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Visualizing factory workflows at Airbus
How Airbus visualizes specific technical dependencies, without building a graph library from scratch.
Outsmarting cybercrime — with network diagrams
How Langner, Inc. uses CAD-like visualization to protect power plants and factories.
Case Study: DbVis Software AB
For businesses today, working with large volumes of data is often essential for securing market share and ensuring a strong future. DbVisualizer offers a universal database tool that runs on all major OSes.
yWorks Year in Review: 2020
In retrospect, we found lots of bright moments among the challenges in 2020. Let’s revisit the highlights together. Surprises await…
Hacktoberfest 2020
Open-source software is crucial for the software industry. yWorks took part at Hacktoberfest 2020 to celebrate this during the month of October.
The Making of yFiles
Sebastian shows the journey of yFiles and our other products in this presentation and reveals some secrets of the past and what is to come in the future!
Case Study: JetBrains
As codebases grow larger, it becomes more and more important to keep an overview - especially for large software companies that work with a large number of developers on their software. Automatic UML and class diagrams can quickly and easily create this overview.
Graphs can change children’s lives
Visualizations can be found in places where you would not expect them in the first place. Diagrams can help social workers to find permanent homes for foster children.
yWorks releases version 2.3 of yFiles for HTML!
The year 2020 releases of the diagramming software libray family yFiles come with an impressive number of new features. Come and find out more about the highlights in this article.
Case Study: Visualizing Digital Innovation
How Appollo Systems used yFiles to create the first low-code development platform for visual business analyses and optimization on the market.
Latest Blog Posts
Maximizing the value of large graphs through collapsing techniques
Creating Graph Visualizations by prompting Large Language Models
Exploring the Graph Behind Little Alchemy 2
Elevating Engineering Excellence through Dynamic Data Visualization
Empowering Graphs: A Year of Transformative Innovations and Achievements with yWorks
Use Cases
Business process management
Company structures
Data management
Supply chain management
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