuilderDemo demonstrating basic usage of yFiles' new GraphBuilder classes.
            • Added RotatableNodesDemo that shows how support for rotated node visualizations can be implemented on top of the yFiles library.
            • Added PartitionGridDemo that shows how a PartitionGrid can be used in layout calculations to restrict the node positions to grid cells.
            • Added RenderingOrderDemo that shows the effect of different render policies on the z-order of nodes, edges, labels and ports.
            • Added EdgeToEdgeDemo that demonstrates the use of edge-to-edge connections.
            • Added LargeGraphsDemo that shows some strategies how to keep a smooth UI when large graphs shall be visualized.

            Further improvements

            • The PointD#toMutablePoint and RectD#toMutableRectangle methods now return a MutablePoint instead of IMutablePoint and a MutableRectangle instead of a IMutableRectangle, respectively.
            • The following factory methods for easy conversion between yFiles geometry classes, yFiles layout geometry and JavaFX geometry classes have been added:
              • IPoint#toPoint2D and PointD#fromPoint2D.
              • IPoint#toYPoint and PointD#fromYPoint.
              • ISize#toDimension2D and SizeD#fromDimension2D.
              • ISize#toYDimension and SizeD#fromYDimension.
              • IRectangle#toBounds and RectD#fromBounds.
              • IRectangle#toRectangle2Dand RectD#fromRectangle2D.
              • IRectangle#toYRectangleand RectD#fromYRectangle.
              • IOrientedRectangle#toYOrientedRectangleand OrientedRectangle#fromYRectangle.
              • InsetsD#toInsets and InsetsD#fromInsets.
              • InsetsD#toYInsets and InsetsD#fromYInsets.
            • The new method GeneralPath#intersects(GeneralPath) determines whether the path intersects with another GeneralPath.
            • The GeneralPath#createSmoothedPath method now has additional parameters to change how smoothing is applied. Those new options result in nicer smoothing when combined with large smoothing lengths and many different segment lengths in the path.
            • When reading GraphML with the deserialization property IgnoreXamlDeserializationErrors enabled, invalid property content is now skipped instead of discarding the whole object with such content.
            • Added a remove method to NodeDecorator, LabelDecorator, EdgeDecorator, PortDecorator, and BendDecorator for easy removal of decorations.
            • PolylineEdgeStyle renders better looking paths for self loop edges whose ports are near the node border.
            • The class CanvasResourceBundle has been added which can be used to replace the default command binding key strokes and command names via ResourceBundles.
            • The new class LicenseConfig has been added whose static INSTANCE can be optionally used to configure the license resolving:
              • If the content of the license file is set as LicenseString property, it is used directly instead of trying to load a license file.
              • Otherwise if the LicenseClassLoader property is set, this ClassLoader is used to load the license file.
            • The PlatformClassloader introduced with JDK 9 is now recognized per default when writing GraphML. For JDK classes of JDK 9 that are no longer known to the bootstrap classloader but only to the platform classloader no explicit XamlNamespaceMapping has to be added to GraphMLIOHandler.


            Graph Model

            • Fixed an exception which might occur upon user interactions in a folded graph which contains labels at ports.
            • Fixed a bug which might have caused an edge in a folded view to lose its bends and labels after repeatedly reversing the edge.
            • The SmartEdgeLabelModel#findBestParameter method returned a parameter that was centered on the edge even if the desired label layout overlapped only a little bit with an edge segment or was directly aside of one.
            • The graph of an IFoldingView now raises the NodeCreated, EdgeCreated, PortAdded, LabelAdded, and BendAdded events after the created element is registered. This fixes a bug where the master item of the created item was not available in handlers for these events.
            • Table: The methods setLabelText, remove, setLabelPreferredSize and setLabelLayoutParameter now throw an IllegalArgumentException instead of an InvalidStateException.
            • DefaultGraph now calls the onRemovingEdge and onRemovingPort methods before their incident items are removed.
            • When a stripe is removed, ITable#LabelRemoved events for the implicitly removed associated labels are now raised, too.
            • The implementations of IStripeHitTestHelper and IBoundsProvider in the lookup of an IStripe could neither be decorated nor overridden by the context lookup provided by a stripe style.
            • The INodeInsetsProvider implementations which can be retrieved from InteriorLabelModel and InteriorStretchLabelModel now correctly sum up the space required by overlapping labels.


            • Scrolling with CanvasControl#ScrollCommandAnimationEnabled enabled no longer changes the zoom level.
            • The methods getBounds and isVisible describing the RectangleIndicatorInstaller returned wrong values. This could impact the performance as e.g. some node selection highlights were updated although they were not in the view port and result in unnecessary large content rectangles.
            • GraphModelManager: Fixed NullPointerException that occured when any of the Descriptor properties were set while the GraphModelManager instance was not yet associated to an IGraph.
            • Bridges: For edges which cross each other with the same absolute slope now a bridge is added on exactly one of these edges, depending on the crossing policy (was: either on both edges or none of them).
            • Reduced memory consumption of DefaultEdgePathCropper.
            • Removing an item that is currently highlighted with a custom HighlightIndicatorManager, FocusIndicatorManager, or SelectionIndicatorManager no longer results in a NullPointerException.
            • Selected stripe labels no longer remain selected after their owning stripe is deleted.
            • Selected stripe labels no longer cause exceptions when hovering over them.
            • The selection indicator for selected stripe labels is now shown correctly.
            • The methods GraphClipboard#copy and GraphClipboard#cut don't copy items anymore which depend on items that are selected but not included in GraphClipboard#CopyItems.
            • Undo units created by the execution of a layout algorithm are now correctly merged with undo units of the previously executed interactive gesture.
            • Corrected weird scrolling behavior of the scroll bar when the viewport was outside the content rectangle.
            • The commands COPY, CUT, and DUPLICATE are no longer enabled if there are no elements to cut, copy or duplicate.
            • Fixed a bug that sometimes prevented dispatching the mouse up event.
            • CanvasControl#fitContent now takes into account that scroll bars that are currently visible may vanish.
            • IVisualTemplate#createVisual was sometimes called with wrong bounds and IVisualTemplate#updateVisual was often not called at all.
            • Mouse wheel scrolling and scroll commands no longer move the view to the top left corner if a the viewport is limited by a ViewportLimiter.
            • Bridges did sometimes not appear on edges when they were scrolled into the viewport.
            • RectangleIndicatorInstaller and OrientedRectangleIndicatorInstaller: If an installer is created without a template key or if no template is registered for the template key that is passed to the installer's constructor, the installer's #Template property will now be initialized to a non-null default template.
            • Fixed a bug in RectangleIndicatorInstaller and in default arrows, SnapResultProvider and SnapResult implementations, that has caused a NullPointerException when the corresponding template is null.
            • Fixed CSS support for edge selection. Previously customizing the edge selection visualization using the edge-selection-indicator style class was sometimes ignored.


            • PortRelocationHandleProvider now can handle null as graph constructor parameter.
            • PortRelocationHandle#GHOST_VISUALIZATION_PEN_KEY now is excluded from obfuscation.
            • Fixed IHitTestable implementation of DefaultPortCandidateDescriptor which used incorrect coordinates.
            • The ParentInputMode property of the InputModeEventArgs now is the input mode which has raised the event. Previously, some input modes erroneously set the ParentInputMode to the containing GraphEditorInputMode or GraphViewerInputMode.
            • Switching the input mode in an event handler of the current input mode no longer throws an exception.
            • ItemHoverInputMode updates the hovered item upon mouse drag events, too. This is the documented behavior. Previously, the hovered item was only updated on mouse move events.
            • ItemHoverInputMode removes the hovered item upon cancel.
            • GraphClipboard: The contents of a folder node was not copied if the folder was copied from within a group view, i.e. if the user entered a group node. In the worst case, this might have frozen the complete application.
            • Fixed an exception when an edge or label is pasted without selected target while its original owner is not in the current view.
            • ClickInputMode provided wrong click locations in the Clicked event if a Mouse2DEventTypes#CLICKED event without preceding Mouse2DEventTypes#PRESSED event was processed.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode did not show port candidates after re-installation of the input mode.
            • To distinguish touch move events from touch press events, the CanvasControl#LongPressTime property was used instead of the CanvasControl#DragTime property.
            • Moving an edge label with SmartEdgeLabelModel that is owned by an edge without visible path no longer throws an exception.
            • ItemHoverInputMode now resets the hovered item when moving the mouse out of the control.
            • GraphEditorInputMode and GraphViewerInputMode no longer ignore changes to their sub-input modes after having been installed once.
            • The HitTestRadius property of the following implementations of ICanvasContext now correctly contain the value in world coordinates instead of view coordinates:
              • The context created by ICanvasContext#create when passing a CanvasControl but no hit test radius.
              • The context passed to IDisposeVisualCallback.
              • The context passed to IPositionHandlers by MoveInputMode.
              • The context passed to adjacent handles when moving a bend handle.
            • Disabling MarqueeSelectionInputMode during the gesture via code left the marquee visible on the screen.
            • When a selected stripe label is edited its TextArea now is correctly placed.
            • While relocating edges, dropping a port over an invalid target or empty canvas no longer creates an empty undo unit.
            • The Clicked and DoubleClicked events of ClickInputMode were sometimes missing when clicking on a node or edge. Now, they are always triggered unless the event was handled before.
            • Snap lines which indicate the same size are no longer shown for implicitly re-sized parent group nodes.
            • TextEditorInputMode: Inserting a line break now replaces selected text.
            • Node-to-edge snapping is now disabled by default which is the documented and intended value. For this, the initial value of the GraphSnapContext#NodeToEdgeDistance property is set to -1.0.
            • The LabelEditingEventArgs#Context#ParentInputMode property provided in the events GraphEditorInputMode#LabelAdding, GraphEditorInputMode#LabelEditing, TableEditorInputMode#LabelAdding and TableEditorInputMode#LabelEditing now contains the corresponding GraphEditorInputMode or TableEditorInputMode instance.
            • The default implementation of IPortSnapResultProvider never returned any snap results.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode: The ValidBeginCursor is now correctly hidden during edge creation when bend creation isn't allowed.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode didn't always update the highlight of possible source port candidates when its ShowPortCandidates property was configured to show the source port candidates.
            • GraphEditorInputMode/GraphViewerInputMode: Corrected the context menu location if the menu is opened using the keyboard. Previously, the menu could appear outside the GraphControl if the selected items or the current item were not completely inside the current viewport. Now the context menu location (i.e. the menu's upper left corner) will be always inside the GraphControl.
            • AbstractContextMenuInputMode: The ValidMenuLocationHitTestable was erroneously called with view coordinates instead of world coordinates.
            • ReparentStripePositionHandler: The source and target ghost visualization was not always updated correctly when custom ghosts were used.
            • Changing the values of the CreateEdgeInputMode#DummyEdgeGraph#EdgeDefaults property had no effect for some interactions.
            • Fixed a possible infinite loop in OrthogonalEdgeHelper.
            • The cursor is now correctly reset after editing an orthogonal edge.
            • The CreateEdgeInputMode doesn't show port candidates anymore if bend creation is enforced (by pressing CTRL key during edge creation).
            • The indicators for bend grid snapping were not always drawn at the correct position for bends which were implicitly moved with a selected edge.
            • On fast consecutive taps sometimes a NullPointerException was thrown.


            • ComponentLayout: Fixed an IllegalArgumentException that was triggered for some input graphs with user-defined components (see COMPONENT_ID_DPKEY) where at least one node had null as its component id.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed a problem that sometimes caused too long straight-line same-layer edges. Note that the additional length was equal to the value of HierarchicLayout#NodeToEdgeDistance
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed a rare NullPointerException that was triggered for some input graphs when the maximum duration was exceeded.
            • CompactNodePlacer: Fixed NullPointerException that was triggered when the tree root was marked as assistant node, see AssistantNodePlacer#ASSISTANT_NODE_DPKEY.
            • CompactNodePlacer: Fixed IllegalStateException that could occur for input graphs that contain assistant nodes (see AssistantNodePlacer#ASSISTANT_NODE_DPKEY) and given placement strategies (see CompactNodePlacer#STRATEGY_MEMENTO_DPKEY).
            • TreeLayout: Fixed bug that caused less compact results when using the CompactNodePlacer.
            • TreeLayout: Fixed bug that caused that the layout algorithm sometimes did not pass on exceptions that occurred during the layout calculation but caught them without proper handling.
            • RadialLayout: Fixed NullPointerException that was triggered when there was a DataProvider registered with the graph with key HierarchicalLayout.SUB_COMPONENT_ID_DPKEY.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed endless loop issue causing a StackOverflowError if a sub-component with a nested layout algorithm that again applied an instance of HierarchicLayout was defined.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that could cause unnecessary bends for edges that need to cross group node borders.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed an issue that caused edge-to-edge distance violations (for segments directly connecting at a node) even if a cheaper route that e.g., introduces a bend - which costs less by default - was available.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Fixed NullPointerException that occurred when the subtree layout style TreeLayoutStyle#INTEGRATED was specified, the subtree orientation was fixed and the graph was almost a tree graph with the exception that the root node contained additional self-loop edges.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed possible NullPointerException for input graphs with source/target port labels (see LabelPlacements#AT_SOURCE_PORT and LabelPlacements.AT_TARGET_PORT) and with a subset of nodes associated with halos (see NodeHalo).
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a wrong placement of source/target edge labels when integrated edge labeling was enabled and if there were either critical edges (see HierarchicLayout.CRITICAL_EDGE_DPKEY) or property SimplexNodePlacer.EdgeStraighteningEnabled was enabled.
            • GenericLabeling: Fixed a very rare IllegalArgumentException that was caused by some input graphs that contain edges with zero length segments and labels associated with a free edge label model (i.e., SmartEdgeLabelModel or FreeEdgeLabelModel).
            • HierarchicLayout and SimplexNodePlacer: Fixed a very rare IllegalArgumentException that was caused by some input graphs that contain both swimlanes and groups as well as fixed elements.
            • RecursiveGroupLayout: Fixed a bug that caused violation of PortConstraints or PortCandidates for self-loops where both endpoints were restricted to the same node side.
            • PolylineLayoutStage: Fixed a bug that caused collinear bends to be removed from fixed edges. Now, such fixed edges are not changed anymore.
            • OrganicLayout: Fixed bug that caused that movable nodes kept their initial location if the scope is set to SUBSET or MAINLY_SUBSET and if there are output restrictions (see OrganicLayout#OutputRestriction).
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that could cause the violation of fixed port candidates if there were critical edges (see HierarchicLayout.CRITICAL_EDGE_DPKEY) and edges connecting to group nodes.
            • SeriesParallelLayout: Fixed a rare bug that triggered a NullPointerException when the input location of a node was set to a very large value (e.g. largest possible floating-point value). This applies if the algorithm is not in from-sketch mode. For the from-sketch mode, an exception can still occur - this case is considered to be bad input.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed problem where edges between group nodes contained superfluous bends if there were grouped edges in the input graph.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed issue that sometimes caused weird edge routes if there are edges with intermediate routing points.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed NullPointerException that was triggered when the list of intermediate points for an edge consisted of exactly two equal points.
            • OrganicLayout: Fixed IllegalArgumentException that could appear if cycle substructure detection is enabled, see OrganicLayout#CycleSubstructureStyle.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed an issue that caused non-symmetric results for grouped edges even though property SimplexNodePlacer#BaryCenterModeEnabled was enabled.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Fixed rare infinite loop issue for grouped graphs.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed rare NullPointerException.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed NullPointerException that occurred when there were intermediate routing points and the path search got aborted (e.g. because of maximum duration time limit).
            • ShortestPaths: Fixed possible NullPointerException that occurred when the a-star algorithm was applied to a graph with non-monotonic heuristic costs.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed UnsupportedOperationException that was triggered when a DataProviderAdapter that does not implement IDataProvider#get was registered with key GivenLayersLayerer#LAYER_ID_DPKEY. The issue only appeared in conjunction with sub-components, see HierarchicLayout#SUB_COMPONENT_ID_DPKEY.
            • FamilyTreeLayout: Fixed bug that caused that the preferred family member order wasn't considered, see FamilyTreeLayout#FamilyMembersSortingPolicy.
            • GenericLabeling: Fixed bug that could cause that a label candidate with a lower profit (see AbstractLabeling#Profit) was preferred over another candidate with higher profit even though both candidates did not overlap with any other elements.
            • GenericLabeling: Fixed unexpected labeling results that occurred if a label had label candidates with different sizes. The labeling algorithm previously calculated profits of candidates under the assumption that all candidates have equal size.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed rare infinite looping issue for input graphs with fixed (i.e., non-incremental) nodes and layering constraints.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed a rare bug that caused port candidate failures for edges grouped with fixed edges.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed a bug that caused collinear bends and self-crossings to be removed from fixed edges. Now, such fixed edges are not changed anymore.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that sometimes caused a NullPointerException if the input graph contains port groups, see PortConstraintKeys#SOURCE_PORT_GROUP_ID_DPKEY and PortConstraintKeys#TARGET_PORT_GROUP_ID_DPKEY.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that sometimes caused superfluous bends if the edges were routed on a grid and the grid reference point was different from (0,0), see property NodeLayoutDescriptor#GridReference.
            • GraphLayoutLineWrapper: Fixed bug that sometimes caused a large empty space inside the drawing.
            • CircularLayout: Now correctly considers whether or not an inter-partition edge should be bundled or not (see EdgeBundleDescriptor#isBundled). Previously, when having multiple partitions, inter-partition edges where sometimes bundled even if the bundling property was disabled.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed a bug where the edge thickness of grouped edge segments was not considered correctly (e.g. there was not enough space for a thick edge).
            • BusRouter: Fixed non-deterministic behavior with respect to multiple runs that occurred in very rare cases.
            • Corrected an error in the Rectangle2D#Contains(Rectangle2D) method. As a consequence of this error, the results of various algorithms and automatic layouts could have been wrong.
            • OrthogonalLayout now considers edge grouping also if there are no directed edges specified.


            • SwingDemo: Fixed dead locks when using the system look and feel on GTK-based desktop environments like the popular GNOME desktop environment.

            Further Bugfixes

            • GenericLabelModel serialization: Fixed cyclic reference in GraphML which could happen while serializing a GenericLabelModel with a parameter with associated descriptor.
            • PolylineEdgeStyle now takes arrow heads into account for visibility checks.
            • The default method IOrientedRectangle#getCenter didn't return the correct center if the width or height of the rectangle was equal to 0.
            • Sometimes the GroupNodeDefaults#LabelDefaults#AutoAdjustingPreferredSizeEnabled property and the GroupNodeDefaults#PortDefaults#AutoCleanupEnabled property were not considered for labels and ports of groups.
            • The GroupingSupport#hasGroupNodes method now returns only true if there are actually group nodes in the graph. Previously, it returned also true if there once were group nodes which had been removed in the meantime.
            • TableNodeStyle: Fixed missing default visualization.
            • Fixed a possible NullPointerException in TableNodeStyleRenderer when a TableNodeStyle is rendered with #Table set to null.
            • The clone method now is overridable in all style implementations.
            • Fixed calculation of the preferred size of TemplateNodeStyleRenderer, TemplateLabelStyleRenderer and TemplatePortStyleRenderer.

            Incompatible Changes

            • ReparentStripePositionHandler: All callback methods dealing with ghost objects have been renamed consistently:
              • UpdateXyzVisualization to UpdateXyzGhost.
              • UpdateTargetVisualizationBounds to UpdateTargetGhostBounds.
            • The method Arrow#getAsFrozen was removed as there was no benefit in converting the Arrow instance in an immutable instance.
            • The protected factory method MoveLabelInputMode#createLabelHitTestable has been removed. Developers who want to set a custom instance need to set it directly to the HitTestable property.
            • The #CanvasClicked event of GraphEditorInputMode/GraphViewerInputMode now provides the GraphEditorInputMode/GraphViewerInputMode as parent input mode in the Context property of its ClickEventArgs.
            • The ITable#RelativeLocation property has been removed. Use ITable#Insets with corresponding Left and Top values instead.
            • Renamed all occurrences of Cleanup to CleanUp in API names.
            • ItemClickedEventArgs now extends ClickEventArgs.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode's EdgeCreator might receive null as targetPortCandidate parameter. Callbacks must handle this case by either creating a target port of their own or canceling the edge creation by returning null.
            • The StripeSubregion#TargetTableNode property is now read-only.
            • Renamed the enumeration value ShowFocusPolicy#WHEN_FOCUSED to ONLY_WHEN_FOCUSED.
            • Renamed the Animator#destroy method to stop.
            • The GraphEditorInputMode#createMoveUnselectedInputMode method has been removed. Use the property MoveUnselectedInputMode instead.
            • The boolean CreateEdgeInputMode#PortCandidateShowingEnabled property has been replaced by the CreateEdgeInputMode#ShowPortCandidates property which has the enum type ShowPortCandidates.
            • The boolean OverviewInputMode#AutoMouseWheelZoomEnabled property has been replaced by the OverviewInputMode#MouseWheelBehavior property which has the enum type MouseWheelBehaviors.
            • The utility methods CanvasControl#createVisualFromTemplate have been removed. Usages should call the IVisualTemplate's createVisual method directly instead.
            • The utility method CanvasControl#setTemplateLocation has been removed. Usages should add an appropriate Transform directly to the Node instead.
            • The property CanvasControl#ZoomAnimationEnabled has been removed. Instead the new methods #zoomToAnimated shall be used for animated zoom.
            • DpKeyBase has been renamed to AbstractDpKey and made an abstract class. AbstractDpKey and all subclasses now take the value type as additional constructor parameter. This value type may be retrieved through read-only property ValueType.
            • IMapperRegistry: The value type parameter was removed from all default methods taking NodeDpKey, EdgeDpKey or ILabelLayoutDpKey.
            • MoveViewportInputMode: The properties that controlled the inertia behavior have been removed since they no longer apply to the new algorithm. Instead, the new property InertiaDuration can be used to specify the duration of the inertia scrolling.
            • GraphModelManager#HierarchicNodeNestingEnabled has been removed. Set the new HierarchicNestingPolicy property to HierarchicNestingPolicy#NONE to disable node nesting or to either HierarchicNestingPolicy#NODES or HierarchicNestingPolicy#NODES_AND_EDGES to use nesting. Similarly, GraphModelManager#HierarchicEdgeNestingEnabled has been removed. Use either HierarchicNestingPolicy#NODES_AND_EDGES to enable edge nesting or any other policy to disable it.
            • The method CanvasControl#animateScrollTo has been removed and is superseded by the new #zoomToAnimated methods.
            • The property SliderEdgeLabelLayoutModel#AutoFlipping has been renamed to #AutoFlippingEnabled.
            • The property TableLayoutConfigurator#Compaction has been renamed to #CompactionEnabled.
            • The property GraphPartitionManager#FiringGraphEventsEnabled has been removed.
            • The overloads of ValueSerializer#getSerializerFor taking no context have been removed.
            • The class com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.GroupingSupport has been removed.
            • The property KeyEventArgs#Key has been renamed to #KeyCode.

            Changes of Default Behavior

            • The IGraph#setNodeLayout method and the various methods to create a node now throw an IllegalArgumentException if the layout rectangle contains one or more NaN values. Similarly, the IGraph#setBendLocation and the various methods to add a bend to an edge now throw an IllegalArgumentException if the location point contains one or two NaN values.
            • By default, stripe labels that are programmatically selected or highlighted don't show a selection or highlight indicator anymore.
            • Inertia scrolling of the viewport behaves now in a more natural way. The scrolling stops now after a fixed amount of time. Previously, the duration depended on the initial inertia velocity.
            • GraphML: Duplicate properties on XAML input are now considered an error in accordance with the XAML specification.
            • The stroke thickness is now considered for the calculation of the origin of the default arrow visualizations. This can result in a slightly different rendering of the arrows.
            • The CreateEdgeInputMode#DummyEdge property is now always reset after the edge creation was finished or canceled.
            • RectD#isFinite and SizeD#isFinite now also consider empty instances as not finite.
            • MoveLabelInputMode: The moved label now is visualized as a preview instead of a symbolic rectangle. Set the Visualization property to Visualization#GHOST to restore the old mode.
            • The LayoutExecutor#ContentRectUpdatingEnabled property is now enabled by default.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode: The determination whether the mouse hovers over a valid end has changed. If ForcingSnapToCandidateEnabled is disabled, the EndHitTestable now is queried first and a target port candidate is only searched if the hit testable returns true. Previously, the hit testable was only queried if no target port candidate was found at the current location.
            • Previously, even if the GraphModelManager#UsingHierarchicEdgeNestingEnabled property was set to true, canvas objects for edges were added to the GraphModelManager#EdgeGroup as long as no group nodes were part of the graph. The corresponding new HierarchicNestingPolicy NODES_AND_EDGES has no such behavior and thus, EdgeGroup is empty by default. Use one of the other polices if canvas objects for edges should be part of EdgeGroup.
            • PolylineEdgeStyle defaults to an improved smoothing algorithm when using the SmoothingLength property. This is especially apparent when using large values for SmoothingLength.
            • The method CollapsibleNodeStyleDecorator#createSelectionInstaller has been removed.
            • The CanvasControl#DragSize property no longer applies to touch input. Use the new property #DragSizeTouch for controlling the drag size for touch input.
            • The CanvasControl#HitTestRadius property no longer applies to touch input. Use the new property #HitTestRadiusTouch for controlling the hit test radius of touch input.
            • CanvasControl: Changing the view point of the control no longer re-dispatches mouse events to registered Mouse2DEvent handlers.
            • ClickInputMode now dispatches the more specific events LeftClicked, RightClicked, LeftDoubleClicked and RightDoubleClicked before the general Clicked and DoubleClicked events. Hence, Clicked and DoubleClicked will only be triggered if the event wasn't handled before.


            • The properties LayerConstraintFactory and SequenceConstraintFactory of HierarchicLayoutData have been marked as deprecated. The new properties LayerConstraints and SequenceConstraints should be used instead. Similarly, the factory methods LayoutUtilities#createLayerConstraintFactory(IGraph) and LayoutUtilities#createSequenceConstraintFactory(IGraph) have been marked as @Deprecated.
            • PartitionGrid#hasAtLeastTwoNonEmptyRows has been marked as @Deprecated and may be removed in future releases.

            yFiles for JavaFX

            yFiles for JavaFX



            • IArrow#CIRCLE now uses a real circle for rendering.


            • LayoutStylesDemo: A new sample graph was added to showcase the substructures feature of the organic layout.



            • The visualization for snapping to a grid now correctly uses the SnapLine#SNAP_TO_GRID_KEY and can be customized using this key.
            • Fixed a bug in ViewportAnimation that sometimes moved the viewport a bit before the animation started.
            • Fixed a bug in CreateEdgeInputMode which caused port candidates not to be shown after re-installation of the input mode.
            • Removing an item that is currently highlighted with a custom HighlightIndicatorManager, FocusIndicatorManager, or SelectionIndicatorManager no longer results in a NullPointerException.
            • The default method IOrientedRectangle#getCenter didn't return the correct center if the width or height of the rectangle was equal to 0.
            • Moving an edge label with SmartEdgeLabelModel that is owned by an edge without visible path no longer throws an exception.
            • GraphEditorInputMode and GraphViewerInputMode no longer ignore changes to their sub-input modes after having been installed once.
            • The HitTestRadius property of the following implementations of ICanvasContext now correctly contain the value in world coordinates instead of view coordinates:
              • The context created by IContext#create when passing a CanvasControl but no hit test radius.
              • The context passed to IDisposeVisualCallback.
              • The context passed to IPositionHandlers by MoveInputMode.
              • The context passed to adjacent handles when moving a bend handle.
            • The InteriorStretchLabelModel#getMinimumNodeSize method now uses the correct insets for width calculation. Previously the top insets were erroneously used for the width.
            • Relocation of edges: dropping a port over an invalid target or empty canvas no longer creates an empty undo unit.
            • Sometimes, the GroupNodeDefaults#LabelDefaults#AutoAdjustingPreferredSizeEnabled property and the GroupNodeDefaults#PortDefaults#AutoCleanupEnabled property were not considered for labels and ports of groups.
            • The NodeStyleStripeStyleAdapter#updateVisual method always created a new visual by delegating to the createVisual method.
            • The ICommand#COPY command is no longer executed twice.
            • FreeEdgeLabelModel: static property INSTANCE is now excluded from obfuscation.
            • MoveViewportInputMode: The Dragging, Dragged, DragCanceling, DragCanceled, DragFinishing and DragFinished events did not fire reliably for touch input and when mouse inertia was active.
            • TextEditorInputMode: inserting a line break now replaces selected text.
            • Fixed an exception in DropInputMode which occurred if a drag enter was recognized while another drag action was still running.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode no longer fires gesture cancel events if it has not been started before.
            • Mouse wheel zoom during an input gesture no longer results in incorrect coordinates for the subsequently dispatched mouse event.
            • StripeDropInputMode no longer calls ItemCreator twice.
            • The StripeDropInputMode#ItemCreated event was not raised.


            • Corrected an error in the Rectangle2D#contains(Rectangle2D) method. As a consequence of this error, the results of various algorithms and automatic layouts could have been wrong.
            • PortPlacementStage: Fixed bug that caused NullPointerException when the ports of edges in the input graph were outside the node bounds.
            • BusRouter: Fixed rare NullPointerException that could be triggered if there are buses with both fixed and movable edges at the same time.
            • AbstractLabelLayout: Fixed bug that the box returned by #getBoundingBox was not consistent with the bounding box of the oriented box (AbstractLabelLayout#OrientedBox). This was the case when the mutable oriented box instance was changed.
            • LayeredNodePlacer: Fixed bug that caused node-edge overlaps for some configurations.
            • MultiPageLayout: Fixed bug that edge type EdgeType.PROXY was never used.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed RuntimeException that could be triggered when the graph contained fixed edges (see EdgeRouter.Scope) with very short segments.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed IllegalArgumentException that could be triggered when the user specified both edge directedness (see HierarchicLayout.EDGE_DIRECTEDNESS_DPKEY) and layering constraints.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Fixed rare bug that caused node-edge overlaps.
            • HierarchicLayout and SimplexNodePlacer: Fixed rare IllegalArgumentException that could be triggered when the input graph had a partition grid and PortCandidates or PortConstraints.
            • OrganicRemoveOverlapsStage: Improved adherence to the specified maximum duration.
            • HierarchicLayout: Improved port assignment for edges incident to group nodes that are routed directly (see EdgeLayoutDescriptor#DirectGroupContentEdgeRoutingEnabled). Previously, such edges were often reversed.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused violation of specified PortCandidates of edges with labels with preferred placement specifier LabelPlacements.AT_SOURCE_PORT or LabelPlacements.AT_TARGET_PORT when using an orientation other than top-to-bottom.
            • SeriesParallelLayout: Fixed bug that caused misplaced edge labels for graphs containing only a single edge.
            • HierarchicLayout: Improved adherence to the specified maximum duration by applying a suitable runtime restriction to class PortCandidateOptimizer. Previously, this class didn't have any runtime restrictions.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Fixed rare bug that caused overlapping nodes.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Improved from-sketch mode (see #FromSketchModeEnabled) in conjunction with node labels or node halos. Previously, in the presence of the mentioned elements, the layout results did not always correctly resemble the sketch drawing, even if it was a good sketch.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused that property HierarchicLayout#ComponentArrangementPolicy was not correctly considered when there are undirected edges (see HierarchicLayout.EDGE_DIRECTEDNESS_DPKEY).
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that lead to edge ports lying outside the node boundaries when using the edge thickness feature (i.e. edges with thickness greater than zero, see HierarchicLayout.EDGE_THICKNESS_DPKEY) together with a (rather large) grid spacing value and the default port assignment PortAssignmentMode.DEFAULT.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused unnecessarily large layer distances in case that there exist empty partition grid rows with a minimum row height.
            • HierarchicLayout with partition grid: Fixed bug that in some cases caused an IllegalArgumentException when the layout algorithm was configured to stop after the layering or sequencing phase (see HierarchicLayout#StopAfterLayeringEnabled and HierarchicLayout#StopAfterSequencingEnabled.
            • DefaultNodePlacer: Fixed bug in DefaultNodePlacer#MinimumLastSegmentLength that caused that the value of DefaultNodePlacer.MinimumFirstSegmentLength was returned.
            • TreeLayout: Fixed bug in DefaultPortAssignment that caused a memory leak.
            • TreeLayout: Fixed bug in the integrated edge labeling feature that caused that multiple edge labels were not always ordered correctly along the edge with respect to their preferred placement setting (i.e., place at source, center or target preference). For example, a source label should always come before a target label in the direction of the actual edge flow.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that sometimes caused a violation of the minimum first or last segment length if they were set to relatively large values.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Fixed rare bug that caused non-orthogonal line segments and bad edge end points.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed possible NullPointerException that appeared if grouped edges were assigned to different fixed port locations (either specified with PortCandidates or PortConstraints) at their grouped end.


            • Custom style tutorial, step 25: Fixed memory leak in custom edge style.
            • GraphViewerDemo: Fixed a bug when opening a link on Linux.

            yFiles for JavaFX 3.1

            yFiles for JavaFX 3.1



            Major performance improvements of the viewer part and new performance-related configuration options:
            • Improved general render performance especially for large graphs dramatically.
            • PolylineEdgeStyle has a new property #PathRenderPolicy that allows to choose how the path of the edge is transformed to javafx.scene.Node. Choosing PathRenderPolicy#LINES boosts the render performance a lot but reduces the render quality at bends.
            • PolylineEdgeStyle: Rendering of straight-line edges was sped up as they are always rendered with PathRenderPolicy#LINES without the reduced render quality at bends.
            • PolylineEdgeStyle has a new property #PathClippingPolicy that allows to choose if the path of the edge should be clipped at the viewport before transforming it to a javafx.scene.Node. This especially boosts the performance if non-solid pens are used.
            • EdgeDecorationInstaller has the new properties #PathRenderingPolicy and #PathClippingPolicy and uses PathRenderPolicy#LINES and PathClippingPolicy#ROUGH per default which results in a great render performance improvement for edge selection, focus and highlight indication.
            • The property GraphModelManager#VirtualizationZoomThreshold has been added that allows to switch of the virtualization of all model items below the specified zoom value. This is useful for large graphs where removing elements outside the viewport from the visual tree is more expensive then updating them.

            Eclipse E4 RCP Demo

            The Eclipse RCP demo has been completely redesigned and adapted for the e4 framework. The demo shows in detail how to integrate yFiles for JavaFX into an Eclipse e4 application. The following features have been implemented:
            • menu and toolbar using the Eclipse framework with commands for
              • changing the language at runtime
              • printing and image export
              • loading and saving graphs in GraphML format
              • undo, redo and clipboard support
              • zooming
              • performing layout calculation
              • grouping and folding
            • perspectives for editing and for viewing and navigating the graph
            • many parts providing
              • palettes for different node and edge styles
              • various layout algorithms with extensive configuration options
              • a graph overview
              • a panel for changing the properties of nodes and edges
              • a structure view showing the hierarchical structure of the graph
              • context views showing neighbors, predecessors and successors of selected nodes or the content of a selected folder


            • The naming of classes, members and parameters has been reviewed and now uses more consistent and intuitive names. Please consult the Developer's Guide for a complete list of renamings.
            • Some functionality has been removed from the API to reduce its complexity and some of the functionality has been moved to different classes or packages. Again, see the Developer's Guide to get a full list of moved/removed functionality.


            • Some methods that threw a NullPointException if one of their parameters were null now throw an IllegalArgumentException instead.
            • DefaultLabelStyle: A new property #TextOverrun specifies the behavior to use if the text of the label exceeds the available space for rendering the text.
            • The types of the #INSTANCE fields of VoidNodeStyle, VoidEdgeStyle, VoidLabelStyle, VoidPortStyle, and VoidStripeStyle have been changed to the concrete types instead of the interface types (e.g. INodeStyle).
            • TemplateNodeStyle, TemplateLabelStyle, TemplatePortStyle and TemplateStripeStyle throw now RuntimeExceptions when the control could not be loaded from a specified FXML file.
            • TemplateLabelStyle, TemplateNodeStyle, TemplatePortStyle, and TemplateStripeStyle now support URLs referencing FXML files in addition to the existing lookup approach using style resource keys.
            Input Modes
            • Nodes will now show their target grouping hierarchy z-order during a reparenting gesture.
            • MouseHoverInputMode: The OwnerNode of a Tooltip is now set to the CanvasControl on which the Tooltip is displayed.
            • GraphMLIOHandler now has #addXamlNamespaceMapping methods for easier control of the XML namespace for certain types.
            • GraphMLIOHandler has two new events, #QueryType and #QueryName that allow for fine-grained control over XML namespace writing and parsing for certain types.


            • An initially collapsed group node as a result of a ICommand#GROUP_SELECTION command now has a reasonable size.


            • LayoutUtilities#applyLayout now supports layout of tables.
            • HierarchicLayout: Slightly reduced the number of bends when integrated edge labeling is enabled.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed unstable from-sketch behavior for non-default layout orientations when group nodes are folded or expanded. Applies to orientations LayoutOrientation#LEFT_TO_RIGHT, LayoutOrientation#RIGHT_TO_LEFT and LayoutOrientation#BOTTOM_TO_TOP. Geometry information registered with data providers with keys HierarchicLayout#ALTERNATIVE_GROUP_BOUNDS_DP_KEY and HierarchicLayout#ALTERNATIVE_EDGE_PATH_DP_KEY is now automatically rotated according to the specified layout orientation.
            • AspectRatioTreeLayout#RootPlacementDpKey is now of type NodeDpKey<RootPlacement>.
            • AspectRatioTreeLayout#SubtreeRoutingPolicyDpKey is now of type NodeDpKey<SubtreeArrangement>.


            • The new GraphML compatibility demo that shows how to load GraphML files created by yFiles for JavaFX 2.0.x and 3.0.x was added.
            • Polished and simplified BPMN Editor demo.
            • SWTDemo and SVGImageExportDemo : Made the build script Java 9 ready.



            • Fixed a bug that slowed down the render performance of the CanvasControl especially for larger graphs.
            • Switching the GraphControl's #InputMode in a key event handler no longer throws an exception.
            • UndoEngine now uses the end time of the previous undo unit for automatic bracketing instead of the start time. This improves auto-bracketing to work as intended for undo units spanning a time greater than #AutoMergeDuration.
            • Fixed a bug that creates folders with empty size when manually creating groups and the folding view is configured to collapse group nodes by default.
            • Fixed a bug in GraphModelManager that didn't update the child groups if a new #ContentGroup is set.
            • Fixed right-to-left orientation handling for:
              • image export and printing,
              • moving focus,
              • mouse scrolling and scroll commands,
              • resize cursors,
              • drop shadow of BevelNodeStyle, PanelNodeStyle, and ShinyPlateNodeStyle.
            • Mouse2DEvent#ChangedModifiers sometimes provided wrong values.
            • Fixed a bug that prevents to free resources which are occupied by a visual when the visual leaves the viewport.
            • Fixed an issue where Touch3DEvents of type Touch3DEvent#EXITED were never raised.
            • The shortcut for command Toggle Item Selection has been replaced by Control+Space for Macintosh. The former shortcut Command+Space was reserved by the operation system.
            • Fixed the maximum y-coordinate for horizontal grid lines produced by GridVisualCreator with grid style LINES.
            • CanvasControl: Re-enabled mouse wheel scrolling for Linux and Mac OS.
            • CanvasControl: Fixed a bug that prevented slow mouse wheel zooming and scrolling with some devices.
            • Fixed a bug that might occur when changing wrapped styles in CollapsibleNodeStyleDecorator, ShadowNodeStyleDecorator, NodeStyleLabelStyleAdapter and NodeStylePortStyleAdapter.
            • TemplateStripeStyle: Implemented method #createControl(IRenderContext, IStripe).
            • Fixed an exception that occurred when using MemoryIconLabelStyle.
            • Fixed some styles to call IRenderContext#childVisualRemoved after the Visual actually has been removed instead of just before the removal.
            • Arrow now considers all properties of its Arrow#Pen instead of only its Paint and can handle null as Pen.
            • Fixed a bug that prevented TemplateNodeStyleRenderer to use implementations of IShapeGeometry, IMarqueeTestable, IBoundsProvider or IHitTestable provided by the TemplateNodeStyle.
            • Fixed NodeStyleLabelStyleAdapter which neither showed the label text nor did it move with its owner.
            • DefaultLabelStyle: Fixed #updateVisual to take all style properties into account when determining whether or not the visualization has to be re-created.
            • DefaultLabelStyle: Fixed a bug that placed the text incorrectly when the width or height of the label was very small.
            • AbstractTemplateStyle: Fixed a bug that prevented serialization of the #ContextLookup property after obfuscating the library.
            Input Modes
            • During reparenting, the edges at reparenting nodes were drawn below the group(s) and thus they were not visible. If reparenting was canceled, these edges stayed behind the group(s) and remained invisible.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode did not always start correctly for quick gestures on slow devices.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode did not trigger the #EdgeCreationStarted event for programmatic initialization of the edge creation gesture.
            • Fixed a bug in CreateEdgeInputMode that didn't show the edge preview when the edge would be created between a node and one of its ancestors or vice versa.
            • Setting CreateEdgeInputMode's #CancelRecognizer could potentially get the input mode into a broken state.
            • Fixed a bug in CreateEdgeInputMode that broke the edge preview after the input mode was uninstalled and reinstalled again.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode fired gesture cancel events even if it was not started before.
            • Fixed a bug in bend creation for orthogonal edges when grid snapping was enabled.
            • HandleInputMode's #CurrentHandle property could not always be obtained during the #DragFinished, #DragFinishing, #DragCanceling, and #DragCanceled events of HandleInputMode
            • Fixed a possible exception in NodeDropInputMode when snapping is enabled, but preview disabled.
            • Fixed a bug in StripeDropInputMode that could result in nodes being moved to a wrong stripe when a new stripe was created or an exising one relocated.
            • StripeDropInputMode no longer calls ItemCreator twice.
            • Fixed an exception in DropInputMode which occurred if a drag enter was recognized while another drag action was still running.
            • Setting a new OverviewInputMode for GraphOverviewControl now updates the #InputMode property accordingly.
            • Fixed reparent highlighting when multiple nodes are reparented together.
            • Fixed a bug in MoveInputMode that sometimes prevented the input mode from starting the move gesture so that other input modes like CreateEdgeInputMode could jump in.
            • TextEditorInputMode: Fixed a bug that inserts a linebreak after a label has been edited.
            • TextEditorInputMode: Fixed a bug that prevents the usage of the properties #CancelRecognizer, #StopRecognizer and #LineBreakRecognizer.
            • Stopped TextEditorInputMode from firing #EditingCanceled events if text editing has not been cancelled.
            • Fixed shared reference handling in GraphML for java.util.Collection and java.util.Map instances. Collections and maps are only shared if the same instances are used.
            • Fixed a bug that could result in an exception when parsing a GraphML file with empty text elements.
            • GraphML serialization now uses the correct schema location http://www.yworks.com/xml/schema/graphml.java.fx/3.0/ygraphml.xsd.
            • Fixed GraphML deserialization of IconLabelStyle instances.
            • Fixed a bug in GraphMLIOHandler that prevented that packages with a predefined xml namespace could be mapped to another xml namespace.
            • Fixed structured GraphML serialization of URL instances.
            • Fixed structured GraphML deserialization of label model position enum values.
            • Fixed GraphML (de-)serialization of ports using SegmentRatioPortLocationModel and corresponding port location parameter instances.
            • Fixed a bug in GraphML serialization that always always looked for singletons on classes that were annotated with @GraphML even if the @GraphML#singletonContainers property was not set.


            • Fixed an unnecessary exception in IGraph#calculateLabelPreferredSize which was thrown when the label owner was not part of the graph, but all optional parameters have been passed anyway. In that case there was no need to fetch the appropriate LabelDefaults and thus the question of whether the owner is in the graph or not is irrelevant.
            • Fixed a bug in IGraph#addLabel that ignored an explicitly specified preferred size if folding is enabled.
            • Fixed some incorrect usages of exceptions in IGraph.
            • MapperRegistry#addMapper no longer throws an exception when trying to replace a mapper for an existing key.
            • Labels with NinePositionsEdgeLabelModel now disappear when the owner edge has no visible edge path. This can happen for example when nodes are moved onto each other. Previously they appeared at unexpected locations, including the origin (0,0) and the upper left corner of the source node.
            • FreeLabelModel#INSTANCE, FreeEdgeLabelModel#INSTANCE, and FreeNodeLabelModel#INSTANCE are now serialized correctly to GraphML when not used as part of their parameters (e.g. within CompositeLabelModel).
            • Fixed incorrect default value attribute for SandwichLabelModel parameters.
            • Fixed an issue where the parameter finder for FreeEdgeLabelModel cannot place the label correctly for self-loops. Labels previously always appeared at the port location in this case.
            • GeneralPath#getTangent now returns null if there is no tangent at the requested position. Previously, it returned a bogus tangent.
            • Fixed GeneralPath#isVisible to no longer return true for invisible paths.


            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused node-edge overlaps in conjunction with some complex edge grouping specifications.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that may lead to too large group nodes if there are grouped edges.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that sometimes caused superfluous bends in edge routes when integrated edge labeling was enabled.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused that the directedness of edges incident to groups wasn't considered correctly (see HierarchicLayout#EDGE_DIRECTEDNESS_DP_KEY).
            • OrganicLayout and ClassicOrganicLayout: Fixed bug that caused the algorithm to not consider the specified custom GroupBoundsCalculator (see ClassicOrganicLayout#GroupBoundsCalculator).
            • OrganicLayout, ClassicOrganicLayout and InteractiveOrganicLayout: Fixed IllegalArgumentException that was triggered due to NaN values that could occur in case the input graph has a very large number of nodes.
            • RecursiveGroupLayout: Fixed bug that caused edges to share the same port even though they should be assigned to different ports. Note that this problem only appeared if the core layout algorithm (see CoreLayout) is an instance of class HierarchicLayout.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that caused violations of minimum first/last segment lengths of grouped edges when using different edge layout descriptors and, second, made the layout algorithm remove a user-registered DataProvider with key EdgeRouter#EDGE_LAYOUT_DESCRIPTOR_DP_KEY.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed rare node overlaps in conjunction with monotonic path restrictions (see EdgeLayoutDescriptor#MonotonicPathRestriction).
            • MultiPageLayout: Fixed rare bug that sometimes caused straight-line edge routes instead of orthogonal routes.
            • CircularLayout and RadialLayout: Fixed bug that caused that always all edges are bundled if bundling is enabled for at least one single edge. More precisely, property EdgeBundleDescriptor#isBundled wasn't considered correctly.
            • SingleCycleLayout: Fixed bug that may lead to a ClassCastException if edge bundling is enabled and a custom node sequencer is specified (see SingleCycleLayout#NodeSequencer).
            • CircularLayout: Fixed bug that in some cases produced self-intersecting edges when edge bundling is enabled.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed rare IllegalArgumentException that was triggered when having multiple target port candidates, where at least one must be fixed. Furthermore, to trigger the exception it is necessary that the path search algorithm tries to perform an early exit due to maximum duration restrictions or a stop request via AbortHandler.
            • IsolatedGroupComponentLayout: Fixed bug that caused edge labels that intersect with group nodes even though option ComponentLayout#isLabelAwareness is enabled.
            • Fixed OrganicLayout ignoring the GroupNodeMode settings
            • AspectRatioTreeLayoutData did not register the correct values with the graph for the root placement and the subtree routing policy.
            • Fixed NullPointerExceptions in some LayoutData implementations that could happen if some of the mappings where accessed but were never really used in client code.

            Incompatible Changes


            • GraphControl's protected method #getGraphMLIOHandler has been replaced with public property #GraphMLIOHandler.
            • The shortcut for command Toggle Item Selection has been replaced by Control+Space for Macintosh. The former shortcut Command+Space is reserved by the operating system.
            • The #Editable property has been removed from CanvasControl. It had no effect on almost all input modes anyway. To no longer allow editing a GraphControl use a different input mode instead, e.g. GraphViewerInputMode, or configure the current input mode in a way that it no longer allows changes.
            • CompoundKeyEvent as well as all related methods have been removed. The native KeyEvent should be used instead.
            • ModifierKeys#Windows has been renamed to #Meta to correspond to the native modifier names.
            • The constructor of GeneralPath that takes a JavaFX Path has been removed.
            • The property FlowDirection of DefaultLabelStyle is not necessary for changing the NodeOrientation and has therefore been removed.
            • The unused constant XamlNamespaceConstants#YFILES_JAVA_FX_WPF_BRIDGE_NS was removed.
            • The Paint and Pen parameters of GeneralPath#CreatePath and GeneralPath#UpdatePath have been removed. A Paint can still be applied as Path#Fill property while a Pen can be applied via Pen#styleShape.
            • TemplateLabelStyle: Changed TemplateLabelStyle(String, TemplateLabelStyleRenderer) to TemplateLabelStyle(TemplateLabelStyleRenderer).
              TemplateNodeStyle: Changed TemplateNodeStyle(String, TemplateNodeStyleRenderer) to TemplateNodeStyle(TemplateNodeStyleRenderer).
              TemplatePortStyle: Changed TemplatePortStyle(String, TemplatePortStyleRenderer) to TemplatePortStyle(TemplatePortStyleRenderer).
              TemplateStripeStyle: Changed TemplateStripeStyle(String, TemplateStripeStyleRenderer) to TemplateStripeStyle(TemplateStripeStyleRenderer).
              If a custom renderer has to be used, the style resource or the style resource key has to be set using the corresponding property.
            • AbstractTemplateStyle: Changed type of static property #ClassLoader from DelegatingClassLoader to ClassLoader.
            • TemplateStripeStyle: Changed return value type of method #getStyle(IRenderContext,IModelItem) from java.lang.Object to java.net.URL.
            • IconLabelStyleRenderer#Style is now of type ILabelStyle instead of IconLabelStyle as it is also used as renderer of the MemoryIconLabelStyle.
            Input Modes
            • CreateEdgeInputMode now triggers the #EdgeCreationStarted event for programmatic edge creation with the #doStartEdgeCreation method.
            • KeyboardInputMode: The methods #addHandler(IEventRecognizer,ExecuteCommandHandler), #addRecognizerBinding and #getRecognizerBindings as well as the class KeyboardInputModeRecognizerBinding has been removed.
            • DropInputMode has been redesigned to take a javafx.scene.input.DataFormat instead of an expected type to retrieve transfer data from a drag operation. Checking for expected (model item) types has been moved to ItemDropInputMode. As part of this redesign, the following API changes were made:
              3.0 3.1
              DropInputMode#DropInputMode(Class) DropInputMode#DropInputMode(DataFormat)
              DropInputMode#getDropData(Dragboard) DropInputMode#getDropData(Dragboard, DataFormat)
              DropInputMode#adjustTransferMode(DragEvent) DropInputMode#acceptDrag(DragEvent)
              DropInputMode#onDragEntered(InputModeEventArgs) DropInputMode#onDragEntered(DragEvent)
              DropInputMode#onDraggedOver(InputModeEventArgs) DropInputMode#onDraggedOver(DragEvent)
              DropInputMode#onDragDropped(InputModeEventArgs) DropInputMode#onDragDropped(DragEvent)
              DropInputMode#onDragExited(InputModeEventArgs) DropInputMode#onDragExited(DragEvent)
              DropInputMode#createInputModeEventArgs() DropInputMode#createInputModeEventArgs(DragEvent)
              ItemDropInputMode#ItemDropInputMode(Class<T>, Class) ItemDropInputMode#ItemDropInputMode(Class<T>, DataFormat)
              NodeDropInputMode#NodeDropInputMode(Class) NodeDropInputMode#NodeDropInputMode(DataFormat)
              Additionally, the DropDataMap property has been changed to accept null values. If the DropDataMap is null, the DropInputMode classes will process the transfer data from the drag operation instead of querying the DropDataMap for data.
              Finally, the generic InputModeEventArgs event type for drag entered, drag over, drag dropped, and drag left events has been replaced with the new event type DragEventArgs.
            • GraphML reading is now more strict with regards to GraphML-renamings. When reading a member of a serialized type with a corresponding @GraphML(name = "NewName") annotation, the GraphML reader previously accepted both the actual member name and NewName. Now the GraphML reader will no longer accept the actual member name but only the annotated NewName.
            • Added parameter of type Class<T> describing the target type to methods IWriteContext#getCurrent and IParseContext#getCurrent.


            • IGraph and its implementations now always throw an IllegalArgumentException for operations on elements which are not in the graph. (Previously, some of those methods threw an IllegalStateException.)
            • GeneralPath no longer overwrites #equals. To compare two GeneralPath instances as if they were values, use the #isEquivalentTo method.


            • HierarchicLayout may now place source/target labels in layers that contain common nodes. In previous versions such labels were always placed in separate layers which often led to less compact drawings with superfluous bends.
            • SingleCycleLayout: Method NodeSequencer now allows to specify null to return to the default sequencer. In previous versions, specifying null leads to an IllegalStateException.
            • HierarchicLayout: Geometry information registered with data providers with keys HierarchicLayout#ALTERNATIVE_GROUP_BOUNDS_DP_KEY and HierarchicLayout#ALTERNATIVE_EDGE_PATH_DP_KEY is now automatically rotated according to the specified layout orientation. This fixes unstable from-sketch behavior in incremental layout mode when using an orientation other than top-to-bottom. User that

            Changes in Default Behavior


            • Decorating the lookup of GraphControl or IGraph to set the GraphMLIOHandler used by the IO commands and convenience IO methods on GraphControl is no longer supported. Use the GraphMLIOHandler property on GraphControl instead.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode now respects the settings #SnappingBendsToSnapLinesEnabled and #SnappingBendAdjacentSegmentsEnabled on GraphSnapContext. It also handles grid snapping according to the configuration for snapping.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode will no longer cancel edge creation when using touch and trying to create a bend where #ValidBendHitTestable returns false.

            yFiles for JavaFX 3.0

            yFiles for JavaFX 3.0


            Package structure

            All classes have been reorganized into a new package hierarchy.

            • Generally all classes that relate to the graph structure can be found in com.yworks.yfiles.graph now, styles, including the void styles, are in com.yworks.yfiles.graph.styles, label layout models are in com.yworks.yfiles.graph.labelmodels, port location models are in com.yworks.yfiles.graph.portlocationmodels.

            • All classes related to GraphControl can now be found in com.yworks.yfiles.view. The animation and export related classes have been moved to this package as well. Input-related classes (e.g. input modes and supporting types) can be found in com.yworks.yfiles.view.input.

            • Layout classes can be found in com.yworks.yfiles.layout and its respective sub-packages.

            Functionality moved to interfaces or base classes

            • ICanvasContext: factory methods replace the removed class CanvasContext.

            • IInputModeContext: factory methods replace the removed class SimpleInputModeContext.

            • ILookup, IContextLookup and IContextLookupChainLink: factory methods were moved from the removed class Lookups.

            • IContextLookupChainLink: factory methods replace the removed properties HidingLookupChainLink, FactoryLookupChainLink and AddingLookupChainLink.

            • IEnumerable (previously Enumerable): factory methods replace the removed classes EmptyEnumerable, CompositeEnumerable and CompositeEnumerator.

            • IListEnumerable: factory methods replace the removed classes EmptyListEnumerable, ListEnumerable and ListEnumerableExtensions.

            • IEventRecognizer: factory methods replace the removed classes EventRecognizers, EventRecognizerExtensions, EventRecognizerCallback, Mouse2DEvents, Touch3DEvents and KeyEvents.

            • IArrow: contains static members of the class Arrow.

            • IAnimation: factory methods replace the removed classes EasedAnimation and ParallelAnimation.

              • Animations: factory methods replace the removed classes GeneralPathAnimation.

              • GraphAnimations: factory methods replace the removed classes LayoutMorpher, LayoutMorpherWrapper, EdgeAnimation, LabelAnimation, NodeAnimation and PortAnimation.

            • ICommand: contains members of the removed classes GraphCommands, ApplicationCommands, ComponentCommands and NavigationCommands.

            • IPortCandidateProvider: factory methods replace all existing implementations except AbstractPortCandidateProvider.

            • IEdgeReconnectionPortCandidateProvider: factory methods replace all implementations.

            • IHitTestable: contain members of removed class HitTestable.

            • IMarqueeTestable: contain members of removed class MarqueeTestable.

            • IVisibilityTest: contain members of removed class VisibilityTest.

            • ICanvasObjectDescriptor: contains members of the removed class CanvasObjectDescriptor.

            • IMapper: contains members of removed class Mappers.

            • IBoundsProvider: contains members of removed class BoundsProvider.

            • The following classes have been removed: OrientedRectangleExtensions, PointExtensions, RectangleExtensions, SizeExtensions, FoldingViewExtensions, GeomExtensions, GraphDecoratorExtensions, GraphExtensions, GroupedGraphExtensions, MapperRegistryExtensions, StripeExtensions, LookupExtensions, TableExtensions, ParseContextExtensions, WriteContextExtensions, RenderContextExtensions, RenderContextExtensions and XmlWriterExtensions. All methods of these classes are available on related interfaces as default methods.

            • GraphItemTypes: contains members of removed class GraphItemType.

            • Pen: contains members of removed class Pens.

            • DashStyle: contains members of removed class DashStyles.

            Further general improvements

            • The naming of classes, members and parameters has been reviewed and now uses more consistent and intuitive names.

            • All methods that take a context parameter of type ICanvasContext, IRenderContext, IInputModeContext, IParseContext, IWriteContext, SnapContext, GraphSnapContext, or LabelSnapContext now have that parameter as their first parameter.

            • Some classes are now usable in try-with-resources statements since IDisposable now extends the AutoClosable interface.

            • Replaced many reference parameters with actual return values. Methods that returned a boolean value to indicate the validity of the reference parameter now return either a proper value or null if they could not provide one. Most prominent example of this change are the various #getTangent methods in IPathGeometry and GeneralPath that now return a Tangent object.

            • The return type of several methods has been changed from IEnumerator<T> to IEnumerable<T>, which has the benefit that those can now be consumed as streams.


            • The Developer’s Guide has been completely revised. Now it consists of two parts: The first part covers the basics of yFiles for JavaFX, while the second part describes in detail how the behavior of the library can be adapted to the customer’s requirements.



            • Support for grouped graphs has been simplified to a large extent:

              • IGraph now supports grouping by default. The #GroupingSupported property has been removed from DefaultGraph. Grouping is now always enabled for graphs.

              • The new property #GroupingOperationsAllowed on GraphEditorInputMode allows for switching interactive grouping operations on or off. Grouping operations are disabled by default and have to be enabled explicitly if the input mode should support them.

              • The grouping support interfaces IGroupedGraph and IHierarchy<T> have been removed and folded with IGraph.

              • The property IHierarchy<T>#Root is no longer available. The root of a grouping hierarchy is now represented by null.

            • #createNode, #createEdge, #addLabel, #addPort: Ambiguous overloads were removed, missing overloads were added and parameters were ordered to be consistent throughout all overloads.

            • #Nodes, #Edges, #Labels and #Ports: The type of these properties has been changed from ICollectionModel to IListEnumerable. To be notified of created or removed items, the corresponding IGraph events should be used instead.

            • #NodeLabels and #EdgeLabels: These properties have been replaced by default methods that delegate to the merged #Labels property.

            • #CollectionModel and #Bends have been removed together with the classes BendList and ListLabelCollection. Use ListEnumerable<IBend> and ListEnumerable<ILabel> instead.

            • IGraph now provides events for property changes on model items, e.g. #NodeStyleChanged and #NodeLayoutChanged. Those events replace the dedicated change reporters available previously (e.g. INodeBoundsChangeReporter, ILabelTextChangeReporter) which have been removed.

            • The signatures of event handlers throughout the IGraph API have been unified by using EventHander with appropriate EventArgs. Exceptions are a few events that are raised very often which retain an argument list.

            • #isLeaf, #setLeaf and related properties and events have been replaced by #isGroupNode and #setIsGroupNode which have the exact opposite meaning from the old ones.

            • #addBend: The signature has changed. The index parameter has been moved to the end.

            • IGraphStructure and its implementation have been removed, as well as the constructor of DefaultGraph that accepted an IGraphStructure.

            • IGraph now extends the ITagOwner interface. Thus graphs now have a #Tag property.

            • DefaultGraph now raises removal events for labels, ports and bends which are implicitly removed when their owner is removed.

            • Various protected factory methods of DefaultGraph have been removed: #createNodeDefaults, #createEdgeDefaults and #createMapperRegistry, amongst others.

            • DefaultGraph#getBounds has been removed.

            • #UsingPortCandidateProvidersEnabled has been removed from both DefaultGraph and GraphSettings. Creating an edge using port candidate providers has to be done by manually querying the provider and calling #createEdge(IPort, IPort).

            • Added convenience methods #applyLayout for arranging graph elements.


            • The #expand, #collapse and #isExpanded methods on IFoldingView (previousely IFoldedGraph) now also work with nodes that belong to the master graph instead of the view graph. Thus the collapsed/expanded state can be set or queried for items that are currently not in the view graph.

            • IFoldingView#isInitiallyExpanded has been removed.

            • FoldingManager: #isInitiallyExpanded, #setInitiallyExpanded and #DefaultExpandedPredicate have been removed.

            • The interfaces IChangeDummyNodeAppearanceCallback, IChangeDummyEdgeAppearanceCallback and IChangeLabeledItemAppearanceCallback as well as FoldingManager#getChangeDummyAppearanceCallback have been removed. The view state properties can now be changed directly on the view state implementations returned by FoldingManager#getFolderNodeState and FoldingManager#getFoldingEdgeState, respectively.

            • Lots of other small changes around folding.


            • The property ILabel#Layout has been replaced by the new default method #getLayout.

            • The order of the parameters of ILabelModel#getGeometry has been changed to ILabelModel#getGeometry(ILabel, ILabelModelParameter).

            • The factory methods FreeNodeLabelModel#createNodeCenterAnchored and FreeNodeLabelModel#createNodeLayoutAnchored have been removed.

            • FreeNodeLabelModel#createDefaultParameter now uses the label’s center as its anchor point.

            • The new edge label models EdgeSegmentLabelModel and EdgePathLabelModel have been added and replace RotatingEdgeLabelModel, SliderEdgeLabelModel, SideSliderEdgeLabelModel, RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel and RotatedSideSliderEdgeLabelModel.

              • EdgeSegmentLabelModel allows to create parameters for a segment index and segment ratio.

              • EdgePathLabelModel creates parameters using a ratio of the edge path.

              • The label model parameter of the edge label defaults now uses the EdgeSegmentLabelModel.


            • The property IPort#Location was removed since it was only a convenience method to access the location from the IPortLocationModelParameter.

              • To retrieve a live view of the location of a port, use the new default method IPort#getDynamicLocation.

              • To retrieve a simple snapshot of the current location instead, use IPort#getLocation.

            • NodeScaledPortLocationModel has been replaced by FreeNodePortLocationModel that allows to specify the port location by a ratio of the node layout’s size and an additional offset.

            • AnchoredPortLocationModel has been removed.


            • ITable:

              • The signature of #createRow and #createColumn has changed. The index parameter has been moved to the end.

              • The events #StripeChanged and #StripeRemoved use StripeEventArgs now.

              • The event #LabelRemoved uses LabelEventArgs now.

              • The default methods: #findColumn, #findRow and #getCellBounds have been added.

            • Table:

              • The table’s lookup decorator can now decorate stripe labels, too.

              • The factory methods for the individual properties of RowDefaults and ColumnsDefaults have been removed.

              • The methods #removeUndoSupport as well as some overloads of #createRow, #createColumn and #addLabel have been removed.

              • The new properties #DefaultStripeLookup, #DefaultColumnLookup and #DefaultRowLookup replace the removed classes with the same same.

            • TableExtensions: method #getElementsToMove has been removed

            • IStripeDefaults: the three argument constructor has been removed.

            • IStripeSelection#SelectedStripes has been removed. Use the individual properties for #SelectedRows and #SelectedColumns instead.

            • StripeSelection: the surplus overloads of #isSelected and #setSelected taking an IRow or IColumn have been removed.

            • The default method #placeNodeInCell has been added to IGraph to easily move a node into a specific table cell.

            Undo support

            • IGraph: default methods to enable or disable Undo support have been added.

            • Setting the #Tag property on model items and the graph now works with Undo.

            • Undo operations for the removal of graph elements now keep the proper item order. This improves the consistency especially for layouts between undo operations.

            • IGraph#beginEdit:

              • Overloads that work with IMementoSupport (either via ILookup or an IMementoSupportProvider) have been added.

              • The overload that accepted an IEnumerable of IModelItems has been removed.

            • IUndoSupport, MementoUndoUnit, MementoUndoableEdit and MementoStateStruct have been removed.

            • IUndoUnit: the methods #canUndo and #canRedo have been removed.

            • AbstractUndoUnit: the methods #undoImpl and #redoImpl have been removed. Implementations should use #undo and #redo from the IUndoUnit interface instead.

            • UndoEndgine: the properties #UndoText and #RedoText have been removed.

            • IGraphUndoUnitSupport has been removed. Its methods #create…​UndoUnit have been moved to DefaultGraph as overridable methods. Developers who have created a custom implementation have to derive from DefaultGraph and override the corresponding method(s).


            Package com.yworks.yfiles.geometry was purified:

            • The basic geometry types PointD, SizeD, RectD and InsetsD have been made immutable.

            • ImmutablePoint, ImmutableSize, ImmutableRectangle and ImmutableOrientedRectangle have been removed. The immutable types PointD, SizeD and RectD as well as the immutable instance provided by the new static method OrientedRectangle#createImmutable can be used instead.

            • IPointSetter and ISizeSetter have been removed. Instead their prior sub interfaces IMutablePoint and IMutableSize are used.

            • IReshapeable has been removed. The various overloads of the #reshape method have been implemented as default methods on IMutableRectangle instead.

            • IMovable has been removed as well. Instead an IPositionHandler can be used.

            • PointD#fromPoint, SizeD#fromSize and RectD#fromRectangle have been replaced by the default methods IPoint#toPointD, ISize#toSizeD and IRectangle#toRectD.

            • Various other geometry-related classes and interfaces have been removed.

            • IOrientedRectangle: the default method #getTopLeftLocation has been added.

            • The OrientedRectangle.EMPTY constant has been moved to the IOrientedRectangle interface.

            • ImmutableSize: The static fields #UNBOUND, #EMPTY and #ZERO have been added.

            • Most of the static convenience methods in the geometry classes have been removed. Only a few basic methods such as the union operation on RectD and the vector arithmetic on PointD remain.



            • Styles no longer implement IModelItemInstaller which simplifies certain custom style implementations.

            • The style and style renderer hierarchies have been flattened:

              • IModelItemStyle, ITaggedModelItemStyle with subinterfaces as well as all subinterfaces of INodeStyle, IEdgeStyle, ILabelStyle and IPortStyle have been removed.

              • AbstractEdgeStyle, AbstractStyleRenderer, AbstractNodeStyleRenderer, AbstractEdgeStyleRenderer, AbstractLabelStyleRenderer, AbstractShapedNodeStyleRenderer, AbstractShapedLabelStyleRenderer, VoidVisualStyle and VoidStyleRenderer have been removed.

              • Abstract base class AbstractTableNodeStyle and class DynamicTableNodeStyle have been removed and the funtionality has been merged with class TableNodeStyle.

              • ITableProvider as well as its implementations have been removed and method AbstractTableNodeStyle#getTable has been moved to class TableNodeStyleRenderer.

            • UserTagProvider and all implementations have been removed.

            • SimplePortStyle has been removed. You can use NodeStylePortStyleAdapter together with a ShapeNodeStyle instead.

            • Removed superfluous constructors from all style implementations.

            • The generics of the classes AbstractNode/Edge/Port/LabelStyle (former SimpleAbstractNode/Edge/Port/LabelStyle) have been removed. For example the class parameter from the constructor and the generic type parameter TVisual extends IVisual of the classes themselves have been removed. This means that the signature of the method #updateVisual changed as well and overrides of this method have to cast the Node parameter to the concrete type manually.

            • All IStyleRenderer implementations: the public #Style property has been reduced in accessibility to protected.

            • All IStyleRenderer implementations: the public #Item property has been reduced in accessibility to protected and named #Node, #Label, #Edge or #Port depending on the handled model item.

            • ILabelStyleRenderer implementations: the protected field #layout has been removed and the accessibility of the public property #Layout has been reduced to protected.

            • Columns and rows don’t use node styles anylonger but got their own style classes:

              • The new interface IStripeStyle is used for styles visualizing IColumns and IRows.

              • IStripeStyle, IStripeStyleRenderer and the implementors AbstractStripeStyle, NodeStyleStripeStyleAdapter, and AbstractJComponentStripeStyle have been added.

            • The class TextFormat and the corresponding property DefaultLabelStyle#TextFormat have been removed. The properties of Textformat have been added on DefaultLabelStyle instead and the enum TextWrapping has been added.

            • DefaultLabelStyle#Insets has been added that can be used to define a distance between the label border and the label content via insets. Per default the style now uses insets with thickness 2 instead of 0.

            • PathBasedEdgeStyleRenderer: The scope of the factory methods #createRectangleSelfLoop and #createRoundSelfLoop has been reduced from public to protected.

            • CSS support for visualizations of non-graph elements like indicators and decorations has been added. Those elements can be styled by inserting a style sheet into the scene that has definitions for certain style classes that address these decorations. For a detailed description, read the relating chapter in the Developer’s Guide.

            • Customizing the visualization via data templating has been refactored:

              • The new interface IDataTemplate replaced the abstract class DataTemplate and is used to create and update a javafx.scene.Node very similar to the IVisualCreator interface. In contrast to IVisualCreator it takes the data object to visualize as well as its bounds as additional parameter information.

              • The DataTemplate class with its context-free #creatInstance method as well as its subclasses have been removed.

            • GraphModelManager: The protected factory methods that supplied the initial value for the #*Installer properties (#EdgeStyleInstaller, #NodeStyleInstaller, etc.) have been removed.

            • GraphModelManager#invalidate has been removed.

            • Added a mechanism to support disposing and caching the Node which is created by IVisualCreator#createVisual:

              • IRenderContext: #setDisposeCallback, #childVisualRemoved and #registerForChildrenIfNecessary have been added to support the registration of a callback for disposal.

              • Added the interface IDisposeVisualCallback for this purpose.

            • VisualGroup is now managed and autosizes its children. This allows to add arbitrary JavaFX controls without the need to layout them manually.

            • IRenderContext#getCanvas has been pulled up to ICanvasContext and renamed to #getCanvasControl.

            • IInputModeContext now extends ICanvasContext so its #getCanvasControl was removed.

            • IRenderContext#Transform has been removed

            • Class RenderContext was replaced by the factory method ContextConfigurator#createRenderContext.

            • DefaultEdgePathCropper now uses the new method #handleEmptyPath if cropping the edge would result in an empty path. Per default this method only crops at the ports.

            • DefaultEdgeIntersectionCalculator: the callback method #getNodeGeometry has been added.

            • ModelManager#CanvasObjectGroupProviderCallback has been replaced with #getCanvasObjectGroup. ItemModelManager#CanvasObjectGroupProviderCallback has been replaced by #CanvasObjectGroup and the virtual method #getCanvasObjectGroup. The default implementation just defers to the property, just like #getDescriptor.

            • ItemModelManager#invalidate has been removed.

            • IGroupAction as well as ICanvasObjectGroup#getGroupAction have been removed as they had hardly any use.

            • ICanvasGroupProvider and the delegate CanvasObjectGroupProviderCallback have been removed. Accessing the individual canvas object groups can be done via the properties of CanvasControl instead.

            • ICanvasObjectTreeEventSource as well as the corresponding classes CanvasObjectAddEventArgs, CanvasObjectRemoveEventArgs, CanvasObjectMoveEventArgs and CanvasObjectInvalidateEventArgs have been removed.

            • ScrollBarVisibility has been replaced by the JavaFX enum ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.

            Input Modes (General)

            • The type hierarchy for input modes has been simplified considerably:

              • All input modes except OverviewInputMode, GraphViewerInputMode and GraphEditorInputMode now directly implement IInputMode without any abstract base classes in between.

              • IConcurrentInputMode has been merged into IInputMode. The property #Enabled has been removed but is still present on all concrete implementations.

              • All abstract input mode base classes except AbstractInputMode have been removed. AbstractConcurrentInputMode has been merged into AbstractInputMode.

              • AbstractInputMode: #requestMouse, #requestTouch, #releaseMouse and #releaseTouch have been combined in #requestPointer and #releasePointer

              • StateMachineInputMode as well as all state machine related classes has been removed. Input modes now no longer have protected methods for state machine transitions but instead those methods are mostly parameterless now.

            • Input mutex handling has been refactored considerably:

              • IInputMode#ConcurrencyController has been removed. Input modes now get a ConcurrencyController as parameter of their #install method.

              • The ConcurrencyController has been refactored and is now only responsible for a single input mode. Its property #Active indicates if it currently has or may request the mutex.

              • InputMutex has been removed.

              • The property PreferredCursor has been moved from IInputMode to ConcurrencyController.

              • The input mutex should be requested and released using the according methods on ConcurrencyController. Most input modes don’t provide the methods #hasMutex, #canRequestMutex, #requestMutex and #releaseMutex anymore.

              • The property IInputMode#Enabled is not set to false anymore if another input mode acquires the mutex. Instead their ConcurrencyController is deactivated. This provides a clear separation between suppressing input modes (while another mode holds the mutex) and explicitly disabling a mode from code (via the #Enabled property).

              • As a consequence most input modes don’t provide the event #EnabledChanged and the protected methods #onEnabled and #onDisabled anymore, but #onConcurrencyControllerActivated and #onConcurrencyControllerDeactivated instead.

            • IInputMode#Priority has been added which defines the installation priority of the input mode. It replaces the corresponding properties on GraphViewerInputMode, GraphEditorInputMode and TableEditorInputMode which previously defined the installation order.

            • All input modes no longer raise #Stopped and #Canceled events. Developers who want to get notified when an input mode gets stopped or canceled have to override the methods #onStopped and #onCanceled. The events #Initializing and #Initialized have been removed as well. Input modes that need to perform one-time initialization on first #install can keep track of that themselves.

            • MultiplexingInputMode:

              • #addConcurrent as well as the overload of #add that takes an additional priority parameter have been removed. There is only the #add method left that takes an input mode as its only parameter.

              • Priority is now determined by the input mode’s #Priority property.

              • Whether an input mode runs exclusive or always active alongside other input modes is determined by the input mode’s ConcurrencyController which has an #Exclusive property controlling that.

              • The mode is now aware of changes to the priority of already installed input modes and will update the installation order accordingly when an input mode’s priority is changed.

            • IInputMode implementations:

              • The setter for properties #Graph and #GraphSelection, if present, and its associated #set* methods have been removed. Both are now always retrieved from the input mode context.

              • The read-only property #InputModeContext has been introduced to expose the IInputModeContext the mode is installed in.

            • The Command mechanism has been refactored:

              • Classes Command, CommandBinding, CommandManager and related as well as the related properties on CanvasControl have been removed from public API. All commands are now handled by interface ICommand and the KeyboardInputMode using the new methods #addCommandBinding, #addKeyBinding and #addRecognizerBinding.

              • KeyboardInputMode has been refactored: interaction with keys recognized by this input mode are now handled by commands solely.

            GraphEditorInputMode and GraphViewerInputMode

            • GraphViewerInputMode and GraphEditorInputMode have been made more similar regarding customization in the capabilities they both provide:

              • GraphViewerInputMode now supports the same click and selection behavior as GraphEditorInputMode. This includes detail selection (Shift+Click) and cyclic selection (Alt+Click) as well as finer control over behavior like the property #ClickSelectableItems and the method #shouldClickSelect.

              • The methods #click and #doubleClick now take an IModelItem and ClickEventArgs as arguments and have no return value. Instead of returning a boolean, the property #Handled on the ClickEventArgs should be set.

              • Their #ClickInputMode now delivers both left and right clicks.

              • The default click actions that change the selection and create new nodes are now only triggered on left mouse clicks.

              • The new property #DoubleClickHitTestOrder provides an explicit hit test order for double clicks. By default, this hit test order prefers labels over other graph elements.

              • GraphViewerInputMode now also has the property #AvailableCommands already known from GraphEditorInputMode or NavigationInputMode.

              • Several child input mode priorities in GraphViewerInputMode have been changed and most of them now have the same priorities as in GraphEditorInputMode.

              • The new event #CanvasClicked reports clicks on an empty canvas location.

              • The new property #SelectablePredicate allows finer control over what particular items should be selectable without the need to create a custom subclass.

              • The new method #createSelectionEventArgs creates SelectionEventArgs using the #GraphSelection.

              • The events #MultiSelectionStarted and #MultiSelectionFinished now use SelectionEventArgs<IModelItem>.

              • By default, graph items styled with a void style (VoidNodeStyle, VoidEdgeStyle, VoidLabelStyle and VoidPortStyle) are not selected or focused anymore. The new property #VoidStylesIgnored specifies whether this feature is enabled.

              • GraphViewerInputMode now has improved support for marquee selection. Marquee selection is no longer turned on or off via #MarqueeSelectableItems but instead directly on the MarqueeSelectionInputMode. The recognizer for marquee selection is Shift+Drag and the child input mode priorities have been adjusted accordingly so that marquee selection and viewport movement can co-exist. The sub-input mode still defaults to being disabled, though.

              • GraphViewerInputMode now also has a KeyboardInputMode.

              • GraphViewerInputMode now allows copying items (including the convenience methods) and handles the commands appropriately.

            • Improved functionality of GraphEditorInputMode

              • Changing the property #ShowHandleItems will now immediately update the currently visible handles.

              • The new property #DeletablePredicate allows finer control over what particular items should be deletable without the need to create a custom subclass.

              • The new property #OrthogonalBendRemovalEnabled toggles the new support for deleting bends in a way that an orthogonal edge remains orthogonal after removing the bends.

              • A new default action for duplicating single graph items or whole subgraphs is provided. This also works with incomplete subgraphs, for example in a tree, it is possible to duplicate a subtree and the tree will never be disconnected. In addition, the new command ICommand#DUPLICATE (shortcut: Ctrl-D) and the new method GraphClipboard#duplicate can be used to duplicate selected items without altering the clipboard contents. GraphClipboard#adjustGroupNodeBounds adjusts the bounds of parent nodes of pasted or duplicated nodes.

              • A new default action for reversing edges is provided. To this end, the methods #reverseEdge, #reverseEdges and #reverseSelectedEdges have been added to GraphEditorInputMode and the command #REVERSE_EDGE (shortcut: Ctrl-R) to ICommand.

              • Support for cyclic click selection was added. This helps in conveniently selecting items that are hidden behind other items. By default, this features is bound to the Alt key being pressed. It can be disabled by setting the #CyclicSelectionRecognizer property to IEventRecognizer#NEVER.

              • The property #ReparentToLeavesAllowed was added. When enabled, leaf nodes can be the target of a reparenting gesture in which case they are converted into group nodes.

              • The new protected method #shouldSelect can be overridden to determine whether an item can be selected in general.

              • The new events #LabelAdding and #LabelEditing were added. Those allow fine-grained control over adding or editing labels and tie into the existing functionality provided by IEditLabelHelper.

            • Cleanup of the old GraphEditorInputMode API:

              • The type of the property #OrthogonalBendRemoval has been changed from boolean to OrthogonalEdgeEditingPolicy.

              • The events #DeletingSelection and #DeletedSelection now use SelectionEventArgs<IModelItem>.

              • The constructor that take additional IGraph and IGraphSelection arguments have been removed, as well as the protected methods #setGraph, #setGraphControl, #onGraphChanged and the protected setter for the property #GraphSelection. Instead, the IGraph instance is now always taken from the #InputModeContext and can’t be changed after the mode is installed.

              • The method #createDefaultLabelConfiguration has been removed

              • The method #marqueeSelect<T>(RectD,IEnumerable<T>) has been removed.

              • The property #SelectionModel has been removed. Instead the property #GraphSelection is used.

              • The properties #CollectionModel and #GraphInputModeController have been removed.

              • The method #findItem has been removed. An additional overload of #findItems without the context parameter has been added. To replicate the previous behavior of #findItem, #findItems can be called and the first element taken from the resulting enumeration.

              • The method #shouldBeMovableForMoveInputMode has been removed.

            • Improved GraphViewerInputMode API:

              • Added support for the ICommand#COPY.

              • Added support for multi-selection via Ctrl+Click and marquee selection. The latter is disabled by default.

              • The click hit test order can now be configured by property #ClickHitTestOrder.

              • By default, clipboard commands are now disabled. This can be controlled with the new property #ClipboardOperationsAllowed.

              • The event #ItemSelected has been removed.


            • CreateEdgeInputMode was refactored and streamlined:

              • Orthogonal edge creation will be automatically enabled if orthogonal edge editing is enabled on the containing GraphEditorInputMode.

              • Property #ConnectingToCandidatesOnlyEnabled was removed. Now edge creation always uses port candidates.

              • The creation callbacks #NodeBasedEdgeCreationCallback and #PortBasedEdgeCreationCallback have been replaced by the new #EdgeCreator which is port-based.

              • The methods #getSourcePortOwner, #getTargetPortOwner, #getSourceNode and #getTargetNode have been replaced by #getSource and #getTarget.

              • The properties #SourcePortCandidate and #TargetPortCandidate now have public setter.

              • The methods #determineEdgeStyle, #assignSourcePortPosition, #assignEdgeStyle as well as the property #EdgeStyle have been removed. Instead the new #EdgeDefaults property can be used to customize the new edge.

              • Property #UsingHitNodeTargetCandidatesOnlyEnabled was replaced by the new property #UsingHitItemsCandidatesOnlyEnabled.

              • The type of the property #OrthogonalEdgeCreationEnabled has been changed from boolean to OrthogonalEdgeEditingPolicy.

              • The new property #DummyEdgeGraph is used to create the dummy edge that visualizes the edge during creation.

              • The preview edge which is displayed during edge creation now shows the edge as it will be created, i.e. the preview edge has the same style, port visualization, and labels as the created edge will have.

              • The property #SnapToTargetCandidateOwner has been removed. The preview edge now is always being cropped at the candidate owner’s borders.

              • A new property #CancelGestureOnInvalidTarget has been added that makes it possible to cancel the gesture immediately if ended on an invalid target.

              • #assignBends has been removed and its functionality folded into the default #EdgeCreator implementation.

              • The methods #isPortCandidateResolutionEnabled, #isValidEnd, #isValidBegin, #isCancelGesture, #isBendCreationEnforced, #isValidBend, #isSourceNodeDraggingFinished, #isRemoveBendEvent have been removed. The corresponding event recognizer can be used instead to customize the behavior.

              • #createBend(PointD), #startCreateEdge, #onTargetLocationChanged, #getNodes, #NodeComparer and #PortOwnerComparer have been removed.

            Other InputModes

            • AbstractContextMenuInputMode: Support for different context menu trigger events has been added. Currently only mouse (right-click) and keyboard (Shift+F10, application / context menu key) are distinguished, more may be added in the future. The source can be queried from the property #EventSource in PopulateMenuEventArgs and PopulateItemContextMenuEventArgs.

            • An additional eventSource parameter has been added as well to the constructors of PopulatePopupMenuEventArgs and PopulateItemPopupMenuEventArgs as to the overload of AbstractContextMenuInputMode#onPopulateMenu which takes a context menu.

            • ClickInputMode:

              • The property #ValidClickHitCursor has been added. This cursor is used when hovering over a valid hit region.

              • The new method #preventNextDoubleClick can be used in event handlers for single clicks to prevent that this click can become part of a double click event.

              • If #ActiveButtons includes MouseButtons#RIGHT and ClickInputMode 's event handlers mark the corresponding click event as handled, the original right click event is marked as handled as well. Especially, no context menu will be shown if the right click is handled by ClickInputMode itself.

            • CreateBendInputMode#CancelEventRecognizer has been removed.

            • HandleInputMode#Active has been removed. The mode can be manually deactivated using the property #Enabled instead.

            • HandleInputMode#arm now has a handle parameter for the handle that is under the mouse cursor.

            • The class ItemDropInputMode is a new DropInputMode that facilitates subclasses that support preview and snapping of the dragged item as well as highlighting potential drop targets.

              • NodeDropInputMode and StripeDropInputMode have been refactored to use ItemDropInputMode as base class.

              • In NodeDropInputMode, callback #NodeCreator, event #NodeCreated and method #getDraggedNode have been removed. The callback #ItemCreator, event #ItemCreated and property #DraggedItem from superclass ItemDropInputMode should be used instead.

            • NodeDropInputMode can now optionally drop nodes onto leaf nodes and thus convert the leaves into group nodes. It is also possible to drop nodes into collapsed folder nodes. For both use-cases, an opt-in property has been added and a predicate property allows for fine-grained control over this feature.

            • ItemHoverInputMode is a new IInputMode that fires events when the mouse enters or leaves the visualization of a graph item.

            • OverviewInputMode:

              • The mode now extends MultiplexingInputMode.

              • It can be customized more easily. Minor modes can be replaced and adjusted, as well as the list of available default command bindings can be modified.

              • The new property #Margins specifies margins for the visible area of the bound GraphOverviewControl. The new protected method #updateVisibleArea provides further means for customizing the visible area.

            • MarqueeSelectionInputMode:

              • The events #DragStarting, #DragStarted, #Dragging, #Dragged, #DragFinishing, #DragFinished, #DragCanceling and DragCanceled now use MarqueeSelectionEventArgs that provide the current selection rectangle.

              • The event #MarqueeSelected has been removed. The event #DragFinished can be used instead.

              • Property #LastModifierState has been removed.

            • MoveInputMode:

              • The new event #QueryPositionHandler queries an IPositionHandler each time a drag is started.

              • The property #AffectedItems has been added which can be used to get a collection of items currently being moved.

              • Mouse hovers with the Shift key held down again are now accepted.

            • MoveViewportInputMode: Mouse cursor handling is now also done by protected methods #arm and #disarm, similar to other input modes.

            • MultiplexingInputMode: #ChildController and #createChildConcurrencyController have been removed.

            • TableEditorInputMode:

              • The new events #LabelAdding and #LabelEditing allow fine-grained control over adding or editing labels and tie into the existing functionality provided by IEditLabelHelper.

              • The events #DeletingSelection and #DeletedSelection now use SelectionEventArgs<IStripe>.

              • The property #AllowMixedSelection has been moved here from the removed class CompositeStripeSelection.

            • WaitInputMode#getMultiplexingInputMode has been removed.

            • TextEditorInputMode: The events #EditingStarted, #EditingCanceled and #TextEdited now use TextEventArgs.

            • TextEditorInputMode: The properties #StopRecognizer, #CancelRecognizer and #LineBreakRecognizer have been added which allow for easy customization of the key gestures used to add new line breaks and to cancel or stop the text editing.

            Label Editing

            • IEditLabelHelper was refactored:

              • #addLabel and #editLabel were replaced by the methods #onLabelAdding and #onLabelEditing which take the new LabelEditingEventArgs as only argument.

              • Adding labels now can, depending on event handlers for LabelAdding or IEditLabelHelper implementations, optionally edit existing labels instead. This is similar to how editing labels can also add labels, e.g. if no labels are present on an item.

              • The method IEditLabelHelper#configureTextEditorInputMode has been removed. It has been replaced by the property LabelEditingEventArgs#TextEditorInputModeConfigurator.

              • The customizations possible from IEditLabelHelper are the same as those from the #LabelAdding and #LabelEditing events on GraphEditorInputMode and TableEditorInputMode. IEditLabelHelper is conceptually used as another event handler for those events.

              • The property #Owner of the implementing class EditLabelHelper has been removed, along with the respective constructor. The label owner can usually be queried from the LabelEditingEventArgs. Custom subclasses can of course still opt to store the item they were created for and use that field.

            • The label that is edited respectively the label owner for which a label is added is now determined in the following order:

              • If a label is explicitly provided as a command parameter or through a convenience method or is the only selected element, it is edited if the condition mentioned above is satisfied. No other candidates are tried in that case.

              • If a label owner is explicitly provided as a command parameter or through a convenience method, or is the only selected element, the first label that satisfies the condition above is edited. If no such label exists, a new label is added, provided that the owner allows adding. In either case, no other candidates are tried.

              • If there are multiple selected labels, the first selected label for which the previous condition is satisfied is edited.

              • If multiple label owners are selected, the first owner that has a label for which the previous condition is satisfied is chosen and that label is edited.

              • If IEditLabelHelper#editLabel for either an editable label or its owner provides a different label instance, this instance is edited instead.

              • Otherwise, a label is added if an eligible owner can be found.

            • If an IEditLabelHelper implementation is present in an ILabeledItem 's lookup, its #addLabel method is called to determine whether a label may be added and provide a suitable label instance. Additionally, the predicate method GraphEditorInputMode#shouldLabelBeAdded always has to return true, whether edit helpers are present or not. If the new label should be edited interactively after it’s creation (the default behavior), it also must be editable, following the rules above. Therefore an IEditLabelHelper implementation usually should allow editing of label instances that it has created itself in #addLabel.

            • Interactive label editing and creation has the following new features:

              • The current label visual can be hidden while the text editor is shown to reduce visual clutter. This feature is enabled by default and can be controlled through the property GraphEditorInputMode#HidingLabelDuringEditingEnabled.

              • GraphEditorInputMode and TableEditorInputMode provide new events #LabelTextEditingStarted and #LabelTextEditingCanceled that are raised directly before the label text editor is shown and after the label editing has been canceled, respectively.

              • Double clicking nodes and edges now opens the label editor. An existing label can be double clicked to edit the label text. This feature can be disabled with the property GraphEditorInputMode#EditLabelOnDoubleClickAllowed.

              • IEditLabelHelper implementations provided by the ILabel 's lookup can now be used to forbid or customize the editing of individual labels. Class LabelDecorator provides a new property #EditLabelHelperDecorator to customize this feature.

              • GraphEditorInputMode#editLabel and TableEditorInputMode#editLabel can now be used with SimpleLabel instances. This provides editing capabilities for dummy elements such as legends, page headers or other textual elements.


            • Node and edge labels can now snap to particular locations while moving them interactively. Both types of labels can be aligned horizontally or vertically to their original location. In addition, a node label can be aligned with the borders or the center of its owner, and during resizing of that owner, smartly keeps its relative location to the snapped position. An edge label can be snapped on the path of its owner, or at particular distances of it. This feature can be enabled and configured with a LabelSnapContext and is available for labels with one of these label models: SmartEdgeLabelModel, FreeEdgeLabelModel, FreeNodeLabelModel and FreeLabelModel.

            • SnapContext:

              • A boolean parameter snappingDisabled has been added to the methods #handleMove and #dragFinished. This parameter has to be set to true to handle moves or finish a drag when snapping is temporarily disabled. This replaces the call to SnapContext#disableSnapping.

              • The events #Initializing, #Initialized and #CleanedUp as well as associated methods now use InputModeEventArgs.

              • #VoidInstance has been removed.

            • GraphSnapContext:

              • The return type of #getMovementInfos has been changed to IListEnumerable<MovementInfo> and the classes NodeMovementInfo, PortMovementInfo, BendMovementInfo and EdgeEndMovementInfo have been removed.

              • The info parameter’s type of #addEdgeEndToBeMoved has been changed to the more general MovementInfo. A boolean parameter atSource has been added.

              • The methods #addSameWidthEntries and #addSameHeightEntries now return an IListEnumerable<RectD> containing the rectangles whose widths respectively heights are closest to the given size. The parameters resultingSize and rects have been removed.

            • IEdgeSnapResultProvider:

              • The methods #initializeSnapping and #cleanupSnapping have been removed.

              • The info parameter’s type of #CollectSnapResults has been changed to IListEnumerable<MovementInfo>.

            • SnapResult now has more factory methods. The class SnapLineSnapResult has been replaced by a factory method as well.

            • The Classes SnapLineContainer, SingleLineSnapLineContainer, EdgeSegmentSnapLineContainer, FixedDistanceSnapLineContainer and InBetweenSnapLineContainer have been removed.


            • GraphClipboard has been improved:

              • GraphClipboard can be customized easier now. The filter factory #createDefaultCopyFilter takes the graph the copy filter is for. For the duplicate actions the new #createDefaultDuplicateFilter method and the property #DuplicateCopier can be used. Copied labels now use the model parameter returned by the callback #getLabelModelParameter.

              • The new properties #CopyItems, #IndependentCopyItems and #DependentCopyItems allow for restricting the types of items that can be copied at all, independently from their owners, or implicitly through their owners, respectively.

              • The various protected #adjustPosition methods have been removed, as applying the #PasteDelta is now done by GraphCopier.

              • The property #ClipboardContext has been removed.

            • The #copy methods in GraphCopier now have a new PointD offset parameter that shifts nodes and bends by a given amount upon copying them.

            • The signature of IClipboardIdProvider#getId has changed. The context parameter has been moved to the front.

            • Events

              • The properties #LastMouse2DEventArgs and #LastEventLocation have been removed from all input modes. Instead, the properties #LastMouse2DEventArgs and #LastEventLocation on CanvasControl can be used.

              • EdgeEventArgs now also contains the owner of the source and target port.

              • ItemClickedEventArgs now also contains the location of the click.

              • StripeEventArgs now also contains the ITable for this event .

              • OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext: The events #Initializing, #Initialized and #CleanedUp as well as associated methods now use InputModeEventArgs.

            • Keyboard Shortcuts have been changed:

              • Ctrl+O is now bound to ICommand#OPEN.

              • Ctrl+S is now bound to ICommand#SAVE.

              • Ctrl+Ins is now bound to ICommand#COPY.

              • Shift+Ins is now bound to ICommand#PASTE.

              • Shift+Del is now bound to ICommand#CUT.

              • Ctrl+PageDown is now bound to ICommand#MOVE_FOCUS_PAGE_DOWN.

              • Ctrl+PageUp is now bound to ICommand#MOVE_FOCUS_PAGE_UP.

              • Shift+PageDown is now bound to ICommand#SELECT_TO_PAGE_DOWN.

              • Shift+PageUp is now bound to ICommand#SELECT_TO_PAGE_UP.

              • ICommand#ADJUST_GROUP_NODE_SIZE now always processes the nodes in bottom to top order instead of using the order in which the nodes were selected

              • The default keyboard shortcut for deselecting elements (ICommand#DESELECT_ALL) has been changed to Ctrl+Shift+A. Ctrl+D is now the default shortcut for duplicating selected elements (ICommand#DUPLICATE). Duplicating elements can be disabled via GraphEditorInputMode#DuplicateAllowed.

            • For MacOS, shortscuts using the CTRL key now work with the COMMAND key instead.

              • ModifierKey: the enum value #SHORTCUT has been added.

              • KeyEventArgs: the property #ShortcutDown has been added.

              • IEventRecognizer: the static fields #SHORTCUT_DOWN, #SHORTCUT_UP and #SHORTCUT_PRESSED have been added.

            • Touch3DEvent: The modifier keys that are pressed during a touch event are now provided by the #Modifiers and #ChangedModifiers properties.

            • All hit-testing methods as well as the methods in IPortSelectionTester and IBendSelectionTester now take an IInputModeContext instead of ICanvasContext as their context parameter

            • IPositionHandler and IHandle implementations no longer also implement IPoint.

            • IPositionHandler#setPosition has been removed. The interface is now used as flagging interface only.

            • The classes DefaultPositionHandler and PointHandle have been removed

            • INodeCreationCallback#createNode now has a parent parameter which can be used as the parent node for creating a new node. GraphEditorInputMode tries to find a group node at the click location to pass as parent to the #NodeCreator.

            • Opening a context menu from the keyboard no longer uses the last known mouse pointer location for opening the context menu. Instead, the current selection or the current item are used.

            • IPortCandidateProvider: The two method overloads #getSourcePortCandidates and #getTargetPortCandidates that had an IEdge parameter have been removed.

            • The property AbstractPortCandidateProvider#PortOwner has been removed, along with the methods that made use of it.

            • AbstractPortCandidateProvider: create overloads of #createCandidate taking an IPort and optionally an IPortLocationModel have been removed.

            • DefaultPortCandidate: a constructor overload taking the PortCandidateValidity additionally has been added.

            • OrthogonalEdgeEditingContext#addMovedEdgeEnd: The type of the parameter movementInfo has been changed to the more general MovementInfo. A boolean parameter atSource has been added.

            • PortRelocationHandle: The method #configureDummyEdge has been folded into #createDummyEdge.

            • The methods IDragHandler#handleMove and IReshapeHandler#handleReshape don’t return anymore whether they had a visual effect.

            • The classes InputModeController and GraphInputModeController have been removed.

            • The abstract class EdgeEndMoveHandle has been removed.

            • The StateMachine class as well as the delegates StateHandler and TransitionHandler have been removed.

            • When the command ICommand#DELETE is executed when editing a table and some graph items are selected together with a stripe all selected items (including the stripe) will be deleted (was: only the stripe was deleted).

            • The classes FilteredCollectionModel and CancelEventArgs have been removed.

            CanvasControl and GraphControl

            • CanvasControl:

              • The new property #LastEventLocation always contains the location of the last mouse event.

              • The property #MouseWheelBehavior taking a value of type MouseWheelBehaviors replaces the previous property #AutoMouseWheelZoomEnabled.

              • The scroll bars now scroll 5 view units per unit scroll (was 1 world unit) and 90 % of the visible width/height per block scroll (was 50 %).

              • The methods #add, #addCreator, #addGroup and #addGroupToGroup have been removed as the new methods #addChild and #addGroup of ICanvasObjectGroup provide a more intuitive way to add child elements to e.g. the GraphControl#getBackgroundGroup.

              • The property #InputModes has been removed. Developers who want to install multiple input modes on a CanvasControl have to set a MultiplexingInputMode as CanvasControl#InputMode and add their input modes to that mode.

              • The properties #AllMouseInputCapturingEnabled and #AllTouchInputCapturingEnabled have been combined in property #AllPointerInputCapturingEnabled.

              • The properties #OnCompoundKeyReleased, #onCompoundKeyTyped and #onCompoundKeyPressed have been added.

              • The property #collectCanvasObjects has been removed.

              • The method #renderContent was removed. Despite its name this method wasn't used to render the content.

            • GraphControl:

              • The #ContentRect will now also be updated when creating edges, adding, editing or moving labels or deleting all graph item types.

              • The methods #openFile, #saveFile and #saveFileAs have been reduced in accessibility to protected. The respective commands should be used instead of calling those methods.

              • The commands ICommand#CUT, ICommand#COPY and ICommand#PASTE are no longer handled and the respective convenience methods have been removed as well. Command bindings for #COPY are still supplied by GraphViewerInputMode and GraphEditorInputMode. Command bindings for #CUT and #PASTE are still supplied by GraphEditorInputMode.

              • The commands ICommand#UNDO and ICommand#REDO are no longer handled and the respective convenience methods have been removed as well. Command bindings for #UNDO and #REDO are still supplied by GraphEditorInputMode. Furthermore, the respective methods can still be called on the UndoEngine directly.

              • Property #UndoabilityEnabled has been removed. The commands ICommand#UNDO and ICommand#REDO can be enabled on the GraphEditorInputMode.

              • Property #ClipboardEnabled has been removed. The clipboard commands can be enabled on the GraphEditorInputMode.

              • Method #getUndoEngine has been removed. The current UndoEngine can be retrieved from the GraphControl#Graph.

              • Event #SelectionChanged has been removed.

              • Added convenience methods #morphLayout for arranging graph elements in an animated fashion.

              • Added a convenient way to set a custom GraphMLIOHandler to a GraphControl. Previously the lookup of the class needed to be decorated.

            • Most of the properties of the classes CanvasControl, GraphControl and GraphOverviewControl now have correspondent JavaFX properties for databinding and events previously reporting their changes have been removed.


            The XML namespaces and GraphML naming conventions have been updated. The mapping from yfiles classes to the corresponding XML namespaces has been changed, as well as some of the naming conventions:

            • All platform independent model classes are now mapped to http://www.yworks.com/xml/yfiles-common/3.0. This includes the following packages:

              • com.yworks.yfiles.graph

              • com.yworks.yfiles.graph.labelmodels

              • com.yworks.yfiles.graph.portlocationmodels

              • com.yworks.yfiles.graph.styles.common

              • com.yworks.yfiles.markup.common

            • All platform independent graphml support classes are now mapped to http://www.yworks.com/xml/yfiles-common/markup/3.0. This includes the following packages:

              • com.yworks.yfiles.markup.system

            • All platform independent framework classes are now mapped to http://www.yworks.com/xml/yfiles-common/markup/primitives/2.0. This includes the following classes:

              • primitive types (int, double, boolean, char)

              • java.lang.String

            • All types and members in these namespaces use the WPF naming convention in GraphML files:

              • WPF type and property names (if applicable)

              • UpperCamelCase for properties, fields, constants and enum members

            • All platform dependent library classes are now mapped to http://www.yworks.com/xml/yfiles-java-fx/3.0/xaml. This includes the following packages:

              • com.yworks.yfiles.styles

              • com.yworks.yfiles.markup.platform.java

            • All types and members in this namespace use the native naming convention in GraphML files:

              • actual type and property names (if applicable)

              • UpperCamelCase for properties

              • UPPERCASE_UNDERSCORE for fields, constants and enum members

            • The performance of parsing GraphML files has been improved. The speed-up is especially notable for large graphs with several thousands of nodes.

            • The following events have been added to signal the end of the write or parse process, respectively: GraphMLIOHandler#Parsed, GraphMLParser#Parsed, GraphMLIOHandler#Written, GraphMLWriter#Written, together with the corresponding event raiser methods.

            • SerializationProperties:

              • The new property #ParseLabelSize optionally disables parsing of the preferred size of a label.

              • #DISABLE_USER_TAGS changed its type from TypedKey<boolean> to TypedKey<GraphItemTypes>.

              • #DISABLE_STRIPE_USER_TAGS changed its type from TypedKey<boolean> to TypedKey<StripeTypes>.

              • #WRITE_GRAPH_SETTINGS and #DISABLE_GRAPH_SETTINGS have been merged to a single #DISABLE_GRAPH_SETTINGS property which is interpreted according to the context where it is set.

              • #INDENT_OUTPUT has been added that allows to define whether the XML output should be properly indented.

            • A few abstract base classes have been merged:

              • AbstractXmlWriter and DirectXmlWriter have been merged into XmlWriter.

              • AbstractMapperInputHandler and ComplexMapperInputHandler have been merged into MapperInputHandler.

              • AbstractMapperOutputHandler and ComplexMapperOutputHandler have been merged into MapperOutputHandler.

            • TypeConverter and all subclasses have been removed and were replaced either by ValueSerializer s or by implementations of the new interface IMarkupExtensionConverter.

            • The generic types of collection properties are now better (de-)serialized. To achieve this, method PropertyInfo#getPropertyType now returns a Type instead of a Class.

            • The legacy interface IDeserializer and all implementations have been removed. For custom deserialization an event handler for GraphMLIOHandler#HandleDeserialization can be used.

            • The legacy interface ISerializer and all implementations have been removed. For custom serialization an event handler for GraphMLIOHandler#HandleSerialization can be used.

            • ArrayValueSerializer and NullXmlWriter have been removed.

            • IXamlNameMapper has been refactored:

              • The methods #addMapping have been removed

              • The method #getXmlNamespace has been removed

              • The return type of #getName has been changed from String to XmlName, so the XmlNamespace of a type can be retrieved via XmlName#getXmlNamespace.

            • QueryOutputHandlersEventArgs: The overload of #addOutputHandler taking an object id has been removed

            • XmlWriter: constructor overloads taking a boolean parameter indent have been added that allow to define whether the XML output should be properly indented.

            • XmlWriter: the constructor overload taking an InternalXmlWriter as well as the corresponding property #DelegateWriter have been removed.

            • GraphMLSerializationMode has been removed. The GraphMLMemberVisibility can be used instead.

            • The annotations ContentProperty, ValueSerializer and SingletonSerialization have been replaced by corresponding properties on annotation GraphML. Annotation MarkupExtensionReturnType has been removed.

            Utility classes

            • Removed a lot of utility classes and interfaces:

              • Reference and all subclasses.

              • EmptyCollection<T>, EmptyList<T>, DoubleCollection CompositeEnumerable, CompositeListEnumerable, SingleListEnumerable, SingletonCollection, SingletonList, SingletonEnumerator and CompositeEnumerator.

              • CompositeHandle<T> and CompositePositionHandler.

              • IStruct, ElementFoundCallback and ILookupProvider.

              • Replaced IMapperDelegate and FactoryDelegate<TResult,TContext> by java.util.function.Function.

              • ILookupCallback and ContextLookups. Use IContextLookup instead.

              • CompositeCollectionModel, CallbackLookup, AbstractContextLookupChainLink, GenericYList, GenericListCell and HashSet.

              • CollectionChangedEventArgs, CollectionChangeType, CollectionExtensions and ICollectionChangeReporter.

              • ComponentResourceKey was removed and usages replaced by its base class ResourceKey which got a new constructor taking a Class and an Object as parameter.

              • The class GraphCopier for layout graphs and related classes and methods have been removed. Note that the GraphCopier implementation for IGraph still exists.

              • The classes DefaultNodeLookup, DefaultEdgeLookup, DefaultPortLookup, DefaultLabelLookup, DefaultBendLookup and DefaultItemLookup have been removed. Instead the properties #DefaultNodeLookup, #DefaultEdgeLookup, #DefaultPortLookup, #DefaultLabelLookup and #DefaultBendLookup have been added to DefaultGraph.

              • Class ItemDecorator<TModelItem> has been removed. Its members have been pushed down to its former sub classes NodeDecorator, EdgeDecorator, LabelDecorator, PortDecorator and BendDecorator.

            • The events #ItemSelected and #ItemDeselected on ISelectionModel have been merged into the #ItemSelectionChanged event.

            • Changed the return type for some methods from IEnumerable to the less restrictive type Iterable where possible in IHitTester, IBendSelectionTester, IHandleProvider, IPortCandidateProvider and many more. This makes it easier for clients to implement or extend those classes.

            • GeomSupport: method #createSmoothedPath has been moved to class GeneralPath.

            • Usage of EventHandler was made more consistent:

              • The sub interfaces ItemEventHandler, HierarchyItemEventHandler, Mouse2DEventHandler and CompoundKeyEventHandler have been replaced by EventHandler s typed with the specific EventArgs like EventHandler<ItemEventArgs>.

              • More usages of EventHandler have been typed to the specific EventArgs that are used by the handler.

            • The methods #contains, #notContains and #containsAll have been added to FlagsEnum.

            • GeneralPath: Removed the #FillMode parameter from methods #createPath and #updatePath.

            • GeneralPath: Removed the unused methods #createGeometry.

            • The interface IMapperMetadata has been removed and its single implementation MapperMetadata is now used instead.

            • IMapper: The method #removeValue has been removed. It depends on the specific implementation of the mapper whether a mapping can be removed. If an implementation provides a way to remove a mapping, that should be preferred over setting a null value.

            • TagOwnerMapper has been removed. Use this or similar code instead to access Tag s via an IMapper : Mappers#createMapper<ITagOwner, object>(key ⇒ key.Tag).

            • CanvasPrinter: The property #PageMarkPrintingEnabled and the protected method #createPageMarks have been added to support adding page marks to the print output.

            • The interface IPropertyChangeReporter has been removed. Usages have been replaced by regular events.

            • The classes TypedKey and TypedKeyMapper have been moved to package com.yworks.yfiles.graphml.

            • The interface ICollectionModel has been renamed to IObservableCollection and its implementing classes accordingly.


            Layout execution

            • LayoutExecutor:

              • The method #stop now stops a running layout calculation as soon as possible and then immediately shows the result so far, skipping any animation. In addition, the new method #cancel immediately cancels a running calculation and doesn’t change the GraphControl#Graph unless the animation was already running.

              • The method #setAbortHandler has been removed. Instead there is a protected factory method #createAbortHandler which can be overridden to create a custom AbortHandler implementation.

              • Labels are now taken into account for the final content rectangle and viewport animation.

              • The property #FinishedHandler has been replaced by the event #LayoutFinished that uses the new LayoutEventArgs. LayoutExceptionEventArgs have been replaced by LayoutEventArgs whose property #Exception is null when no exception occured.

              • The new property #ConsiderViewportLimiter can be enabled to let the target viewport after a layout respect the ViewportLimiter of the GraphControl. The ViewportAnimation has a new property #ConsiderViewportLimiter for the same purpose.

              • Classes LayoutExecutor and LayoutGraphAdapter now have a property #AutomaticEdgeGrouping that automatically configures edge groups for ports with multiple incoming or outgoing edges. This feature is enabled by default.

              • Classes LayoutExecutor and LayoutGraphAdapter now have a property #FixPorts that automatically configures strong source and target port constraints for all edges in the graph. This feature is disabled by default.

            • LayoutGraphAdapter now adds data providers that map each node, edge and label of a LayoutGraph to their corresponding IModelItem in the original IGraph. Especially, these data providers are available if a layout is run with a LayoutExecutor or the convenience methods LayoutExtensions#morphLayout and LayoutExtensions#applyLayout.

            • The factory methods #createEdgeBetweennessPartitionFinder, #createComponentPartitionPlacer, #createPolylineInterEdgeRouter, #createChannelInterEdgeRouter and their overloads have been moved from the PartitionLayout class to appropriate interfaces IPartitionFinder, IPartitionPlacer and IInterEdgeRouter.

            Streamlined Layout API

            • The legacy hierarchic layout com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter, com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicGroupLayouter, and the associated legacy interfaces ILayerer, IDrawer, IMementoSupport, ILayerSequencer, together with their implementations, have been removed. Instead, IncrementalHierarchicLayouter has been renamed to HierarchicLayout and is now the only implementation of the hierarchic layout style. All associated interfaces and implementations from the package com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.incremental have been moved up to com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.

            • Legacy classes OrthogonalGroupLayouter and DirectedOrthogonalLayouter have been removed and their features have been incorporated in OrthogonalLayout. Class DirectedOrthogonalLayoutData has been removed and its features have been incorporated into OrthogonalLayoutData.

            • Legacy class OrthogonalEdgeRouter and all associated classes have been removed.

            • Class HVTreeLayouter has been removed and its features have been incorporated into TreeLayout.

            • Class DefaultGraphLayout has been removed.

            • Class ParentEdgeAugmentationStage has been removed.

            • Method Graph#moveSubgraph has been removed.

            • CopiedLayoutIGraph was removed. An instance of the super type CopiedLayoutGraph with the same functionality can be obtained from factory method #createCopiedLayoutGraph in LayoutGraphAdapter.

            • The method canLayout has been removed from all layout algorithms. Previously it pretty much always returned true.

            Major Features Added

            • Added support for Sankey diagrams which visualize flow quantity between entities like e.g., cost or energy flow.
            • HierarchicLayout: Added support for port grouping, see PortConstraintKeys#SOURCE_PORT_GROUP_ID_DPKEY and PortConstraintKeys#TARGET_PORT_GROUP_ID_DPKEY. Edges are bundled at their ports, but routed independently.
            • HierarchicLayout now allows to specify the directedness of edges, see HierarchicLayout#EDGE_DIRECTEDNESS_DPKEY. This new feature enables to, for example, support mixed graphs that contain both directed and undirected edges: While for directed edges the layering step tries to find a solution where the source of an edge is placed above the target (with respect to the main layout direction), for undirected edges the direction doesn't matter and the edge may also be inserted as same-layer edge. This feature also enables to force some edges to specifically point against the main layout direction.
            • HierarchicLayout: Added support for edges with a specific thickness. Minimum distances in the layout will consider these thicknesses, see HierarchicLayout#EDGE_THICKNESS_DPKEY.
            • Added preferred placement specifiers LabelLayoutConstants#PLACE_AT_SOURCE_PORT and LabelLayoutConstants#PLACE_AT_TARGET_PORT for edge labels which express that the label should be placed directly at the source/target port of the edge. Currently, the specifiers are only considered by the integrated labeling of the HierarchicLayout.
            • OrganicLayout now supports the detection of regular substructures in the graph (see OrganicLayout#setChainSubstructureStyle(ChainSubstructureStyle), OrganicLayout#setStarSubstructureStyle(StarSubstructureStyle), OrganicLayout#setCycleSubstructureStyle(CycleSubstructureStyle), and OrganicLayout#setParallelSubstructureStyle(ParallelSubstructureStyle)) and applies a specific layout style to them such that they can be better recognized.
            • TreeReductionStage: added possibility to specify a custom labeling algorithm that places labels of non-tree edges. Now, users do not need to take care of such edge labels themselves after using a tree layout algorithm on a non-tree input graph in conjunction with the reduction stage. See properties TreeReductionStage#setNonTreeEdgeLabelingAlgorithm and TreeReductionStage#setNonTreeEdgeLabelSelectionKey.
            • SeriesParallelLayout: added possibility to specify a custom labeling algorithm that places labels of non-series-parallel edges. Such labels are now automatically handled. Users do not need to handle them after running the algorithm with a non-series-parallel input graph. See properties SeriesParallelLayout#setNonSeriesParallelEdgeLabelingAlgorithm and SeriesParallelLayout#getNonSeriesParallelEdgeLabelSelectionKey.
            • HierarchicLayout supports recursively routed edges. Edges that pass the border of group nodes will always leave at the bottom side and enter at the top side of the group node. This routing style is specified using EdgeLayoutDescriptor#setRecursiveEdgeStyle(RecursiveEdgeStyle).
            • HierarchicLayout: Improved from-sketch behavior for groups with changed bounds (e.g. after folding or expanding a group node).
            • Added edge bundling feature. Bundling together multiple edges means that their common parts are to some degree merged into a bundled part. Edge bundling is useful to increase the readability of graph drawings with a high number of edges that connect a comparably small number of nodes. The following layout algorithms support edge bundling:
              • CircularLayout: Edge bundling is applied to edges of the same partition.
              • TreeReductionStage: Edge bundling is applied to non-tree edges.
              • RadialLayout: Edge bundling is applied to non-tree edges.
            • Added new layout algorithm SeriesParallelLayout for graphs that are constructed only by series (combining two series parallel graphs by merging the source of one graph with the sink of the other) and parallel (combining two series parallel graphs by merging the sources and the sinks) operations.
            • Added multi-parent support to TreeLayout. A tree node can have multiple parents that are connected to all of its siblings and share the same parents. This might come to use in organizational charts where a team answers to multiple superiors.
            • Added grid placement support for nodes and edges to HierarchicLayout.
            • Passing data to a layout algorithm has been simplified by the new LayoutData classes. For each major and many minor layout algorithms a subclass of LayoutData has been added that allows to set data relevant for this algorithm using properties. This LayoutData object can be set on LayoutExecutor or passed to the IGraph#applyLayout or GraphControl#morphLayout method. The following layout data classes have been added:
              • ARTreeLayoutData for the ARTreeLayouter
              • BalloonLayoutData for the BalloonLayouter
              • BusRouterData for the BusRouter
              • ChannelEdgeRouterData for the ChannelEdgeRouter
              • CircularLayoutData for the CircularLayouter
              • ComponentLayoutData for the ComponentLayouter
              • CompositeLayoutData to combine different layout data objects
              • DirectedOrthogonalLayoutData for the DirectedOrthogonalLayouter
              • FamilyTreeLayoutData for the FamilyTreeLayouter
              • FixedGroupLayoutData for the FixedGroupLayoutStage
              • GenericTreeLayoutData for the GenericTreeLayouter
              • HVTreeLayoutData for the HVTreeLayouter
              • IncrementalHierarchicLayoutData for the HierarchicLayout
              • LabelingData for the SALabeling and GreedyMISLabeling
              • MultiPageLayoutData for the MultiPageLayouter
              • OrganicEdgeRouterData for the OrganicEdgeRouter
              • OrthogonalEdgeRouterData for the OrthogonalEdgeRouter
              • OrthogonalLayoutData for the OrthogonalLayouter
              • OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouterData for the OrthogonalPatternEdgeRouter
              • ParallelEdgeLayoutData for the ParallelEdgeLayouter
              • PartialLayoutData for the PartialLayouter
              • PartitionLayoutData for the PartitionLayouter
              • PolylineEdgeRouterData for the com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.polyline.EdgeRouter
              • RadialLayoutData for the RadialLayouter
              • RecursiveGroupLayoutData for the RecursiveGroupLayouter
              • SelfloopCalculatorLayoutData for the SelfloopCalculator
              • SmartOrganicLayoutData for the SmartOrganicLayouter
              • StraightLineEdgeRouterData for the StraightLineEdgeRouter
              • TreeReductionStageData for the TreeReductionStage

            Minor Features Added

            • HierarchicLayout: Added support for sequence constraints between edges as well as nodes and edges, see SequenceConstraintFactory.
            • HierarchicLayout: Added support for overlapping layers. The strict layer structure can be compacted by moving layers up into the space of previous layers. Layers are only moved if it won't produce overlaps with nodes or edges.
            • HierarchicLayout: Added feature that allows for edges that connect group nodes with their descendants to directly connect from inside to the group node's border. It can be activated for each edge individually on the EdgeLayoutDescriptor by calling EdgeLayoutDescriptor#setDirectGroupContentEdgeRoutingEnabled(boolean).
            • RecursiveGroupLayout: Added edge splitting for inter-edges and the possibility to align edges that connect to the group border from inside and outside.
            • GenericLabeling: Added option AbstractMISLabeling#setAmbiguityReductionEnabled(boolean) that reduces the ambiguity of label placements. When enabled, the labeling algorithms try to avoid placing labels at positions where it is not clear to which graph element a label belongs.
            • Added layout stage CurveFittingLayoutStage which allows the approximation of edge paths with cubic bezier curve control points. The stage is especially useful if curved edges are modeled using a large number of bends connected via straight lines.
            • AbortHandler: Added method hasCheckFailed() that allows to query whether a check method was called after a stop or cancel event.
            • Added interface LabelLayoutFactory that provides methods for creating, adding and removing node/edge labels for LayoutGraphs.
            • HierarchicLayout: Added support for incremental group nodes (see IncrementalHintsFactory#createIncrementalGroupHint(Object)). Incremental groups will be placed on a suitable position. The hints of their descendants are interpreted relative to the group node.
            • SimplexNodePlacer: Added option setNodeCompactionEnabled(boolean) that allows to place adjacent nodes of a layer in a more compact, stacked style.
            • Added vertical alignment option for DefaultNodePlacer and SimpleNodePlacer. In addition to the previous compact child placement, siblings can now be aligned at top, center or bottom for example.
            • TreeLayout: Added support for critical edges in DefaultNodePlacer, DendrogramNodePlacer, SimpleNodePlacer, LayeredNodePlacer and DoubleLineNodePlacer. Nodes connected to a critical edge will be center aligned which can be used to highlight certain paths in the tree.
            • TreeLayout: Added support for grouped edges in DefaultPortAssignment. Grouped edges will share the same port location at local root.
            • Added class GroupedNodePlacer that allows TreeLayout to place siblings into different groups.
            • RecursiveGroupLayout: Added option setInterEdgeRouter(ILayoutAlgorithm) to specify an edge router to layout edges that cross group node bounds. Thus, it is not necessary to subclass the layouter to change inter-edge routing anymore.
            • Added layout stage FixPortLocationStage which ensures that layout algorithms that cannot handle port constraints keep the ports of edges with strong port constraints.
            • Added layout stage PortPlacementStage which assigns edges to the ports specified by PortConstraints or PortCandidates after calling the core layout.
            • Groups: Added k-means clustering algorithm that partitions a given graph in k-clusters.
            • Groups: Added hierarchical clustering algorithm that partitions a given graph based on agglomerative (i.e., bottom-up) strategy and some linkage function (single-, complete- and average-linkage).


            • HierarchicLayout: Improved support for PortCandidates at group nodes. Previously, they were only obeyed if there was just a single candidate defined, which also applied to the opposite node (not necessarily a group node). Now, out of the given candidates, one is selected and considered for the routing. Still, fixed candidates are treated like free ones and are not supported at the side of group nodes.
            • Improved the performance of OrthogonalSegmentDistributionStage and thus also ChannelEdgeRouter which by default uses the mentioned stage as edge distribution strategy.
            • HierarchicLayout: Routing of grouped edges that connect to nodes of different groups now assures that the whole bus segment remains outside the different group nodes. This avoids that group nodes get unnecessarily large and potentially makes drawings more symmetric.
            • HierarchicLayout: Improved edge grouping such that it is now possible to group incoming/outgoing edges as well as same-layer/backloop edges with common edges.
            • HierarchicLayout can now take the original edge route into account to determine the route of a self-loop.
            • MultiPageLayout: Added new option MultiPageLayout#setStrictClusterSeparationEnabled(boolean) that allows to specify whether or not nodes with different cluster IDs may be placed onto the same page.
            • The following tree algorithms now support custom selection of the root node of the tree:
              • BalloonLayout
              • TreeLayout
              • ClassicTreeLayout
              • AspectRatioTreeLayout
            • BalloonLayout: Interleaved child placement now works in conjunction with from sketch-mode and custom child order comparators. This means that the settings BalloonLayout#setFromSketchModeEnabled(boolean) and BalloonLayout#setComparator(Comparator) are no longer ignored when enabling the interleaved placement mode (see BalloonLayout#setInterleavedMode(InterleavedMode)).
            • TreeLayout and ClassicTreeLayout: Now take into consideration the minimum group node size specified by the user with a DataProvider registered with the graph with key GroupingKeys#MINIMUM_NODE_SIZE_DPKEY.
            • ChannelRouter: Improved order of segments to avoid edge crossings when there are multiple segments that have one common end point.
            • New convenience method LayoutGraphUtilities#getPathClippedOnBB(YPointPath, YRectangle, YRectangle) that computes a clipped edge path given a YPointPath and two YRectangles to clip on.
            • HierarchicLayout: Added properties that allow for stopping the layout algorithm after the layering or the sequencing phase while skipping the subsequent phases. This may be useful when using two layout runs to collect layering and/or sequencing information in the first run that will be used during the second run.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed edges which have segments that should be horizontal or vertical but are slightly non-orthogonal.
            • HierarchicLayout: Improved behavior in incremental mode that moved normal nodes that were in different layers (in the initial layout) to the same layer. This behavior occurred in case there were group nodes that extended into the layer above or below to get a compact result.
            • EdgeRouter will now consider the target group of an edge if this edge is the only member of its source group.
            • EdgeRouter: Improved edge routes of self-loops to go around at least one corner of the node. Only if both source and target port are restricted to the same side (PortConstraint, PortCandidate), self-loops may start and end at the same side of the node.
            • InteractiveOrganicLayout: Fixed possible performance problem after changing the inertia/stress of some nodes.
            • The directed style of the OrthogonalLayout: Now always produces planar drawings for trees.
            • GenericLabeling: Generic labeling algorithms do not consider any more labels of zero width or height. Before, bad labeling results were possible.
            • GenericLabeling: Improved performance - especially for large graph instances.
            • Improved support for PreferredPlacementDescriptor side preference (left, on-edge, right) when using generic labeling algorithms GenericLabeling. Now, the side preference is considered for edge labels with arbitrary EdgeLabelModel implementations.
            • TreeLayout: Improved DefaultPortAssignment to consider PortConstraints in all modes. If a distributed mode is selected then weak constraints will also be distributed on the according side.
            • LayeredNodePlacer: Improved spacing between labels and bends when polyline labeling is enabled.
            • RadialLayout: If the data provider registered with key RadialLayout.NODE_INFO_DPKEY also implements DataAcceptor interface, it will be filled with the according RadialLayout.NodeInfo object for each node.
            • Added layout stage HandleNaNCoordinatesStage which prevents layout algorithms that take initial coordinates for nodes and edges into account from failing if some of those graph elements have NaN-coordinates.
            • Several smaller runtime improvements for the following layout algorithms:
              • HierarchicLayout
              • ChannelRouter
              • OrganicLayout
              • OrthogonalLayout
              • CircularLayout
              • RadialLayout
            • HierarchicLayout: Reduced number of group node overlaps that may appear for groups containing elements with tail/head constraints, see SequenceConstraintFactory#addPlaceNodeAtTailConstraint(Object) and SequenceConstraintFactory#addPlaceNodeAtHeadConstraint(Object).
            • Improved abort handling for algorithms that use ConstraintIncrementalLayerer, ConstraintLayerer and TopologicalIncrementalLayerer. For large graphs these classes may require a long runtime that cannot be canceled by using an AbortHandler.
            • HierarchicLayout: The group transposition feature (see DefaultLayerSequencer.setGroupTranspositionEnabled(boolean)) can now also be used in incremental layout mode.
            • ConstraintIncrementalLayerer: Improved handling of same layer constraints. In previous versions the layerer sometimes ignores same layer constraints even though there is a valid layering.
            • HierarchicLayout: More compact placement of rotated as well as stacked labels.
            • OrganicLayout: Now also considers the group node compactness (see option setGroupNodeCompactness(double)) if option setNodeEdgeOverlapAvoided(boolean) is enabled.
            • OrganicLayout: Improved node overlap removal (see option setNodeOverlapsAllowed(boolean)). Now, if the scope is set to SUBSET or MAINLY_SUBSET, the number of node overlaps that cannot be removed is reduced.
            • LayeredNodePlacer: Reduced overlaps between edges and node labels for all routing styles.
            • GridNodePlacer: Corrected alignment of child nodes and edge routing when there are node labels.
            • AbstractRotatableNodePlacer.RootAlignment, DefaultNodePlacer and DendrogramNodePlacer: Instead of aligning bounding boxes including nodes and their labels, nodes are aligned directly with other nodes. Therefore a layout with node labels gets more compact and the alignment is consistent with that of graphs without node labels.
            • DelegatingNodePlacer: Added support for a child comparator for children of local root nodes.
            • TreeLayout now ignores labels with zero width or height in all distance calculations.
            • TreeLayout: INodePlacer implementations now also use the specified spacing as minimum distance between different subtrees.
            • PartialLayout: Reduced number of element overlaps if there are partial group nodes.
            • ParallelEdgeRouter: Now always separates parallel edges according to their direction, i.e., edges (v,w) and (w,v) are never placed interleaved.
            • GenericLabeling now also considers the node/edge overlap penalty specified by a LabelCandidate.

            Changes in Default Behavior

            • HierarchicLayout: Creating layer constraints (see LayerConstraintFactory) or sequence constraints (see SequenceConstraintFactory) using a disposed of factory now throws an IllegalStateException.
            • GenericLabeling: Changed LabelCandidates default for overlap penalty of nodes and edges from 0 to 1. This means label overlaps are now considered more severe.
            • HierarchicLayout: The edge grouping now supports to group incoming and outgoing edges of a node. In previous versions incoming and outgoing edges always defined separate groups even though the user specified the same group IDs for such edges.
            • The following default values of properties have been changed:
              • MultiStageLayout and MultiPageLayout: The default LabelLayout is now set to an instance of GenericLabeling.
              • PartialLayout: Default value of property MinimalNodeDistance is now 10d instead of 0.0.
              • MultiParentDescriptor: Default value of property MinimumNodeDistance is now 15d instead of 10.0.
              • BalloonLayout: Default value of property MinimalNodeDistance is now 10.0 instead of 0.0.
              • GenericLabeling: Default value of property DeterministicModeEnabled is now true instead of false.
              • SplitEdgeLayoutStage: Default value of property ProxyNodeSize is now 1.0 instead of 0.0.
            • HierarchicLayout: For input graphs with infeasible PortConstraints and PortCandidates/PortCandidateSets (i.e., for edges that have non-matching port constraints/candidates), the layout algorithm now always prefers PortConstraints. In previous versions, the behaviour was not well-defined for such cases.
            • PortCandidateAssignmentStage: Now, if an edge has registered PortCandidates and connects to nodes with PortCandidateSets, the stage will try to match both collections to find an appropriate port. In case there is no matching port candidate, a PortCandidate specified for the edge is preferred. Before, one of PortCandidates was selected without trying to match with node port candidates.
            • GraphTransformer: Method setOperation(int) now only sets the operation value and does not disable the automatic selection of best fitting rotation angle if an operation other than ROTATE is selected.
            • Centrality: The following methods can now take empty INodeMaps and IEdgeMaps as arguments for returning the resulting centrality values.
              • Centrality#edgeBetweenness(Graph, IEdgeMap, boolean, DataProvider)
              • Centrality#nodeBetweenness(Graph, INodeMap, boolean, DataProvider)
              • Centrality#nodeEdgeBetweenness(Graph, INodeMap, IEdgeMap, boolean, DataProvider)
            • Most of the setter methods of the properties of package layout now throw an IllegalArgumentException if an unexpected/illegal or null argument is given as input.
            • DelegatingNodePlacer: Method determineChildConnector(Node) now throws an IllegalStateException instead of an IllegalArgumentException.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Method setIntegratedEdgeLabelingEnabled(boolean) throws an IllegalStateException if the current label layouter is not of type LabelLayoutTranslator.
            • TreeComponentLayout: Constructor TreeComponentLayout(ILayouterAlgorithm) throws an IllegalArgumentException if null is given as argument.

            Other API Changes

            • Groups.Dendrogram does no longer extend class Graph. To enable convenient iteration of a dendrogram, method Groups.Dendrogram.getChildren(Node) was added.
            • The following constructors have been removed:
              • Bipartitions.Bipartitions()
              • Centrality.Centrality()
              • Cycles.Cycles()
              • GraphConnectivity.GraphConnectivity()
              • NetworkFlows.NetworkFlows()
              • NodeOrders.NodeOrders()
              • Paths.Paths()
              • RankAssignments.RankAssignments()
              • SpanningTrees.SpanningTrees
              • Transitivity.Transitivity()
              • Bfs.Bfs()
              • Grouping.Grouping()
              • Swimlanes.Swimlanes()
              • RecursiveGroupLayout.RecursiveGroupLayout(ILayoutAlgorithm,IGroupBoundsCalculator)
            • FixedGroupLayoutStage: Method getInterEdgeroutingStyle() has been renamed to getInterEdgeRoutingStyle().
            • EdgeReverser: Method reverseEdges(Graph,EdgeList) has become static.
            • The following classes, constructors, and methods have been deprecated:
              • PortConstraint: All constructors
              • PortCandidate: All constructors
              • SequenceConstraintFactory: Methods
                • addPlaceNodeAfterConstraint(Object, Object)
                • addPlaceNodeAtHeadConstraint(Object)
                • addPlaceNodeAtTailConstraint(Object)
                • addPlaceNodeBeforeConstraint(Object, Object)
              • WeightedLayerer: Method downShiftNodes(Graph, INodeMap, int)
            • BendConverter: The data provider key ScopeDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDpKey.
            • BendConverter: Property AdoptSelection has been renamed to AdoptEdgeMarking.
            • BendConverter: Property SelectedEdgesDpKey has been renamed to MarkedEdgesDpKey.
            • CircularLayouter: The data provider key CircleIdHolderDpKey has been renamed to CircleIdDpKey.
            • CircularLayouter: The data provider key CircularCustomGroupsDpKey has been renamed to CustomGroupsDpKey.
            • com.yworks.yfiles.layout.circular.LayoutStyle: Enum type CircularCustomGroups has been renamed to CustomGroups.
            • ComponentLayouter: The data provider key LayoutNodeDpKey has been renamed to AffectedComponentsDpKey.
            • ComponentLayouter: The data provider key GivenComponentDpKey has been renamed to ComponentIdDpKey.
            • EdgeReversalStage: The data provider key ReverseEdgesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDpKey.
            • FamilyTreeLayouter: The data provider key DpKeyFamilyType has been renamed to FamilyTypeDpKey and data provider registered with this key have to return values of the new com.yworks.yfiles.layout.genealogy.FamilyType enum.
            • PartitionGrid: The data provider key PartitionCellDpKey has been renamed to PartitionCellIdDpKey.
            • ConstraintIncrementalLayerer: The data provider key EdgeWeightsDpKey has been renamed to AdditionalEdgeWeightDpKey.
            • com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter: The data provider key LayerValueHolderDpKey has been renamed to LayerIndexDpKey.
            • com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.HierarchicLayouter: The data provider key SequenceValueHolderDpKey has been renamed to SequenceIndexDpKey.
            • com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.IEdgeData: The property SourceCandidates has been renamed to SourcePortCandidates.
            • com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.IEdgeData: The property TargetCandidates has been renamed to TargetPortCandidates.
            • SelfloopCalculator: The data provider key IsOctilinearDpKey has been renamed to OctilinearEdgesDpKey.
            • HierarchicLayout: The data provider key CriticalEdgeDpKey has been renamed to CriticalEdgePriorityDpKey.
            • HierarchicLayout: The data provider key LayerValueHolderDpKey has been renamed to LayerIndexDpKey.
            • HierarchicLayout: The data provider key SequenceValueHolderDpKey has been renamed to SequenceIndexDpKey.
            • LayouterKeys: The data provider key SelectedNodesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedNodesDpKey.
            • LayouterKeys: The data provider key SelectedEdgesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDpKey.
            • LabelLayoutKeys: The data provider key IgnoreLabelDpKey has been renamed to IgnoredLabelsDpKey.
            • LabelingBase: Property SelectedLabelsDpKey has been renamed to AffectedLabelsDpKey.
            • NormalizingGraphElementOrderStage: The data provider key ComparableNodeDpKey has been renamed to NodeComparableDpKey.
            • NormalizingGraphElementOrderStage: The data provider key ComparableEdgeDpKey has been renamed to EdgeComparableDpKey.
            • The enum com.yworks.yfiles.layout.organic.SphereOfAction has been removed. Earlier usages have been replaced by com.yworks.yfiles.layout.organic.Scope. SphereOfAction.ALL has been mapped to Scope.ALL, SphereOfAction.MAINLY_SELECTION has been mapped to Scope.MAINLY_SUBSET and SphereOfAction.ONLY_SELECTION has been mapped to Scope.SUBSET.
            • OrganicLayouter: The data provider key SphereOfActionNodesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedNodesDpKey.
            • OrganicLayouter: Property SphereOfAction has been renamed to Scope and is now of type com.yworks.yfiles.layout.organic.Scope.
            • ShuffleLayouter: The data provider key MinimalDistanceDpKey has been renamed to MinimalNodeDistanceDpKey.
            • SmartOrganicLayouter: The data provider key NodeSubsetDpKey has been renamed to AffectedNodesDpKey.
            • SmartOrganicLayouter: Data provider registered with the key GroupNodeModeDpKey now have to return values of the new com.yworks.yfiles.layout.organic.GroupNodeMode enum.
            • SplitEdgeLayoutStage: Property SplitEdgesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDpKey.
            • ParallelEdgeLayouter: The data provider key ScopeDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDpKey.
            • PartialLayouter: The data provider key PartialNodesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedNodesDpKey.
            • PartialLayouter: The data provider key PartialEdgesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDpKey.
            • PartialLayouter: The data provider key ComponentAssignmentDpKey has been renamed to ComponentIdDpKey.
            • PartitionLayouter.OrthogonalInterEdgeRouter: Property SelectedEdgesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDpKey.
            • PartitionLayouter.PolylineInterEdgeRouter: Property SelectedEdgesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDpKey.
            • PortCandidate: The data provider key SourcePcListDpKey has been renamed to SourcePortCandidateCollectionDpKey.
            • PortCandidate: The data provider key TargetPcListDpKey has been renamed to TargetPortCandidateCollectionDpKey.
            • PortCandidateSet: The data provider key NodeDpKey has been renamed to NodePortCandidateSetDpKey.
            • com.yworks.yfiles.layout.radial.CenterNodesPolicy: Enum type Selection has been renamed to Custom.
            • BusRouter: The data provider key EdgeSubsetDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDefaultDpKey.
            • BusRouter: Property SelectedEdgesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDpKey.
            • CollinearBendHider: The data provider key SelectedEdgesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDpKey.
            • The enum com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.SphereOfAction has been removed. Earlier usages have been replaced by com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.Scope. SphereOfAction.ROUTE_ALL_EDGES has been mapped to Scope.ALL, SphereOfAction.ROUTE_SELECTED_EDGES has been mapped to Scope.SUBSET and SphereOfAction.ROUTE_EDGES_AT_SELECTED_NODES has been mapped to the new enum value Scope.SUBSET_AT_AFFECTED_NODES.
            • OrganicEdgeRouter: The data provider key RouteEdgeDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDpKey.
            • OrthogonalEdgeRouter: Property SelectedNodesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedNodesDpKey.
            • OrthogonalEdgeRouter: Property SelectedEdgesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDpKey.
            • OrthogonalEdgeRouter: Property SphereOfAction has been renamed to Scope and is now of type com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.Scope.
            • com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.Polyline.EdgeRouter: The data provider key LabelCrossingCostFactorDpKey has been renamed to LabelCrossingPenaltyFactorDpKey.
            • com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.Polyline.EdgeRouter: Property SphereOfAction has been renamed to Scope and is now of type com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.Scope.
            • com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.Polyline.EdgeRouter: Property SelectedNodesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedNodesDpKey.
            • com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.Polyline.EdgeRouter: Property SelectedEdgesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDpKey.
            • com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.Polyline.EdgeRouter: Method IsSelected has been renamed to IsAffected.
            • PolylineLayoutStage: Property SphereOfAction has been renamed to Scope and is now of type com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.Scope.
            • PolylineLayoutStage: Property SelectedNodesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedNodesDpKey.
            • PolylineLayoutStage: Property SelectedEdgesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDpKey.
            • StraightLineEdgeRouter: Property SphereOfAction has been renamed to Scope and is now of type com.yworks.yfiles.layout.router.Scope.
            • StraightLineEdgeRouter: Property SelectedNodesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedNodesDpKey.
            • StraightLineEdgeRouter: Property SelectedEdgesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedEdgesDpKey.
            • SubgraphLayouter: Property SubgraphNodesDpKey has been renamed to AffectedNodesDpKey.
            • ARTreeLayouter: The data provider key RatioDpKey has been renamed to SubtreeAspectRatioDpKey.
            • ARTreeLayouter: Data provider registered with the key RootPlacementDpKey now have to return values of the new com.yworks.yfiles.layout.tree.RootPlacement enum.
            • ARTreeLayouter: The data provider key RoutingPolicyDpKey has been renamed to SubtreeRoutingPolicyDpKey and data provider registered with this key now have to return values of the new com.yworks.yfiles.layout.tree.RoutingPolicy enum.
            • ARTreeLayouter: Method GetRoutingPolicy now returns a RoutingPolicy enum value.
            • ARTreeLayouter: Method GetRootPlacement now returns a RootPlacement enum value.
            • ARTreeLayouter: Property RoutingPolicy is now of the type RoutingPolicy.
            • ARTreeLayouter: Property RootPlacement is now of the type RootPlacement.
            • AssistantPlacer: The data provider key AssistantDpKey has been renamed to AssistantNodeDpKey.
            • DelegatingNodePlacer: The data provider key LeftRightDpKey has been renamed to PrimaryNodesDpKey.
            • DelegatingNodePlacer: Method GetUpperLeftChildren has been renamed to PrimaryChildren.
            • DelegatingNodePlacer: Method GetLowerRightChildren has been renamed to SecondaryChildren.
            • DelegatingNodePlacer: Property PlacerUpperLeft has been renamed to PrimaryPlacer.
            • DelegatingNodePlacer: Property PlacerLowerRight has been renamed to SecondaryPlacer.
            • com.yworks.yfiles.layout.tree.InterleavedMode: Enum type SelectedNodes has been renamed to MarkedNodes.
            • GenericTreeLayouter: The data provider key ChildComparatorDpKey has been renamed to OutEdgeComparerDpKey.
            • GridNodePlacer: The data provider key GridDpKey has been renamed to RowIndexDpKey.
            • LeftRightPlacer: The data provider key LeftRightDpKey has been renamed to LeftNodeDpKey.
            • NodeOrderComparator: The data provider key NodeOrderDpKey has been renamed to NodeOrderComparableDpKey.
            • Class HierarchicTreePlacer has been renamed to HierarchicTreeNodePlacer.
            • Class ParallelEdgeLayouter has been renamed to ParallelEdgeRouter.
            • Class ReducedSphereOfActionStage has been renamed to ReducedScopeStage.
            • Class SelfLoopLayouter has been renamed to SelfLoopRouter.
            • Class AssistantPlacer has been renamed to AssistantNodePlacer.
            • Class BusPlacer has been renamed to BusNodePlacer.
            • Class DendrogramPlacer has been renamed to DendrogramNodePlacer.
            • Class DoubleLinePlacer has been renamed to DoubleLineNodePlacer.
            • Class FreePlacer has been renamed to FreeNodePlacer.
            • Class LeafPlacer has been renamed to LeafNodePlacer.
            • Class LeftRightPlacer has been renamed to LeftRightNodePlacer.
            • EdgeLabelLayoutImpl: obsolete property PreferredPlacement has been removed.
            • com.yworks.yfiles.layout.hierarchic.EdgeLayoutDescriptor: obsolete property OrthogonallyRouted has been removed.
            • WeightedLayerer: deprecated method AssignNodeLayer has been removed.
            • LabelingBase: deprecated property UseAlternativeSideHandling has been removed.
            • LabelLayoutData: deprecated constructors LabelLayoutData(double,double,LabelPlacements) and LabelLayoutData(YOrientedRectangle,LabelPlacements) has been removed.
            • LabelLayoutData: obsolete property PreferredPlacement has been removed.
            • OrthogonalLayouter: obsolete properties NodeModel and UseSpacePostprocessing have been removed.
            • PortConstraint: the deprecated constructors have been removed.
            • CanvasObjectDescriptor: deprecated fields Paintable and DynamicDirtyPaintable have been removed.
            • TapInputMode: deprecated property DoubleTap has been removed.
            • LayoutExtensions: deprecated extension method CreateLayerConstraintFactory has been removed.


            • Added a demo that shows how to model a Business Process Diagram editor using customized styles and layout algorithms.
            • Added a demo that presents different layout algorithms and their configuration properties.
            • Added a demo that shows how to extend the export capabilities of yFiles for JavaFX with third-party libraries to export a graph in the SVG format.
            • Added a demo that presents the various events dispatched by the model and the input modes that can be listened to.



            • A bug in orthogonal edge editing was fixed where an edge could become non-orthogonal when a non-selected bend was moved.
            • Fixed an issue with orthogonal edge editing where canceling moving a port or node would add bends to otherwise straight edge segments.
            • Fixed an issue where moving edge ports of a self-loop could break edge orthogonality despite orthogonal edge editing.
            • Fixed a bug that prevented individually disabling certain grouping commands.
            • Fixed a bug with folding that sometimes ignored the view state for a port on a folder node when a folding edge was created.
            • A bug in OverviewInputMode has been fixed that could break the overview visualization if the overview has a specific very small width or height.
            • Fixed a potential exception when using folding on a filtered graph when either nodes with labels or ports, or edges with bends or labels are shown for the first time after being hidden before.
            • Fixed an issue where setting a BridgeManager on the RenderContextEvent had no effect and bridges would not show.
            • Fixed an issue where setting a custom Pen for a grid with GridStyle.DOTS had no effect.
            • Fixed incorrect rendering of grids for viewports with aspect ratios smaller than 1.
            • Removed remaining dependencies to AWT classes.
            • Fixed a bug in OverviewInputMode that could break the overview visualization if the overview has a specific very small width or height. This was for example the case when using a GraphOverviewControl in a TitledPane that was collapsed/expanded in an animated fashion.
            • Fixed NullPointerException that occurred when calling the GraphOverviewControl's constructor with a new GraphControl as argument.
            • Properties StripeDefaults#Insets and SimpleLabelStyle#TextFormat have default values that are intended to be shareable but were mutable which could lead to unwanted side effects. The default values for those properties have been made immutable.
            • SimpleLabelStyleRenderer: Fixed a bug that caused the border of the label to be clipped away sometimes.
            • Fixed a bug that prevents disabling the snapping feature by pressing the control key when moving or resizing nodes or creating edges interactively.
            • Changing the zoom level by mouse wheel is now the same on all systems.
            • Added missing shortcuts for the open (Shortcut+O) and save (Shortcut+S) commands.
            • Fixed a ClassCastException that occurs when the CollapsibleNodeStyleDecoratorRenderer specifies a collapse button that is not a JavaFX Button instance.
            • Fixed an issue that prevented saving and loading graphs with table nodes.
            • PixelImageExporter: fixed a bug that prevented CSS styling to be applied to the exported image.
            • MouseHoverInputMode: fixed a NullPointerException that sometimes occured when trying to hide a tooltip.


            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed rare bug that caused same-layer edge to cross through their source or target node, e.g., the port was at the top of the source node but the edge crossed through the source node to leave it at the bottom.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that sometimes caused the route of back-loop edges with at least one endpoint incident to a group node to unnecessarily enter this group node.
            • SimplexNodePlacer: Fixed bug that caused overlaps between edges and nodes when enabling node compaction (#setNodeCompactionEnabled(boolean)) and having edges with either strong PortConstraints or fixed PortCandidates.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused a violation of minimum first/last segment length for backloop/reversed edges that connect to group nodes.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed rare bug that caused overlaps between labels and segments of edges with octilinear routes.
            • HierarchicLayout: fixed possible infinite loop if there are critical edges (see #CRITICAL_EDGE_DPKEY).
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused critical edges to not be aligned (see #CRITICAL_EDGE_DPKEY).
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed rare NullPointerException triggered in AsIsSequencer for edges incident to group nodes that have a sketch without bend points as well as port constraints.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused non-orthogonal segments of grouped edges even though orthogonal edge routing was enabled.
            • HierarchicLayout: Improved compactness of layouts that feature group nodes with insets and (group) nodes with halos (NodeHalo). Previously, specifying halos could enlarge the insets of group nodes by an unnecessary large amount.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused a violation of the specified minimum distance or edge overlaps in the case of same-layer edges.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed NullPointerException that could happen in AsIsSequencer when incremental group hints are defined (see IncrementalHintsFactory#createIncrementalGroupHint(java.lang.Object)) along with specific port constraints on edges incident to an incremental group node.
            • HierarchicLayout: Improved result if compact label placement is enabled (which is the default), see SimplexNodePlacer#setLabelCompactionEnabled(boolean). In previous versions the labels may have been placed in a stacked style even if this did not make the result more compact (e.g. if all labels are placed to the right of the edges).
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed distance between vertical (in a top-to-bottom layout) segments of same-layer edges that connect to group nodes. This also applies to self-loops that connect to the top or bottom of a group node with both ends as well as same-layer parts of other edges like backloops.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused the minimum edge-to-edge distance to be violated by edges with strong port constraints that cross each other.
            • Fixed IllegalArgumentException that is triggered in some cases when using a SequenceConstraintFactory.
            • RecursiveGroupLayout when used with HierarchicLayout as core layout algorithm: Fixed IllegalStateException that could be triggered when group nodes of the input graph have PortCandidates.
            • OrganicLayout now temporarily hides DataProviders which are registered by the user with keys that are related to RecursiveGroupLayout and #LayoutMultiplexer since their presence during the layout process may cause corrupted results.
            • PartialLayout: fixed NullPointerException that appeared if no DataProvider with key PartialLayouter#PARTIAL_NODES_DPKEY is registered with the input graph.
            • GraphPartitionManager: fixed functionality to hide edges when using methods GraphPartitionManager#hide(Edge), GraphPartitionManager#hideEdges(), GraphPartitionManager#hide(EdgeCursor) or GraphPartitionManager#hide(EdgeList). Previously, edges were actually not hidden from the graph.
            • ParallelEdgeRouter: Fixed bug that caused wrong (very large) edge port coordinates. These coordinates could also lead to Exceptions later when processing the graph, for example, when calculating placements of edge labels belonging to the edges with bad coordinates.
            • TreeLayout: fixed possible group node overlaps in conjunction with some node placers, for example AssistantNodePlacer.
            • TreeLayout: fixed bug that caused less compact layout results when having node halos (see NodeHalo).
            • TreeLayout: Fixed bug that caused edges which are reversed during the layout and have a port constraint only to one endpoint (e.g., source) to obtain the same port constraint also to the other endpoint (e.g., target).
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed rare RuntimeException that appeared if there were fixed (see EdgeRouter#setSphereOfAction(byte)) and grouped edges at the same time.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed possible NullPointerException that may appear if a specified PortCandidate has multiple directions.
            • ChannelEdgeRouter: Fixed routing of self-loops that have both source and target end point at the same side of the node. Previously, when multiple such self-loops were present at the same node, the routing produced bad end points located outside of the node.
            • BusRouter: Fixed rare IllegalStateException caused by non-orthogonal edge segments.
            • Groups#hierarchicalClustering(Graph, int, INodeMap,INodeDistanceProvider, Linkage): Fixed NullPointerException that occurred when the given maximum number of clusters was 0 or 1.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused grouped edge segments to overlap with one of the adjacent nodes if it is a group node.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused same layer segments to be too short for the labels that should be placed at those segments.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused a violation of minimum first/last segment length for edges that connect two neighboring nodes in the same layer.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused a violation of minimum first/last segment length for edges that connect to group nodes. Now, the first/last segments of those edges will have at least the length of the largest minimum first/last segment length of all edges connected to the same group node.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed rare IllegalStateException that is caused by an inconsistent group node order that may appear for input graphs containing both swimlanes and groups.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug with some ignored any side strong port constraints.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused PortCandidates to potentially be ignored or not handled correctly for self-loops when having directions other than PortCandidate.NORTH, PortCandidate.SOUTH, PortCandidate.WEST or PortCandidate.EAST
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that caused edges routed by the EdgeRouter to sometimes share the same port with edges defined as fixed.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that caused violations of the node to edge distance between an edge and its target if the edge approaches the target from the opposite side of the target port constraint.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that caused incorrect routes for grouped edges with intersecting source and target.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed rare NullPointerException that may appear during rerouting of edges (see EdgeRouter.setReroutingEnabled(boolean)) if the input graph contains overlapping nodes.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed possible NullPointerException that may appear if there are grouped edges consisting of both fixed and non-fixed edges (see EdgeRouter.setScope(Scope)).
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that may cause that some edges are not considered during rerouting. It only appears if the graph contains grouped edges.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed rare bug that may cause a StackOverflowError.
            • GenericLabeling: Improved placement of edge labels with preferred placement at source/target if the label model FreeEdgeLabelModel.
            • GenericLabeling: Fixed bug that may cause that the postprocessing step ignores some node labels with model FreeNodeLabelModel.
            • Directed style of the OrthogonalLayout: Fixed problem that may cause non-directed routes for directed edges if option OrthogonalLayout.setAlignDegreeOneNodesEnabled(boolean) is enabled.
            • MultiPageLayout: Fixed possible NullPointerException that may appear if an internal layouter queries a DataProvider for an inserted dummy node.
            • CircularLayout: Fixed a bug that could potentially cause an infinite loop when encountering a node with a very high out-degree.
            • CircularLayout: Fixed bug that caused nodes to be placed outside of the enclosing circle when using layout style SINGLE_CYCLE and partition layout style PARTITION_LAYOUTSTYLE_ORGANIC.
            • ParallelEdgeRouter: Fixed possible NullPointerException that may appear if the parallel edge is almost horizontal/vertical.
            • PortCandidateAssignmentStage: Fixed bug that caused the location of strong port constraints to be ignored when using this stage together with a layout algorithm that cannot handle port constraints.
            • RemoveCollinearBendsStage: Now coincident bend points can also be removed since they produced edge segments of very small length and, thus, in some layout algorithms caused label placement failures.
            • FamilyTreeLayout: Fixed handling of grouping DataProviders so they are not changed by the layout algorithm.
            • FamilyTreeLayout: Fixed possible NullPointerException that may appear if the input graph contains group nodes.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed IllegalStateException that may appear in incremental layout mode if there are group nodes that contain non-incremental elements.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that may cause an incorrect order of elements if the graph contains sequence constraints.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed problem that may cause a very long runtime if the layouter is applied in incremental mode and the graph contains sequence constraints.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused that the layer of an incremental group (see IncrementalHintsFactory.createIncrementalGroupHint(Object)) depends on the group's location if recursive layering is enabled (see IncrementalHierarchicLayouter.setRecursiveGroupLayeringEnabled(boolean)). However, the position of incremental groups should be freely chosen by the layouter.
            • HierarchicLayout: fixed orientation of edge labels on selfloops connected to a group node.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed NullPointerException that occurred if an incremental group node has only incremental descendants.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed problem that caused bad results when assigning top or bottom layer constraints (i.e., LayerConstraintFactory.addPlaceNodeAtTopConstraint(Object) or LayerConstraintFactory#addPlaceNodeAtBottomConstraint(Object)) to fixed elements.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused collinear bends in some edge routes.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused the maximum duration values specified for Layerer, Sequencer and NodePlacer to be overridden and not considered during the hierarchic layout.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that caused violations of the minimum first or last segment length for target grouped edges. This only happened when these distances were defined in the default EdgeLayoutDescriptor instead of a DataProvider with individual descriptors.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed side handling of external strong ports.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed rare NullPointerException that may occur for graphs where only a subset of edges is routed, see EdgeRouter.setScope(Scope).
            • SimplexNodePlacer: fixed bug that disabled label compaction feature.
            • BalloonLayout: Fixed bug that caused BalloonLayout.CHILD_ORDERING_POLICY_SYMMETRIC not to work as desired.
            • AssistantNodePlacer: fixed placement of assistant nodes. When all children of a node are assistants, they are all placed left/right.
            • ClassicTreeLayout: Fixed StackOverflowError occurred in trees with high depth.
            • TreeLayout: Fixed root alignments to only take the child node bounds into account without considering edge segments in the subtree.
            • DelegatingNodePlacer: Constants DelegatingNodePlacer.VERTICAL and DelegatingNodePlacer.HORIZONTAL along with methods DelegatingNodePlacer.setOrientation(Orientation) and DelegatingNodePlacer#getOrientation() are deprecated since they had no effect.
            • Trees: fixed method getCenterRoot(Graph) that didn't always return the correct center node of a tree.
            • ClassicOrganicLayout: Fixed bug that caused tree-beautifier feature (see ClassicOrganicLayout#setActivateTreeBeautifier(boolean)) to have no effect if activated when the graph is actually flat (i.e., there is no group node that contains child nodes) but data providers for groups (see GroupingKeys) are registered with the graph.
            • CircularLayout: Fixed bug that may cause node overlaps.
            • SplitEdgeStage: Fixed bug that caused the user's selection for edges that have to be split to be ignored. Also, fixed bug that caused an IllegalArgumentException because of nodes with zero width/height.
            • ShortestPaths: Fixed NullPointerException that occurred when applying the Dijkstra or Bellman-Ford algorithm to an empty graph.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed label placement for octilinear selfloops with the same side constraints for source and target port.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed routing style violations in octilinear grouped edges.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed NullPointerException that could occur when octilinear edges are attached to group nodes.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that caused first or last segments of edges to be too short to span all associated labels.
            • HierarchicLayout and RankAssignments: Fixed possible NullPointerException that may occur if the maximal duration of the algorithm is limited.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that may cause overlaps of edge labels with preferred placement at source/target.
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed rare IllegalStateException that may appear for grouped graphs containing nodes with fixed coordinates hint (see, e.g., IncrementalHintsFactory#createUseExactCoordinatesHint(Object)).
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that breaks incremental hints of grouped edges in incremental layout mode. (see IncrementalHintsFactory#createSequenceIncrementallyHint(Object)).
            • HierarchicLayout: Fixed bug that may cause an incorrect order of fixed (non-incremental) elements if the layouter is applied in incremental mode and the graph contains sequence constraints.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Fixed bug that caused an IllegalArgumentException if data provider key PortConstraintKeys#SOURCE_GROUPID_KEY is registered to the input graph but data provider key PortConstraintKeys#TARGET_GROUPID_KEY is not registered.
            • OrthogonalLayout: Fixed possible IllegalArgumentException caused by nodes without node IDs. This problem may only appear if the inter edge router is set to PartitionLayout.ChannelInterEdgeRouter.
            • ClassicTreeLayout: Fixed bug that may cause a ClassCastException if the input graph is a CopiedLayoutGraph that consists of multiple connected components and the layouter uses the LayeredNodePlacer (e.g., if property ClassicTreeLayout.setLeafPlacement(LeafPlacement) is set to ClassicTreeLayout.ALL_LEAVES_ON_SAME_LAYER).
            • DoubleLineNodePlacer: Fixed the distance between the local root and the upper line to match the specified spacing. The distance between the two lines can now be defined in relation to the spacing.
            • TreeReductionStage: Fixed wrong handling of group nodes which may cause a WrongGraphStructure exception as well as broken routes of edges incident to group nodes.
            • SimpleNodePlacer: Fixed broken edge routes that may appear for edges on nodes with external labels if integrated node labeling is enabled.
            • MultiPageLayout: Fixed bug that caused that an AbortHandler attached to the input graph was ignored.
            • MultiPageLayout: Fixed NullPointerException that may occur if the edge ID data provider (see MultiPageLayout.EDGE_ID_DPKEY is an instance of IEdgeMap.
            • MultiPageLayout: Fixed bug that may cause non-orthogonal edge routes.
            • ComponentLayout: Fixed bug that caused an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the style is set to ComponentArrangementStyles.MULTI_ROWS_HEIGHT_CONSTRAINT or ComponentArrangementStyles#MULTI_ROWS_HEIGHT_CONSTRAINED_COMPACT (see ComponentLayout.setStyle(ComponentArrangementStyles)) and all components exceed the preferred height (see ComponentLayout.setPreferredLayoutSize(double, double)).
            • PortCandidateSet: Fixed bug that caused method PortCandidateSet.CandidateMatcher.findMatchingCandidate() to return the entry with the highest cost instead of the lowest cost if the candidate matcher is created with method PortCandidateSet.createMatcher().
            • CopiedLayoutGraph: Fixed NullPointerException that occurs when nodes or edges are added to the copied graph without removing them before calling commitLayoutToOriginalGraph().
            • CopiedLayoutGraph: Fixed problem that may cause movement of label boxes in the original graph even if method CopiedLayoutGraph.commitLayoutToOriginalGraph() is not called.
            • BorderLine: Fixed bug in method grow(double, double, boolean) that may produce an IllegalArgumentException because the min value of a BorderLine becomes greater than its max value.
            • PartialLayout: Fixed bug that may cause broken edge routes for edges incident to incremental group nodes if option setImmediateInterEdgeRoutingEnabled(boolean) is enabled.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed rare NullPointerException that mainly appears if there are overlapping nodes.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that may cause zero length routes of edges whose start and end point are at the same location.
            • AbstractLabeling: Fixed bug that may cause removal of labels that don't overlap with other elements if option setNodeOverlapsRemovalEnabled(boolean) is enabled.

            yFiles for JavaFX

            yFiles for JavaFX



            • CanvasContainer as well as internally used subclasses of Parent now call Parent#requestLayout upon changes to their list of children. This serves as a workaround for the JavaFX bug documented in JDK-8130376. This makes using JavaFX controls as part of the visualization of elements in a CanvasControl a lot easier because they are now correctly layouted by the framework.
            • The AbstractContextMenuInputMode now opens the context menu on a JavaFX control at the correct location in the canvas.
            • Fixed a bug where using NodeStyleDecorationInstaller and similar classes would cause an IndexOutOfRangeException. Also extended the GraphViewerDemo with a showcase for those classes in conjunction with the ItemHoverInputMode.
            • GraphML: Fixed incorrect parsing of CDATA sections.
            • A bug in RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel that could only occur in very rare occasions where the first or last edge segment is orthogonal and the source or target port was completely outside the node boundaries, could cause the label to lie at infinite coordinates. In most cases this would result in the label becoming just invisible, but code that does not properly handle infinite coordinates could possibly break due to numeric instabilities.
            • An edge whose source or target port is owned by another edge (edge-to-edge connection) was always drawn in the background if grouping was enabled instead of in front of the related groups. Now, such an edge is drawn in front of these groups, with the same z-index as a similar edge from node to node would get.
            • Nodes can now be reparented with a touch gesture, by touch-dragging a node onto its new parent. Previously, that was only possible with a mouse drag.
            • GenericYList: Calling #add on an empty list has thrown an exception.
            • MoveViewportInputMode no longer fires the DragFinishing and DragFinished events for simple clicks without any mouse movement.
            • NodeDefaults, EdgeDefaults and all other Defaults: it was erroneously possible to assign null to the #Style property. Now, the property throws an NullPointerException in this case.
            • FoldedGraph detects more carefully what has changed before invoking the methods #createDummyEdgeAppearance and #changeDummyEdgeAppearance of IDummyEdgeConverter. Previously, in some cases, these methods were called too often or not at all.
            • When both a group node and its child node were resized together the group node bounds shrunk to its original bounds once the child had reached the original bounds.
            • Fixed problem in LayoutGraphAdapter where label candidates for edge labels were not always determined correctly.
            • When snapping was disabled temporarily (using Ctrl) during a move gesture the moved item snapped after finishing the gesture, anyway.
            • FoldedGraphUndoSupport didn't add the correct bend information to its internal data structures.
            • DefaultArrow#getLength did not take the scale factor into account, sometimes leading to gaps between the edge and the arrow.
            • Custom selection visualizations using EdgeStyleDecorationInstaller were not animated correctly.
            • Custom selection visualizations using EdgeStyleDecorationInstaller in DecorationZoomMode#MIXED or DecorationZoomMode#VIEW_COORDINATES did not work correctly together with BridgeManager.
            • Explicit null values (<x:Null/>) in GraphML could lead to NullPointerException.
            • GraphML serialization can be forced to write a class property in element syntax using the GraphML annotation's #writeAsAttribute property with value XamlAttributeWriteMode#NEVER. Forcing a property that is shared to be written as element lead to invalid GraphML files.
            • If property GraphEditorInputMode#Graph had been changed, the mode still held a reference to items from the previous graph instance, thus delaying garbage collection of that graph instance. This has been improved.
            • Orthogonal edge editing could throw an exception if edges were removed during a gesture that would require edge orthogonalization.
            • Event location of the various TapInputMode events was not always updated properly.
            • Improved performance of BridgeManager and prevented redundant GeneralPath#lineTo path elements.
            • Changes to IGraph#getNodes, IGraph#getEdges and other collection properties on AbstractGraphWrapper implementations were not correctly propagated to the wrapped IGraph instance. In particular, this affected folding views.
            • NodeDropInputMode: If the property #LeafAsParentEnabled was set to true, the value of the #FolderAsParentEnabled property was ignored.


            • EdgeRouter: Fixed rare NullPointerException that may occur for graphs where only a subset of edges is routed, see EdgeRouter#setSphereOfAction.
            • CircularLayouter: Fixed bug that may cause node overlaps.
            • CopiedLayoutGraph: Fixed problem that may cause movement of label boxes in the original graph even if method CopiedLayoutGraph#commitLayoutToOriginalGraph is not called.
            • ComponentLayouterModule: Disabled from-sketch option for styles that don't support it.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed label placement for octilinear selfloops with the same side constraints for source and target port.


            • Improved demos to look better with different dpi settings.
            • ReshapeHandleProviderApplication: Prevented the demo from crashing when nodes are resized to zero.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouterApplication: Improved demo to support touch input.

            Incompatible Changes

            Changes in Default Behavior

            • NodeDropInputMode: If the property #LeafAsParentEnabled was set to false, dropping a node onto a leaf node did not consider parent group nodes of the leaf node as possible drag targets. The fixed behavior is slightly incompatible with the previous release.

            yFiles for JavaFX 2.0

            yFiles for JavaFX 2.0

            Major Features Added


            • Added support for Java 8.
              • Added support for streams in yFiles collection class Enumerable.

                This means that it is now possible to use the stream API with most of the data structures in the yFiles library. For example, it is now possible to write

                graph.getNodes().stream().filter(node -> node.getLabels().size() > 0);

                to retrieve all labeled nodes in an IGraph.
              • Convenience methods for many yFiles classes defined in utility classes (so-called extension classes) were added as default methods to yFiles interfaces and are thus easier to find and to use. For example, to remove all entities in proper order from a graph, instead of calling


                you can simply call the same method defined as a default method on IGraph on the graph instance:


            • GraphClipboard now supports copying independent items. This allows the user to copy labels, ports, bends, or edges to other elements without having to copy their owners. Also this technique allows for copying an item (for example a label) to multiple target elements at once.
            • The GraphClipboard now supports an optional target location for pasting and the new method GraphEditorInputMode#pasteAtLocation can be used for this end, too. In addition, ApplicationCommands#PASTE_COMMAND now supports an optional parameter of type IPoint to provide a target location.
            • GraphEditorInputMode now provides default action for duplicating single graph items or whole subgraphs. This also works with incomplete subgraphs, for example in a tree, it is possible to duplicate a subtree and the tree will never be disconnected.
              In addition, the new command GraphCommands#DUPLICATE_SELECTION_COMMAND (shortcut: Ctrl-D) and the new method GraphClipboard#duplicate can be used to duplicate selected items without altering the clipboard contents.
            • GraphEditorInputMode now provides a default action for reversing edges. To this end, the methods #reverseEdge and #reverseEdges have been added to GraphEditorInputMode. Also, the new command GraphCommands#REVERSE_EDGES_COMMAND (shortcut: Ctrl-R) has been added.
            • Node and edge labels can now snap to particular locations while moving them interactively. Both types of labels can be aligned horizontally or vertically to their original location. In addition, a node label can be aligned with the borders or the center of its owner, and during resizing of that owner, smartly keeps its relative location to the snapped position. An edge label can be snapped on the path of its owner, or at particular distances of it.
              This feature can be enabled and configured with an LabelSnapContext and is available for labels with one of these label models: SmartEdgeLabelModel, FreeEdgeLabelModel, FreeNodeLabelModel, and FreeLabelModel.
            • Interactive label editing and creation has the following new features:
              • The current label visual can be hidden while the text editor is shown to reduce visual clutter. This feature is enabled by default and can be controlled through the property GraphEditorInputMode#HidingLabelDuringEditingEnabled.
              • GraphEditorInputMode and TableEditorInputMode provide new events LabelTextEditingStarted and LabelTextEditingCanceled that are raised directly before the label text editor is shown and after the label editing has been canceled, respectively.
              • Double clicking nodes and edges now opens the label editor. An existing label can be double clicked to edit the label text. This feature can be disabled with the property GraphEditorInputMode#LabelEditingOnDoubleClickEnabled.
              • IEditLabelHelper implementations provided by the ILabel's lookup can now be used to forbid or customize the editing of individual labels. Class LabelDecorator provides a new property #EditLabelHelperDecorator to customize this feature.
              • GraphEditorInputMode#editLabel and TableEditorInputMode#editLabel can now be used with SimpleLabel instances. This provides editing capabilities for dummy elements such as legends, page headers or other textual elements.
              In addition, label editing has been reworked for a more consistent user experience. Especially, label editing now:
              • Uses the various callback methods on GraphEditorInputMode, TableEditorInputMode and IEditLabelHelper implementations in a consistent way, regardless of how many labels or labeled items are edited or added, and independent from how the editing/label creation process has been started (e.g. through a command or programmatically through the input mode convenience methods).
              • Determines the actual labeled item that is modified when multiple elements are selected in a consistent way.


            • Added new layout algorithm RadialLayouter that places nodes on concentric circles. Edges are routed in a radial fashion using one of several routing strategies.
            • Added support for terminating (layout) algorithms prematurely. To this end, new class AbortHandler provides methods for requesting early but graceful termination (see #stop) and immediate termination (see #cancel).
              The following layout algorithms have at least rudimentary support for immediate termination:
              Layout Algorithms Routing Algorithms Other Algorithms
              • BalloonLayouter
              • CircularLayouter
              • CompactOrthogonalLayouter
              • DirectedOrthogonalLayouter
              • GenericTreeLayouter
              • GRIP
              • HierarchicGroupLayouter
              • HierarchicLayouter
              • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter
              • OrganicLayouter
              • OrthogonalGroupLayouter
              • OrthogonalLayouter
              • PartialLayouter
              • RadialLayouter
              • RecursiveGroupLayouter
              • SmartOrganicLayouter
              • BusRouter
              • EdgeRouter
              • OrganicEdgeRouter
              • OrthogonalEdgeRouter
              • GreedyMISLabeling
              • SALabeling
              The following layout algorithms also support graceful early termination:
              Layout Algorithms Routing Algorithms Other Algorithms
              • HierarchicGroupLayouter
              • HierarchicLayouter
              • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter
              • OrganicLayouter
              • SmartOrganicLayouter
              • EdgeRouter
              • SALabeling
            • Added support for parallel execution of computationally intensive tasks.
              Layout algorithms SmartOrganicLayouter and OrganicLayouter may take advantage of multiple threads for layout calculations. Parallel execution is enabled using the algorithms' setMultiThreadingAllowed(boolean) method.
              Interface ITaskExecutor and factory classes TaskExecutorFactory make up the programmatic interface for the new concurrency support.
            • Introduced concept of node halos. Halos are reserved space around a node in which layout algorithms will not place other graph elements. Node halos are modelled using class NodeHalo.
              The following layout algorithms support node halos:
              Layout Algorithms Routing Algorithms Other Algorithms
              • BalloonLayouter
              • CircularLayouter
              • CompactOrthogonalLayouter
              • ComponentLayouter
              • DirectedOrthogonalLayouter
              • GenericTreeLayouter
              • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter
              • OrthogonalGroupLayouter
              • OrthogonalLayouter
              • RadialLayouter
              • RecursiveGroupLayouter
              • SmartOrganicLayouter
              • TreeLayouter
              • EdgeRouter
              • SelfLoopLayouter
              • GreedyMISLabeling
              • SALabeling
              • InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator
              • MinimumSizeGroupBoundsCalculator
            • SmartOrganicLayouter: Added support for partition grid layout. See PartitionGrid.

            Minor Features Added


            • Added class CanvasPrinter that leverages the new printing API of JavaFX 8
            • ContextMenuInputMode has now an abstract subclass to handle non-JavaFX context menu as shown in the interoperability demos.
            • LayoutExecutor can now safely handle concurrent layout requests. By default an already running layout will be short-cut and the next layout request will be processed. Property #SequentialExecution can be set to false to revert to the old (unsafe) behavior. The new #stop method and the #Running property can also be used in this context.
            • GraphEditorInputMode got support for cyclic click selection. This helps in conveniently selecting items that are hidden behind other items. By default, this features is bound to the Alt-Key being pressed. It can be disabled by setting the #CyclicSelectionRecognizer property to EventRecognizers#NEVER.
            • ItemDropInputMode is a new DropInputMode that facilitates subclasses that support preview and snapping of the dragged item as well as highlighting potential drop targets.
              NodeDropInputMode and StripeDropInputMode have been refactored to use ItemDropInputMode as base class.
            • ItemHoverInputMode is a new IInputMode that fires events when the mouse enters or leaves the visualization of a graph item.
            • GraphEditorInputMode and GraphViewerInputMode provide a new CanvasClicked event to detect clicks on an empty canvas location.
            • Node ports can now be moved by dragging their IHandle.
            • When zooming while editing a label, the label text editor now stays at its minimum (maximum) size when the zoom level becomes smaller (larger) than the specified threshold. Previously, the label text editor jumped back to the size of zoom level 1.0 for such values.
            • GraphClipboard has new properties CopyItems, IndependentCopyItems, and DependentCopyItems that allow for restricting the types of items that can be copied at all, independently from their owners, or implicitly through their owners, respectively.
            • GraphViewerInputMode and GraphEditorInputMode: Their ClickInputMode now delivers both left and right clicks.
            • GraphViewerInputMode: The click hit test order can now be configured by property #ClickHitTestOrder.
            • GraphEditorInputMode provides an explicit hit test order for double clicks that can be changed through the #DoubleClickHitTestOrder property. By default, this hit test order prefers labels over other graph elements.
            • Added new methods ClickInputMode#preventNextDoubleClick and TapInputMode#preventNextDoubleTap that can be used in event handlers for single clicks/taps to prevent that this click can become part of a double click event.
            • NodeDropInputMode can now optionally drop nodes onto leaf nodes and thus convert the leaves into group nodes. Also it is possible to drop nodes into collapsed folder nodes. For both use-cases, an opt-in property has been added and a predicate property allows for fine-grained control over this feature.
            • Similarly, leaf nodes can now be the target of a reparenting gesture if the property GraphEditorInputMode#ReparentingToLeavesEnabled is enabled. In this case, leaves are converted into group nodes.
            • Added support for deleting bends in a way that an orthogonal edge remains orthogonal after removing the bends. The new property GraphEditorInputMode#OrthogonalBendRemovalEnabled enables/disables this feature.
            • GraphViewerInputMode now supports multi-selection via Ctrl+Click and marquee selection. The latter is disabled by default.
            • OverviewInputMode and the GraphOverviewControl have been optimized to improve the user experience when used on touch devices.
            • OverviewInputMode can be customized more easily. Minor modes can be replaced and adjusted, as well as the list of available default command bindings can be modified.
            • Improved GraphModelManager to allow for easier customizations. Property #HierarchicNestingEnabled was added to allow for adding custom logic that uses a different approach to hierarchic nesting. Also the return types of some of the factory methods where made less restrictive to allow for further modifications.
            • FoldingManager now offers two convenience methods, #updateViewStates(INode) and #updateViewStates(IEdge), that will trigger update calls on IDummyNodeConverter and IDummyEdgeConverter for elements that are currently being displayed in a view. This makes it easier to synchronize states between the master graph and the folded graph views in case this is not automatically performed by the default implementation.


            • BalloonLayouter: Added support for integrated node and edge labeling. See new properties #IntegratedEdgeLabelingEnabled, #IntegratedNodeLabelingEnabled, and #NodeLabelingPolicy.
            • BalloonLayouter: Added support for different policies to align nodes having the same root node. See new property #ChildAlignmentPolicy.
            • BalloonLayouter: Added support for interleaved child node placement. With interleaved placement, child nodes are placed at different distances to their parent node to achieve a more compact layout. See new property #InterleavedMode.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Improved partition grid support. Nodes can now be mapped to a multi-lane partition cell identifier, i.e., a cell spanning multiple columns and rows. See PartitionGrid.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Improved edge label placement. Edge labels with preferred placement at source/target are placed closer to the corresponding node. Additionally, SimplexNodePlacer offers the option to place adjacent edge labels in a compact, stacked style. See new property #LabelCompactionEnabled.
            • EdgeRouter: Added a fine-granular configuration option to weigh the crossing costs for each label using the data provider look-up key #LABEL_CROSSING_COST_FACTOR_DPKEY.
            • EdgeRouter: Added property #IgnoreInnerNodeLabelsEnabled for ignoring node labels that are inside the bounds of their owner node. Node labels that are ignored because of this setting may be crossed by edges. This is especially useful if inner labels of group nodes may be crossed but outer labels of normal nodes may not.
            • EdgeRouter: Added support for customizing the order in which edges are routed. See new property #EdgeOrderComparator.
            • GenericTreeLayouter: When enabling the new properties #IntegratedNodeLabeling and/or #IntegratedEdgeLabeling, the respective labels will be taken into account during the calculation of group bounds.
            • PartialLayouter: Now supports handling of directed and undirected edges; see data provider key #DIRECTED_EDGES_DPKEY.
            • LabelLayoutTranslator: Added properties #WriteBackRelativeEdgeLabelLocationEnabled and #WriteBackRelativeNodeLabelLocationEnabled that allow a core layouter to specify new node or edge label locations relative to the label's owner.
            • LabelLayoutKeys: Added key #IGNORE_LABEL_KEY that allows specifying which edge and node labels should be ignored during layout calculations.
            • Added new class OrganicRemoveOverlapsStage that removes node overlaps while respecting a specified minimal node distance. Unlike the approach implemented in class RemoveOverlapsLayoutStage, this approach tries to keep the original layout structure, i.e., it tries to keep the geometric distance between the nodes.


            • Added a demo to show how to print the contents of a yFiles CanvasControl using the JavaFX 8 printing API.
            • Added a demo to show how to use yFiles for JavaFX in an Eclipe RCP application.
            • Added a demo to show how to use the JavaFX 8 rich text API together with yFiles labels.
            • Interoperability demos show how to wire up Commands of the GraphControl with buttons in the toolbar.
            • Interoperability demos show how to implement a ContextMenuInputMode that handle non-JavaFX context menu controls.
            • Interoperability demos show how to implement drag and drop of nodes from a Swing or SWT palette to the GraphControl.
            • Removed Shrinker from obfuscation demo since it is not Java 8 compliant yet.


            • Vastly improved the Getting Started tutorial in regards to documentation and content.



            • To support proper serialization and deserialization of URLs, we have added the ability to specify the base URI when loading GraphML files via methods that use java.io.InputStream or java.io.Reader. The added methods in particular are:
              • GraphControl#importFromGraphML(InputStream, URI)
              • GraphControl#importFromGraphML(Reader, URI)
              • GraphMLIOHandler#read(IGraph, InputStream, URI)
              • GraphMLIOHandler#read(IGraph, Reader, URI)
              • GraphMLParser#parse(InputStream, URI, IGraph, IGraphElementFactory)
              • GraphMLParser#parse(Reader, URI, IGraph, IGraphElementFactory)
              This e.g. enables the usage of relative paths in the GraphML.
            • Added class RenderContext as a default implementation of the IRenderContext interface for use in custom calls to rendering related methods like IVisualCreator#createVisual(IRenderContext) or CanvasControl#createContentVisual(IRenderContext). An instance of this class can be obtained by calling CanvasControl#createRenderContext.
            • Added class ContextConfigurator which can be used to create IRenderContexts that are configured to render certain regions of a CanvasControl with a certain scale and margins. This class is used for image export and printing.
            • ResizeStripeInputMode uses now the proper cursors for resizing stripes.
            • Zooming with the mouse wheel now works with the Shift key pressed.
            • The performance of parsing GraphML files has been improved. The speed-up is especially notable for large graphs with several thousands of nodes.
            • Optionally, LayoutExecutor uses WaitInputMode while waiting during the calculation of a layout.
            • LayoutGraphAdapter provides now the original Tag data for temporary graph objects.
            • ContextMenuInputMode added support for Menu-Key.
            • Added serialization and deserialization for javafx.scene.paint.LinearGradient, javafx.scene.paint.RadialGradient and javafx.scene.paint.ImagePattern.
            • Added proper serialization and deserialization for URLs. This means that it is now possible to use relative paths for external resources in GraphML, for example for images in ImageNodeStyle.
            • GraphControl: Added the method #importFromGraphML(URL) to conveniently load GraphML files from URLs.
            • Various performance improvements for the rendering and the selection handling. This affects, amongst others, styles that use a GeneralPath.
            • Property GraphEditorInputMode#DetailSelectionRecognizer is now also applied for double clicks to determine the clicked item.
            • GraphEditorInputMode and GraphViewerInputMode don't select or focus graph items styled with a void style (VoidNodeStyle, VoidEdgeStyle, VoidLabelStyle, and VoidPortStyle). The new property #IgnoringVoidStylesEnabled specifies whether this feature is enabled.
            • GraphEditorInputMode and GraphViewerInputMode: the new protected method #shouldSelect can be overridden to determine whether an item can be selected in general.
            • DropInputMode: Added property #LastDragEvent.
            • OverviewInputMode: The new property #Margins specifies margins for the visible area of the bound GraphOverviewControl. The new protected method #updateVisibleArea provides further means for customizing the visible area.
            • CompositePositionHandler: Added methods #getPositionHandler and #getHandle to retrieve an earlier added IPositionHandler or IHandle.
            • PortRelocationHandles now triggers the EdgePortsChanged event of the GraphEditorInputMode.
            • EdgeStyleDecorationInstaller can now be used with self loops without bends, too.
            • TableLayoutConfigurator: Improved support for routing algorithms.
            • IGraph: The collection models of graph items returned by the methods #getNodes, getEdges, etc. now support the methods #remove and #clear to remove graph items from the graph. Note that calling the method #add is still not allowed.
            • GraphModelManager: New callback method #onGraphChanged.
            • LayoutExecutor: The new property #ConsideringViewportLimiterEnabled can be used to let the target viewport after a layout respect the ViewportLimiter of the GraphControl.
              The ViewportAnimation has a new property #ConsideringViewportLimiterEnabled for the same purpose.
            • LayoutGraphAdapter now adds data providers that map each node, edge and label of a LayoutGraph to their corresponding IModelItem in the original IGraph. Especially, these data providers are available if a layout is run with a LayoutExecutor or the convenience methods LayoutExtensions.MorphLayout and LayoutExtensions.ApplyLayout.
            • GeomSupport: The new method #createSmoothedPath creates a new path as copy of a given one but with smoothed bends.
            • IconLabelStyle: The icon is added to the hit test area for mouse clicks and marquee selection. This can be switched off by overriding IconLabelStyleRenderer#shouldHitTestIcon.
            • CanvasControl: Method #fitContent now respects the #ViewportLimiter property. This might result in zoom levels greater than 1.0.
            • DefaultDummyEdgeConverter now synchronizes the #Tag property of the first label if label synchronization is enabled.
            • GraphCopier has been improved to facilitate manipulation of the copied items:
              • The new events NodeCopied, EdgeCopied, LabelCopied, and PortCopied are dispatched after a model item has been copied.
              • The method #getOrCreateCopy<T> is now public to facilitate copying of, for example, node tags.
            • GraphClipboard: In hierarchically organized graphs, nodes are now pasted into their previous parent group, the group at their target position, or the root, depending on the new property #ParentNodeDetection.


            • Dfs: Added method #cancel that can be used by subclasses to cancel the search.
            • Cycles: Improved method #findCycle to stop the search as soon as the first cycle has been found.


            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: The default sequencing phase has been improved to produce less crossings and run faster.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Now prevents overlaps among same layer edges attached to group nodes.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: During layering, edges connected to group nodes may be redirected and replaced by dummy edges connected to the children of the group node. For these dummy edges ILayoutDataProvider#getEdgeData now returns an IEdgeData of the new type EdgeDataType#REDIRECTED_GROUP_EDGE.
            • PCListOptimizer: Improved port candidate assignment calculated by method #optimizeAfterSequencing.
            • SmartOrganicLayouter: Now uses a more sophisticated approach to remove node overlaps if the scope is set to #SCOPE_ALL and the quality to time ratio (see #setQualityTimeRatio) is greater than or equal to 0.7.
            • InteractiveOrganicLayouter: Method #startLayout now takes advantage of multiple threads for layout calculation which may reduce the required runtime.
            • PartitionLayouter: Added nested class PolylineInterEdgeRouter that routes inter-edges using class EdgeRouter.
            • PartialLayouter: Now considers port constraints independent of the specified layout orientation. Note that port constraints are considered only if the core layout algorithm (see #setCoreLayouter) supports port constraints as well.
            • PartialLayouter$StraightLineEdgeRouter: Added support for port constraints.
            • RecursiveGroupLayouter: Added property #ReplacingPortConstraintsEnabled that replaces port constraints by port candidates and, thus, may improve the layout result.
            • EdgeRouter: Memory usage has been reduced.
            • EdgeRouter: Added penalty setting for edge length. See property #EdgeLengthPenalty.
            • EdgeRouter: Now avoids very small octilinear segments.
            • EdgeRouter: Added four predefined optimization strategies. See PenaltySettings#OPTIMIZATION_BALANCED, PenaltySettings#OPTIMIZATION_EDGE_BENDS, PenaltySettings#OPTIMIZATION_EDGE_CROSSINGS, and PenaltySettings#OPTIMIZATION_EDGE_LENGTHS.
            • DirectedOrthogonalLayouter and OrthogonalGroupLayouter: Added optimization step that reduces the number of perceived bends. See new property #PerceivedBendsOptimizationEnabled.
            • OrthogonalLayouter, OrthogonalGroupLayouter and DirectedOrthogonalLayouter: Added optimization step that aligns degree one nodes (i.e. nodes with one incident edge) that have the same neighbor. See new property #AlignDegreeOneNodesEnabled.
            • OrthogonalGroupLayouter: Improved routing and edge labeling for self-loops of normal (non-group) nodes.
            • LayoutTool: Added new rectangle arrangement method #arrangeRectangleMultiRows(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D[], java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D, double, double, boolean, byte, int) suitable for arranging rows of rectangles with highly different sizes.



            • Fixed static method FlagsEnum#xor that called non-static method #and by mistake.
            • Fixed unfunctional PointSelectionIndicatorInstaller.
            • GraphML:
              • Fixed a possible NullPointException when deserializing properties of obfuscated enums.
              • Folding: Source port tags in view states were not parsed correctly.
              • Properties with a text value containing nested CDATA sections were not parsed correctly.
              • Primitive types like floats and doubles could not be read when used in element syntax.
              • Write events were not always raised.
              • Fixed a bug were incorrect values for bend tags were written.
              • The #Name property of the @GraphML annotation was not considered during deserialization.
              • GraphMLIOHandler: Method #addNamespace had no effect, and adding a custom schema with #addSchemaLocation triggered an exception.
            • TableEditorInputMode by default also handled right clicks, which prevented the context menu for stripes from appearing and erroneously toggled the stripe selection state.
            • Creating a new node as a child of an existing node which was not a group node did not cause the state change to be recorded by the undo engine. After undoing the node creation, the parent node still behaved like a group node. Such an implicit change is now recorded properly and can be reverted through undo as expected.
            • Fixed too large dirty regions when using certain kinds of SnapLines.
            • Fixed memory leak that occurred when CreateEdgeInputMode was uninstalled.
            • CanvasControl: Fixed incorrect event propagation.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode now removes event handlers when it is uninstalled.
            • It is now possible to set the line spacing and wrapping width for the JavaFX Text nodes that the SimpleLabelStyle is producing to render labels via its #TextFormat property.
            • SimpleLabelStyle: #ClippingText property is now useful.
            • ShinyPlateNodeStyleRenderer now uses its getters to access the properties of its style. This means that overriding them now has an effect.
            • SimpleLabelStyleRenderer: Prevented NullPointerException for labels with negative width or height.
            • Pen:
              • Changed default values for #LineCap and #LineJoin properties.
              • Fixed incorrect application of the #DashStyle property.
            • TextEditorInputMode: The internal positioning/scaling calculation now respects the values returned by the methods #getMaximumZoom and #getMinimumZoom properly.
            • FilteredGraphWrapper: #dispose did not clean up all event listeners.
            • Undoing a reparent grouping gesture might have resulted in inconsistent group node sizes. Note: The fix results in a slightly incompatible behavior when nodes are reparented programmatically and multiple folding views are used. In that case, you need now to subscribe to hierarchy events and manually adjust the group node bounds.
            • IUndoSupport: Manually bracketing undo edits with beginEdit might have led to exceptions when folding was active.
            • ClickInputMode: The property #FocusClickSwallowingEnabled had only an effect for the very first click.
            • Copying table stripes did not work correctly.
            • GraphOverviewControl: Moving the viewport by clicking into the control did not honor the #ViewPortLimiter property restrictions of CanvasControl.
            • RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel can now deal with edge paths that are null, e.g. when using VoidEdgeStyle.
            • FoldedGraph detects more carefully what has changed before invoking the methods #createDummyEdgeAppearance and #changeDummyEdgeAppearance of IDummyEdgeConverter. Previously, in some cases, these methods were called too often or not at all.
            • When both a group node and its child node were resized together the group node bounds shrunk to its original bounds once the child had reached the original bounds.
            • Fixed problem in LayoutGraphAdapter where label candidates for edge labels were not always determined correctly.
            • Fixed LayoutGraphAdapter producing threading issues when PortCalculator was used during a multi-threaded layout.
            • When snapping was disabled temporarily (using Ctrl) during a move gesture the moved item snapped after finishing the gesture, anyway.
            • FoldedGraphUndoSupport didn't add the correct bend information to its internal data structures.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode: Fixed some problems with mixed mouse and touch input.
            • When using an IEditLabelHelper and adding a label interactively, the helper's #editLabel callback was called instead of #addLabel.
            • Newly added labels could have had an empty size when an IEditLabelHelper instance was registered.
            • When a highlighted item was removed from the graph, the highlight was not cleaned up.
            • Reparenting an empty group node displayed the target node highlight around the reparented node.
            • The modified MoveInputMode created by MainInputMode#createMoveUnselectedInputMode changed the cursor to indicate a movable object even when the modifierRecognizer disabled moving.
            • When both a group node and its child node were resized together the group node bounds shrunk to its original bounds once the child had reached the original bounds.
            • ClickInputMode: Cancelling the mode during clicks didn't work correctly and as a result, the location reported for the next click might have been wrong.
            • CreateEdgeInputMode now copies the dummy edge's tag to the created edge. This could have caused issues when the EdgeCreationStarted event was used to set a custom tag on the dummy edge.
            • When the pressed status of the Shift key changed during a reparenting gesture of a node, the bounds of its containing group node were not immediately updated.
            • The secondary multi-tap gesture was not recognized correctly.
            • Labels whose positions were determined by NinePositionsEdgeLabelModel, SliderEdgeLabelModel, and SideSliderEdgeLabelModel might have disappeared when one or more edge segments were hidden under the source or target node.
            • SnapContext: Snap results with a null tag were erroneously always discarded.
            • GeneralPath: Method #transform, amongst others using Matrix2D, applied the transformation matrix incorrectly in the case of a rotation.
            • IconLabelStyle: Method #getBounds in IconLabelStyleRenderer returned a valid rectangle even if the label layout was invalid. As a consequence, IsVisible erroneously returned true for labels with invalid bounds.
            • The lookup of CollapsibleNodeStyleRenderer was missing the correct results for IGroupBoundsCalculator, ISizeConstraintProvider, and IShapeGeometry.
            • CanvasControl#ensureVisible hasn't worked for bounds larger than the current viewport.
            • Setting the view point on a CanvasControl with a width or height of 0.0 could cause an exception if a #ViewportLimiter was set.
            • GraphCopier threw an ConcurrentModificationException if the source and the target graph are identical.
            • GraphEditorInputMode and GraphViewerInputMode now respect the MultiSelectionRecognizer for extending an existing selection via marquee.
            • Fixed TableEditorInputMode exhibiting problematic behavior under certain circumstances when the GraphControl's graph is replaced.
            • RotatedSideSliderEdgeLabelModel: Label model parameters of this model were serialized as the respective parameters of RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel. Thus, after loading, the positions of the labels are the expected ones but the label models changed.
            • RotatedSliderEdgeLabelModel: Parameters with ratio 0.5 were not correctly deserialized from GraphML.
            • FilteredGraphWrapper: The #edgesAt methods erroneously returned edges that were marked as hidden by the #EdgePredicate. The methods #degree, #inDegree and #outDegree are based on these methods and were affected, too.
            • GraphSnapContext: Snapping nodes to vertical edge segments was not working if property #NodeToEdgeDistance was set to 0.
            • The EdgeStyleDecorationInstaller did not copy the tags of dummy ports and edges used when displayed in view coordinates (#ZoomMode = DecorationZoomMode#VIEW_COORDINATES).
            • GraphEditorInputMode#findItems: Only the first element in the test array parameter was actually checked.


            • MultiPageLayouter: Fixed bug that caused that an AbortHandler attached to the input graph to be ignored.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed routing style violations in octilinear grouped edges.
            • MultiPageLayouter: Fixed NullPointerException that may occur if the edge-id DataProvider (see MultiPageLayouter#EDGE_ID_DPKEY) is an instance of EdgeMap.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed NullPointerException that could occur when octilinear edges are attached to group nodes.
            • HVTreeLayouter: Fixed bug that may cause edges with reversed direction if the layout isn't run in buffered mode.
            • PortCandidateSet: Fixed bug that caused method PortCandidateSet.ICandidateMatcher#findMatchingCandidate() to return the entry with the highest cost instead of the lowest cost if the candidate matcher is created with method PortCandidateSet#createMatcher().
            • DirectedOrthogonalLayouter: Fixed bug that caused an ArgumentException if DataProvider-Key PortConstraintKeys#SOURCE_GROUP_ID_DPKEY is registered to the input graph but DataProvider-Key PortConstraintKeys#TARGET_GROUP_ID_DPKEY is not registered.
            • ComponentLayouter: Fixed bug that caused an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if the style is set to ComponentArrangementStyle#MULTI_ROWS_HEIGHT_CONSTRAINT or ComponentArrangementStyle#MULTI_ROWS_HEIGHT_CONSTRAINT_COMPACT (see ComponentLayouter#Style) and all components exceed the preferred height (see ComponentLayouter#PreferredLayoutSize).
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed bug that caused first or last segments of edges to be too short to span all associated labels.
            • MultiPageLayouter: Fixed bug that may cause non-orthogonal edge routes.
            • TreeReductionStage: Fixed bug that may cause a InvalidGraphStructureException if the input graph contains group nodes with incident edges.
            • TreeLayouter: Fixed bug that may cause a ClassCastException if the input graph is a CopiedLayoutGraph that consists of multiple connected components and the layouter uses the LayeredNodePlacer (e.g., if option TreeLayouter#setChildPlacementPolicy is set to ChildPlacementPolicy#ALL_LEAVES_ON_SAME_LAYER).
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter and RankAssignments: Fixed possible NullPointerException that may occur if the maximal duration of the algorithm is limited.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed bug that may cause overlaps of edge labels with preferred placement at source/target.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed rare NullPointerException that mainly appears if there are overlapping nodes.
            • PartialLayouter: Fixed bug that may cause broken edge routes for edges incident to incremental group nodes if option ImmediateInterEdgeRoutingEnabled is true.
            • CompactOrthogonalLayouter: Fixed possible IllegalArgumentException caused by nodes without node-ids. This problem may only appear if the inter edge router is set to PartitionLayouter.ChannelInterEdgeRouter.
            • Running any label placement algorithm had no effect for node/edge labels if the properties #NodeOverlapsRemovalEnabled/#EdgeOverlapsRemovalEnabled were enabled because all potential candidates were erroneously rejected.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed bug that may cause edges with zig-zag paths if there are swimlanes and integrated edge labeling is enabled.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter and TopologicalIncrementalLayerer: Fixed bug that may cause unwanted same-layer edges between incremental nodes.
            • GenericTreeLayouter: Fixed issue that caused too large group nodes when label consideration is enabled and the layout is not oriented top-to-bottom.
            • GenericTreeLayouter: Fixed issue that causes group nodes to be too small to include all edge labels when the edge connects to a child of an inner group node.
            • GenericTreeLayouter: Fixed issue that causes group nodes to be too small to node halos.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed minimum edge length for orthogonal edges. It is now also taken into consideration for edges that connect to a node's side and for backloop edges (see property #BackloopRoutingEnabled).
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed possible ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in PCListOptimizer that may appear if there are port constraints which have no matching port candidate or port candidate set entry.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed possible IndexOutOfBoundsException if PortConstraints are used together with PortCandidateSets.
            • EdgeRouter: Minimum first and last segment length and minimum node to edge distance were sometimes ignored when used together with octilinear routing style.
            • GraphGrouping: Fixed bug in method #getNearestCommonAncestor that sometimes caused wrong results if one of the specified nodes is the ancestor of the other node.
            • InsetsGroupBoundsCalculator: Fixed method #calculateBounds to consider only the given child nodes and all edges between those child nodes instead of all nodes and all edges in the graph.
            • GenericTreeLayouter: Fixed NullPointerException that occurred when using LayeredNodePlacer as default node placer.
            • LayoutTool: Fixed calculation of lower width bound in method #arrangeRectangleRows(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D[], java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D, double, int). Due to the better bound, the optimization procedure now needs less steps, especially for graphs with very wide components. Note, that the results may also slightly differ, because the optimization may now stop with slightly different values.
            • SALabeling and GreedyMISLabeling: Fixed possible NullPointerException caused by labels with zero width/height and a "free" edge label model.

            Incompatible Changes


            • CanvasControl: Removed obsolete #PrintCommandsEnabled property.
            • PixelImageExporter: instead of using the JavaFX SnapshotParameters class directly, the exporter now holds an instance of ContextConfigurator which is designed to make the exporting of a certain region or scale of the contents of a CanvasControl to an image a lot easier. Clients can still overwrite the new protected method #getSnapshotParameters to return an instance of SnapshotParameters that will be used to make the actual snapshot of the JavaFX node.
            • IRenderContext: removed obsolete methods #getWorldTransform and #getTransform since all calculations related to rendering and transformation of elements can be achieved by the transform returned by #getViewTransform.
            • To support proper resize cursors the properties
              • CanvasCursor#SizeNS
              • CanvasCursor#SizeWE
              • CanvasCursor#SizeNWSE
              • CanvasCursor#SizeNESW
              • CanvasCursor#SizeSizeAll
              were replaced by
              • CanvasCursor#SizeN
              • CanvasCursor#SizeS
              • CanvasCursor#SizeE
              • CanvasCursor#SizeW
              • CanvasCursor#SizeSE
              • CanvasCursor#SizeNE
              • CanvasCursor#SizeSW
              • CanvasCursor#SizeNW
              • CanvasCursor#Move
            • To handle non-JavaFX context menu controls ContextMenuInputMode has now a super class AbstractContextMenuInputMode that is used in the MainInputMode and GraphEditorInputMode. The contextMenu property of class PopulateContextMenuEventArgs has now type Object and must be cast to the type of the context menu control of the used toolkit.
            • Obsolete classes InputGesture and KeyGesture were replaced by the JavaFX class javafx.scene.input.KeyCodeCombination.
            • CanvasControl: removed erroneous and obsolete #invalidateWorld method.
            • Pen: removed unused #DashCap property.
            • Class DateTime was replaced by the Java 8 class Instant.
            • Class javafx.util.Duration was replaced by the more common Java 8 class java.time.Duration.
            • Property URL of class ImageNodeStyle is now of type java.net.URL instead of string. GraphML files that use this property might not load anymore because of this change. In this case, the specified paths in the file need to be adjusted to URLs.
            • TextEditorInputMode: The resource key #TEXT_BOX_STYLE_KEY was removed due to insufficient compatibility with the JavaFX css styling mechanism. Clients that want to change the visual appearence of the text box should instead retrieve the instance of the control via #getTextBox and use the JavaFX framework methods to change the style.

            API Changes

            • Changed SnapLine to support non-orthogonal snap lines as well: its properties #From and #To have been changed from type double to PointD, its property #Orientation was removed, and its constructors have been changed accordingly.

              Orthogonal snap lines are now modeled by class OrthogonalSnapLine. It extends SnapLine and provides the property #Orientation. Existing API uses either SnapLine or OrthogonalSnapLine, depending on whether it works only with orthogonal snap lines or not.

              As a consequence, in class SnapLineSnapResult, the method #getSnapLine returns a non-orthogonal SnapLine and #getDelta returns a PointD instead of a double. API related to GraphSnapContext still works only with orthogonal snap lines and uses OrthogonalSnapLine.

            • The #Key property on SingleLineSnapLineContainer, FixedDistanceSnapLineContainer and InBetweenSnapLineContainer, has been made read only.
            • GraphModelManager's factory methods for creating the installers now have a less restrictive return type. The default implementation still returns the same types as before, though.
            • GraphClipboard's factory methods for creating the predicates for the various cut and copy operations now require a second argument that is the graph that the predicate is working on. Usages typically use the graph in the graph control where the selection is also being used. If the default graph selection implementation is used. The graph instance can be obtained from its corresponding property.
            • GraphModelManager's installer related properties now use a weaker return type to simplify subclassing with new functionality. The instances used are the same and can be down-casted accordingly to the more specific types as documented.
            • AlgorithmAbortedException: Removed overloaded methods #check. Client code that needs to terminate layout calculations prematurely must use new class AbortHandler instead.
            • Moved classes PartitionGrid, PartitionCellId, RowDescriptor, and ColumnDescriptor from package com.yworks.yfiles.layout.incremental to package com.yworks.yfiles.layout.grid.
            • IItemFactory: Added method #createRedirectedGroupEdge.
            • LayeredNodePlacer: Removed data provider key #DISTANCE_TO_PARENT_MAP_DPKEY from public API, since it is for internal use only.
            • EdgeRouter: Penalty settings have been changed to double precision. See class PenaltySettings.
            • PathSearch: Signature of method #calculateCosts has changed. It now takes an additional double array as parameter that is populated with the calculated costs instead of returning a new array.
            • GraphClipboard's protected method #copy(IGraph, Predicate<IModelItem>, IGraph, ElementCopiedDelegate) which was called by #cut, #copy, and #paste to invoke the GraphCopier has been split: #copy(IGraph, Predicate<IModelItem>, IGraph, ElementCopiedDelegate) now is called only by #cut and #copy. #paste now invokes the new method #paste(IGraph, Predicate<IModelItem>, IGraph, ElementCopiedDelegate, Predicate<IModelItem>).
            • The type of GraphMLAttribute's #Serializable property has been changed from boolean to the enum GraphMLSerializationMode.
            • GraphEditorInputMode and TableEditorInputMode: return value of callback methods #onAddLabel and #onEditLabel has been changed from void to boolean. The return value should specify whether the operation in question was successful.
            • The ContextMenuInputMode's protected method onPopulateContextMenu(ContextMenu, PointD, boolean) and the constructors of PopulateContextMenuEventArgs and PopulateItemContextMenuEventArgs now require an additional argument that indicates whether the request to display a context menu was caused by the keyboard.

            Behavior Changes

            • The default constructor of TextFormat and SimpleLabelStyle uses now the default font of the current UI environment instead of "Arial".
            • TableEditorInputMode now only handles left mouse clicks by default, which is consistent with the rest of the library.
            • EdgeRouter: Labels of table nodes are no longer ignored by the router if TableLayoutConfigurator is used to prepare the graph for layout calculations. If you want to ignore such labels you can use a IDataProvider registered with key LabelLayoutKeys#IGNORE_LABEL_KEY.
            • EdgeRouter: Method #doLayout now throws an IllegalArgumentException if there is a node with zero width or height in the given graph.
            • FixedGroupLayoutStage: Method #getOrthogonalEdgeRouter now returns an instance of class EdgeRouter instead of class OrthogonalEdgeRouter.
            • ComponentLayouter: Method #setPreferredLayoutSize now throws an IllegalArgumentException when setting the preferred size to negative values or zero.
            • Changed default behavior of edge label placement in OrthogonalLayouter and LabelLayoutDataRefinement when using PreferredPlacementDescriptor#PLACE_ANYWHERE Now edge labels are placed on the edge and in the center between source and target node.
            • GraphEditorInputMode now by default supports the new GraphCommands.DUPLICATE_COMMAND that is bound to keyboard shortcut Ctrl-D. If this behavior is undesired new behavior, the #DuplicationEnabled property can be set to false.
            • The clipboard now supports copying and pasting of items independently from their owning elements. E.g. single selected labels can be copied to other elements, as well as edges without their source and target nodes. This behavior can be reverted to the old behavior by setting GraphClipboard's #IndependentCopyItems to GraphItemTypes#NONE.
            • GraphEditorInputMode now by default allows for reversing selected edges using the Ctrl-R keyboard shortcut and the new GraphCommands.REVERSE_EDGE_COMMAND. This new behavior can be turned off by setting the #EdgeReversalEnabled property to false.
            • ClickInputMode: If #ActiveButtons includes MouseButtons#RIGHT, the original right click event is marked as handled if ClickInputMode's event handlers mark the higher level click event as handled. Especially, no context menu will be shown if the right click is handled by ClickInputMode itself.
            • GraphEditorInputMode and GraphViewerInputMode: The default click actions that change the selection and create new nodes are only triggered on left mouse clicks now.
            • Previously, ports at nodes and edges that were copied and pasted to and from the clipboard were all copied, even if there where no edges attached to them after the operation. Now those empty ports are not copied/pasted anymore unless the PortDefaults' #AutoCleanupEnabled property is set to false or they were unoccupied before the operation already. In order to restore the old behavior, where all ports were copied, regardless of edges where adjacent to them, make sure to include them in the core predicate, since this behavior change just affects ports that had previously not been accepted by the core predicate function.
            • GraphEditorInputMode's NodeCreated event may now report nodes that are not part of the graph, when the user has dropped a node via NodeDropInputMode and the new NodeDropInputMode#FolderAsParentEnabled property is enabled. By default this feature is disabled, though.
            • IReparentNodeHandler's #isValidParent method may now also be queried if the new GraphEditorInputMode#ReparentingToLeavesEnabled property is enabled. By default this property is disabled, though. Note that the method will also be queried if the reparent handler is used outside the context of GraphEditorInputMode.
            • GraphMLValueSerializerContext: The property #Instance now provides the object that should be converted, not the parent object. If you need to access the actual parent object, you can use the #Owner property.
            • GraphMLIOHandler: The event QueryReferenceId is now never fired for MarkupExtensions and other proxy objects for serialization, only for the original object references.
            • EdgeRouter: Method #doLayout now throws an IllegalArgumentException if there is a node with zero width or height in the given graph.
            • FixedGroupLayoutStage: Property #OrthogonalEdgeRouter now yields an instance of class EdgeRouter instead of class OrthogonalEdgeRouter per default.
            • ComponentLayouter: Method #setPreferredLayoutSize now throws an IllegalArgumentException when setting the preferred size to negative values or zero.
            • Changed default behavior of edge label placement in layouters with integrated edge labeling when using LabelPlacements#ANYWHERE. Now edge labels are placed on the edge and in the center between source and target node. This change affects the following layout algorithms: IncrementalHierarchicLayouter, OrthogonalLayouter, OrthogonalGroupLayouter, DirectedOrthogonalLayouter, GenericTreeLayouter, and LabelLayoutDataRefinement.
            • LabelCandidateDescriptor: The default values of the properties #EdgeOverlapPenalty and #NodeOverlapPenalty have been changed to 0.0. Values greater than 0.0 trigger a known issue in all generic label placement algorithms that erroneously rejects all potential candidates. As a result, no suitable placement is calculated in this case.
            • MoveInputMode accepts mouse hovers with the Shift key held down again.
            • GraphEditorInputMode and GraphViewerInputMode: By default, graph items styled with a void style (VoidNodeStyle, VoidEdgeStyle, VoidLabelStyle, VoidPortStyle) won't be selected or get the focus.
            • GraphEditorInputMode's #ClickHitTestOrder property default value has changed. Now it does not contain the redundant GraphItemTypes#ALL as the last element in the array anymore.
            • GraphViewerInputMode: By default, clipboard commands are now disabled. This can be controlled with the new property #ClipboardCommandsEnabled.
            • The default keyboard shortcut for deselecting elements (GraphCommand#DESELECT_ALL_COMMAND) has been changed to Ctrl+Shift+A. Ctrl+D is now the default shortcut for duplicating selected elements (GraphCommand#DUPLICATE_SELECTION_COMMAND). Duplicating elements can be disabled via the GraphEditorInputMode#DuplicationEnabled property.
            • GraphEditorInputMode: Method #shouldBeMarqueeSelectable is no longer queried by the Paste command to determine the items which should be selected after paste. Instead, the new method #shouldBeSelectedAfterPaste is queried. Note that #shouldBeMarqueeSelectable still is queried to determine the items which should be selected by marquee selection.
            • Now, all pasted items are selected after a Paste (was: only nodes, edges, and bends). This can be configured via the new #PasteSelectableItems property in GraphEditorInputMode and the corresponding #shouldBeSelectedAfterPaste method.
            • If ClickInputMode is configured to deliver both single and double clicks, double clicks are not reported if the first click has created a new node or if cyclic selection is currently active. The same holds for TapInputMode and single/double taps.
            • The segment index for label model parameters of SliderEdgeLabelModel and SideSliderEdgeLabelModel now is related to the visible segments for edges styled with PolylineEdgeStyle.
            • If an IEditLabelHelper implementation is present in an ILabel's lookup, its #editLabel method is now called in addition to an eventual owner's edit helper when the label text is edited. If implementations are present for both the label and the owner, editing is only allowed if both helpers return true. Additionally, the predicate method GraphEditorInputMode#shouldLabelBeEdited always has to return true, whether edit helpers are present or not.
            • The label that is edited is now determined in the following order:
              1. If a label is explicitly provided as a command parameter or through a convenience method or is the only selected element, it is edited if the previous condition is satisfied. No other candidates are tried in that case.
              2. If a label owner is explicitly provided as a command parameter or through a convenience method, or is the only selected element, the first label that satisfies the condition above is edited if the previous condition is satisfied. If no such label exists, a new label is be added, provided that the owner allows adding. In either case, no other candidates are tried.
              3. The first selected label for which the previous condition is satisfied.
              4. If multiple label owners are selected, the first owner that has a label for which the previous condition is satisfied (in which case that label is edited).
              5. If IEditLabelHelper#editLabel for either an editable label or its owner provides a different label instance, this instance is edited instead.
              6. Otherwise, a label is added if an eligible owner can be found (see below).
            • If an IEditLabelHelper implementation is present in an ILabeledItem's lookup, its #addLabel method is called to determine whether a label may be added and provide a suitable label instance. Additionally, the predicate method GraphEditorInputMode#shouldLabelBeAdded always has to return true, whether edit helpers are present or not. If the new label should be edited interactively after it's creation (the default behavior), it also must be editable, following the rules above. Therefore an IEditLabelHelper implementation usually should allow editing of label instances that it has created itself in #addLabel.
            • The label owner for which a label is added is now determined in the following order:
              1. If a label owner is explicitly provided as a command parameter or through a convenience method, or is the only selected element, a label is added if the previous condition is satisfied. No other candidates are tried in that case.
              2. If multiple label owners are selected, the first one for which the previous condition is satisfied.

            yFiles for JavaFX

            yFiles for JavaFX



            • Fixed a ConcurrentModificationException when using newer Java versions (1.8.0_20 and above) in MultiplexingInputMode that occurred in certain situations (e.g. when resizing a row or column in a table interactively).
            • SimpleLabelStyleRenderer now updates the location of a label properly (e.g. when using undo).
            • OrientedRectangleExtensions#contains does not modify the given PointD instance anymore.
            • GraphML: Prevented an IllegalArgumentException when deserializing images with no image data.
            • GraphOverviewControl now adapts its zoom level to size changes of its container.
            • Node ports can now be moved by dragging their IHandle.
            • Classes of the package com.yworks.yfiles.geometry will no longer throw a NullPointerException when calling #equals with null as parameter.
            • Key events that are handled by the framework will now be consumed. This prevents that they are processed elsewhere again.
            • Looking up typed subclasses of IHitTestEnumerator no longer throws a ClassCastException.
            • Fixed API documentation of method ImageNodeStyle#clone which falsely claimed that a deep copy is created.


            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed NPE that could occur when octilinear edges are attached to group nodes.
            • HVTreeLayouter: Fixed bug that may cause edges with reversed direction if the layout isn't run in buffered mode.
            • PortCandidateSet: Fixed bug that caused method PortCandidateSet.CandidateMatcher#findMatchingCandidate() to return the entry with the highest cost instead of the lowest cost if the candidate matcher is created with method PortCandidateSet#createMatcher().
            • DirectedOrthogonalLayouter: Fixed bug that caused an IllegalArgumentException if DataProvider-Key y.layout.PortConstraintKeys#SOURCE_GROUPID_KEY is registered to the input graph but DataProvider-Key y.layout.PortConstraintKeys#TARGET_GROUPID_KEY is not registered.
            • MultiPageLayouter: Fixed bug that may cause non-orthogonal edge routes.
            • TreeReductionStage: Fixed bug that may cause a WrongGraphStructure-Exception if the input graph contains group nodes with incident edges.
            • TreeLayouter: Fixed bug that may cause a ClassCastException if the input graph is a CopiedLayoutGraph that consists of multiple connected components and the layouter uses the LayeredNodePlacer (e.g., if option TreeLayouter#getChildPlacementPolicy(byte) is set to TreeLayouter#CHILD_PLACEMENT_POLICY_ALL_LEAVES_ON_SAME_LAYER).
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed rare NullReferenceException that mainly appears if there are overlapping nodes.
            • PartialLayouter: Fixed bug that may cause broken edge routes for edges incident to incremental group nodes if option RouteInterEdgesImmediately is enabled.
            • CompactOrthogonalLayouter: Fixed possible ArgumentException caused by nodes without node-ids. This problem may only appear if the inter edge router is set to ChannelInterEdgeRouter.
            • AbstractLabelingAlgorithm: Fixed bug that may cause removal of labels that don't overlap with other elements if option RemoveNodeOverlaps is enabled.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed rare InvalidOperationException that may appear for grouped graphs containing nodes with fixed coordinates hint (see, e.g., IncrementalHintsFactory.CreateUseExactCoordinatesHint).
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed bug that breaks incremental hints of grouped edges in incremental layout mode. (see IncrementalHintsFactory.CreateSequenceIncrementallyHint).
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed bug that may cause a wrong order of fixed (non-incremental) elements if the layouter is applied in incremental mode and the graph contains sequence constraints.
            • BorderLine: Fixed bug in method Grow that may result in an ArgumentException because the minimum value of a BorderLine becomes greater than the maximum value.
            • Polyline.EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that may cause zero length routes of edges whose start and end point are at the same location.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed possible IndexOutOfRangeException that may occur for grouped graphs in incremental mode with recursive group layering enabled.
            • BusRouter: Fixed NullReferenceException that may appear for graphs containing isolated nodes with self-loops.
            • TreeReductionStage: Fixed wrong handling of group nodes which may cause a WrongGraphStructure exception as well as broken routes of edges incident to group nodes.
            • Fixed NullReferenceException when using AssistantPlacer together with distributed port assignment.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed possible IllegalArgumentException caused by an inconsistent order of group nodes.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed broken edge routes that may occur for edges with labels if there are "critical" edges, see #CRITICAL_EDGE_DPKEY.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed IllegalArgumentException (Graph is not acyclic) in SimplexNodePlacer that could appear when sequence constraints were added to a graph with swimlanes and group nodes.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed IllegalArgumentException in ConstraintIncrementalLayerer that could appear when layer constraints were added in incremental mode.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed broken edge routes that may occur for edges with labels if SimplexNodePlacer's property #EdgeStraighteningOptimizationEnabled is enabled.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed rare IllegalArgumentException in BorderLine that was caused by numerical instability when using swimlanes.
            • SmartOrganicLayouter: Fixed bug that caused weird placement of fixed elements if the minimal node distance is set to 0.
            • CircularLayouter: Fixed possible NullPointerException when layout style is set to #BCC_ISOLATED and consider node labels is enabled.
            • Fixed NullPointerException when using AssistantPlacer together with distributed port assignment.
            • CircularLayouter: Fixed issue that may cause infinite/too large node coordinates for unfavorable input settings, e.g., if the maximal deviation angle is chosen to small (see property #MaximalDeviationAngle). Note that such coordinates may produce infinite looping or other exceptions.
            • MultiPageLayouter: Fixed possible NullPointerException if the input graph contains empty group nodes.
            • MultiPageLayouter: Fixed possible ClassCastException if group node insets are specified with class java.awt.Insets.
            • PartialLayouter: Fixed broken edge routes that may appear if option #EdgeRoutingStrategy is set to #EDGE_ROUTING_STRATEGY_OCTILINEAR.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed wrong heuristic bend calculation if grid is used.
            • BusRouter: Fixed NullPointerException in BusRepresentations that could appear if the input graph contains overlapping nodes.
            • AbstractLabelingAlgorithm: Fixed bug that causes poor results if option #EdgeOverlapsRemovalEnabled is enabled and the labels should be placed on the edge.
            • FixedGroupLayoutStage: Fixed #canLayout which changed the structure and layout of the graph.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed rare bug that caused broken edge routes if edges are routed as polylines.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed IllegalArgumentException that may appear for graphs containing nodes with fixed coordinates.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed bug that caused wrong coordinates of empty rows (see class RowDescriptor) whose minimum height is zero.
            • LabelLayoutDataRefinement: Fixed possible ClassCastException for unbuffered layout runs.
            • RecursiveGroupLayouter: Removed all temporarily inserted port candidates before calling the inter-edge routing because otherwise the edges routes may become corrupted.
            • DirectedOrthogonalLayouter: Fixed a bug that sometimes caused misplaced edge labels of grouped edges.
            • TreeLayouter and GenericTreeLayouter: Fixed possible NullPointerException for trees with empty group nodes.
            • ShuffleLayouter: Fixed bug that may cause small offsets of fixed nodes.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug in calculation of edge to edge distance penalties which could reduce the space where edges can be routed causing them to take unnecessary long routes.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that caused edges that connect a node with an ancestor group node to violate the minimal node to edge distance for the target node.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that caused edges that connect a node with an ancestor group node to have unnecessary long and bended edge paths when using port constraints.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that caused edges that connect a node with an ancestor group node to cross their source nodes when using port constraints.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that makes it possible to group the source of one edge and the target of another edge at their common node.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that sometimes causes superfluous edge overlaps.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that caused minimum distance violation of grouped edges.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed rare NullPointerException while calculating edge crossing costs.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed possible NullPointerException for edge groups that contain fixed edges.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that caused wrong routes for edges grouped with fixed edges.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that sometimes assumed wrong label bounds for labels of table nodes. This could result in too many bends for edges that were routed around those wrong boxes. Labels of table nodes are now ignored by the router if TableLayoutConfigurator is used to prepare the graph for layout calculations.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed bug that sometimes assumed wrong label bounds if the router was used directly after another layout algorithm. This could result in too many bends for edges that were routed around those wrong boxes and/or edges crossing labels because the actual label boxes were ignored.
            • PolylineLayoutStage: Fixed possible ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if there are fixed edges with a single, very short segment.
            • BusRouter: Fixed clean up of bends that resulted in unnecessary detours in edge paths.
            • BusRouter: Fixed possible ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.
            • BusRouter: Fixed possible IllegalStateException caused by non-orthogonal edge segments.
            • BusRouter: Fixed possible NullPointerException when routing only a subset of edges without adding a IDataProvider to the graph that marks edges as selected.
            • EdgeRouter: Fixed possible ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for graphs with very short fixed edges.
            • IncrementalHierarchicLayouter: Fixed a bug that could result in infinite y-coordinates when octilinear edge routing was enabled.


            • Fixed the ANT build script to run the demos.
            • Fixed the ANT build script to run the SWT interoperability demo with Java 8.

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